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Doc is BACK!


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  On 9/22/2020 at 8:58 AM, paulo said:

Great Scott ! What a time to be alive......



(A brief and enthralling history of nicknames)

Not quite the right 'Doc' mate ?

Nor this one:



Del's original Cakewalk username was his initials + surname:



Me, being the master of the witty quip, espoused the theory that the 'DR' part of his name stood for 'Doctor' - hence 'Doc H', or latterly 'The Doc'.

Pistolpete gave me a rather unfunny nickname based on my username ('Strumpy', among others), but Del started calling me 'Strummy' and it seems to have stuck ?

Alex 'The Kook' (who is Dutch) occasionally mistranslated words into English - one which followed him around afterwards was his description of eating asparagus, where he stated it was "yammy" (rather than 'yummy').

Mr Bapsi then unfunnily started calling me Strammy based on Alex's mistranslation.

And then he added the 'U' back (i.e. Straummy), based on the theory than English folk put unrequired 'U's into words that don't need them (e.g. 'colour'; 'armour'), despite the clue being in the name; i.e. The English language ? 


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  On 9/27/2020 at 1:21 PM, paulo said:

Yep, I know all that. But he is back to the (relative) future.?


Forgot to mention my preferred mode of transportation isn’t a DeLorean but rather a Time And Relative Displacement In Space device, which is ostensibly and is very possibly alive. (Started by me m8 Strummy). 


  On 9/27/2020 at 1:23 PM, paulo said:

Don't worry about it. You won't be needing them.The world is ending.........hasn't anyone told you yet??


It’s all relative.

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