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Truth and Reality

freddy j

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I apologize for posting another song so quickly, but it was in me and had to come out.  Accepting the conclusions of medical, research, and public health experts, I am a "stay at home" guy.  The problem is that I have been watching too much TV (especially news).  This little number is what resulted from this affliction.  It is done up in bluesabilly style and is intended to be a bit rough and raw but not too biting.

As always, comments, crit.'s, suggestions, etc. will be greatly appreciated.




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19 hours ago, freddy j said:

apologize for posting another song so quickly

Love is never having to say you're sorry...

More great stuff, love the social commentary! ?

We are entitled to our opinions, just not our own set of facts....


liar, liar, pants on fire, your nose is longer than a telephone wire

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Hi Douglas.  Thanks very much.  I appreciate the kind words.  BTW, I just posted a comment on your recent post (Lucky Me).  What a treat, I really enjoyed it!

Hi tom.  "Love is never having to say your sorry ..."    ----- It must be my Canadian upbringing, we used to use that word a lot way back then. ?  

                  "More great stuff, love the social commentary>"  ---  Just some ruminating about things.  Thanks, for the encouragement.

                 "We are entitled to our opinions, just not our own set of facts ..."    ----  Amen to that my friend.!!

                 Thanks again!

Hi David.  I appreciate the kind words. I also just commented on your recent post. Very creative and well done work!!

Hey Bjorn.  Thanks much.  I very much appreciate your taking the time to listen and your comments.  And yes indeed, one would think reality and truth would be the same thing.

Hello Jesse.  I have done testified!  Now can I get a witness???  I'm running hard to keep up with your one a day songs.  Luv-it!

Hey Nigel.  Thank you very much.  Coming from a pro like you - your comments mean a lot.  "... it's best not to watch too much news -..."  I certainly can't disagree with that but being ever so slightly OCD, I try and get news from multiple disparate sources.  Unfortunately, that often means system overload! ?

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Good song, important stuff, everything sounds good, enjoyed it. If I was mixing this, I would turn the vocals up a little bit, you have a nice deep voice and also a teeny bit brighter. The words are important so yeah,  just a little more vocals but they are fine as they are for sure. I expect I have a quarantine song somewhere waiting to be made, I have one called Now Lie in It on my bandcamp from a little while back when lies seemed to be becoming so engrained. 

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Hi Wookie.  Well, as the man once said, "it's in me and it's gotta come out" (an adapted paraphrase actually ?).  I am very glad that you liked it and it brought a bit of motion to your furry paws.  Thanks for the kind comments.

Hello Hidden Symmetry.  Thank you very much for listening and for the kind comments.  I very glad that you liked it!!

Hi Treesha.  Thanks very much for taking the time to comment.  You are not the first to make the comment that I should turn up the vocals and I can't disagree.  I'll keep at it until some day I get it right.  I look forward to hearing your "quarantine" song!!

Hi Lynn.  Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.  I have taken your advise and requested my ballot.  I will be personally dropping it off to our Supervisor of Elections office.  BTW, I am getting ready to post a song dealing with your voting suggestion (inspired again by a suggestion on the forum -- thanks).

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