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Future Pro Channel request.


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It's probably my fourth time requesting this for 2020. 

When hiding the "Pro channel" under the module tab in the console. Can we get it to only hide the visual eq square and not the "Post; Clip indicator and on/off button." 

I like to work with as minimum visual as possible. However, the pro channel on and off switch/button comes in handy a lot. I rarely use the pro channel EQ that's why I hide it's visual box,  (called ""PRO CHANNEL" under the Module tab in console view.) but I do use the Console Emulators on every track and one or two FX dials. Having the global Pro Channel on and off button visible is essential - I don't see why it should get hidden with the clip indicator LED and post button too. I've requested this a few times. 


Please bakers. ?

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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@Will_Kaydo, I've got a curiosity question.  You stated

17 hours ago, Will_Kaydo said:

It's probably my fourth time requesting this for 2020.



17 hours ago, Will_Kaydo said:

If requested this a few times. 

Let's say each request gets 10 positive responses.  At 4 requests for 2020 that's forty positive responses.  Do you think forty positive responses on one post would carry more weight and has a better chance of being implemented than 4 requests from the same person?

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14 hours ago, Jim Fogle said:

@Will_Kaydo, I've got a curiosity question.  You stated



Let's say each request gets 10 positive responses.  At 4 requests for 2020 that's forty positive responses.  Do you think forty positive responses on one post would carry more weight and has a better chance of being implemented than 4 requests from the same person?

Well, It didn't get 10 or 40 responses. So, I'm gonna keep requesting until it get's picked up. 

Why do you find my four requests problematic? Everyone has some idea's that falls on deaf ears a few times, before it eventually gets noted. This will benefit me in my workflow and I'm sure for others too who hasn't seen the request yet. 

Why hide the strip with the global on and off switch of the pro channel when hiding the eq module? Just because I don't use the channel EQ doesn't mean the entire pro channel features should gets hidden. I do use the channel compressors, tube and saturation  especially the console emulator. 

@Jim Fogle Don't bust my man parts like this. ?

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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On 9/28/2020 at 3:27 AM, Jim Fogle said:

@Will_Kaydo, I apologize if you believe I'm busting your chops.  That is not my intent.  I'm curious, that's all.  I would think it would be easier to periodically bump a thread than it is to re-write it.  Again I'm sorry you took offense.

Lol. None taken, I know it was with good intention. I was merely just throwing in some humour. 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
  • Haha 1
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