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The air quality where I live has been rated the Worst in The Planet


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On 9/17/2020 at 5:31 AM, Starise said:


I had to laugh at those dog videos. I have two yorkies from the same litter and this is exactly what they do.  When they watch TV they look like the're scouting prey. The cable company here has a  deal where they allow you to watch sample videos for unsubscribed channels. One of those subscriptions is the pet channel. No lie. This is for those who want to have something for their dogs to watch. Cats too I guess. It's all doggies 24/7 just doing doggie stuff. ....anyways......the Yorkies are very territorial and went into attack mode sometimes jumping 2ft off the floor. That's saying a lot for a dog that's only  14" long. Full on barking. They see every dog as a threat. No doggie channel here of I would never have any peace. Needless to say taking them to a pet park wasn't a very good experience either. They think they are lions. Have no concept that some dogs poop bigger than them. I have seen them scare big dogs which is funny. Any other time they are so docile and loving you wouldn't know.

Kenny I'm not convinced you're a sasquatch. You wanna see hairy? Heck I have hair growing on my hair. I'll send some pics......second thought, I don't believe that's something you really want to see. There's a reason people clear the beach if I show up with no shirt on. If i stand really still around Christmas time people try to hang lights on me.:D

Yeah Tim !   dogs going nuts while watching TV is some funny stuff ...I played with a Bass Player once that had to get hair cuts all the time because they had to trim the back of his neck . His back hairs went all the way up to above his lower neck line  ?

Me personally , I was a bald eagle even when I was in high school ...I ran track and I hated taking showers with the team after practice because   I had 3 hairs on my chest and  only 4 or 5  hairs on my balls ....back then being able to grow a mustache or having a hairy chest  was sort of a status symbol ...fast forward to today ...I still don't have much of any hair on my chest ..at least I got more than 4 or 5  hairs nowadays  at my southern hemisphere Yeah ...I know ....TMI ?


6 hours ago, bitflipper said:

I used to mock people who watch dog 'n cat videos, too. Get a frickin' life, I'd say.

Well, a few years ago I was stricken with excruciating back pain that lasted for 2 years before finally remedying it through surgery. It was a truly miserable period of my life. Sleep was elusive. I couldn't lie down, had to sleep in a chair. No matter how much you bundle up your feet still get cold when you're sleeping in a chair. A handful of Vicodins would grant me maybe 20 minutes of sleep at a time. I could feel sanity slowly slipping away from sleep deprivation.

Then one day around 3:00 AM I ran across a bunch of puppy and kitten videos while attempting to distract my brain from the pain. It was oddly relaxing. It soon became part of my nightly ritual. I'd mute the TV and zone out to happier thoughts. Now that I can sleep and walk again there's no longer any need for that, but I credit puppies and kittens for keeping me from going crazy during that time.

Hey Dave !

Even when I had Duke I used to like watching pet videos every so often ...

Those dancing cockatoos  on u tube look like heavy metal lead singers when they bop their heads up and down to the music ...

This bird runs out of steam after 30 seconds, gets a second wind and hits it one more time .


I didn't know you had such problems w your sleep and your  back ...

I'm having major sleep problems over here and my doctor wants me to spend a night in the hospital for a clinical sleep study ....I haven't even owned a bed or slept in a bed since 2009 .. My left arm is one third titanium right up to my shoulder  from a bad cycling accident and the only way I could sleep was in a Lazy boy style chair ...

Then Duke went and broke my other arm right near the shoulder about 3 years ago by accident   .I had to get  a new chair  because my old one broke .

Both times during the physical  healing  phase I had to relearn how to play the guitar because of the pain and a restricted  range of motion  for both of my arms ..

all the best,



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Well, technically titanium may not qualify as heavy metal. It's used because of its light weight. Not implying Kenny's a lightweight.

Now, had Kenny's insurance forced him to go with the cheaper wrought-iron option, he'd need a Les Paul just as a counterbalance to keep from toppling over.

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17 hours ago, Sheens said:

today here the air quality got far worse.

could be related to this mornings eggs salad sandwiches 

(Strummy hope this post reaches you well ).

                                                                                                   Sheens ! your a bad bad boy ?



Or when the holiday season rolls  around  you can always  send Strummy! one of these  :P




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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10 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

                                                                                                   Sheens ! your a bad bad boy ?



Or when the holiday season rolls  around  you can always  send Strummy! one of these  :P




Thanks Kenny !  lol !  Bookmarked that webshop, might use it sometime.


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19 hours ago, craigb said:

I knew there was a bit of heavy metal in you Kenny! ?

(Hope things start improving for you soon though! ?)

Craigb! thanks for the kind thought . my wallet is currently on life support . At least I got my car running again ...it needed a new starter  .


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19 minutes ago, Sheens said:

Thanks Kenny !  lol !  Bookmarked that webshop, might use it sometime.


Well , you can make your own if you want .

I used to have a kinky G F back East ...we used to enjoy playing  tricks on each other ...

We had this habit of eating food in bed so one day I took a half eaten can of Planters mixed nuts and replaced the nuts with something else like uncooked  Mac & Cheese elbows w out the cheese to give the can some weight and content  ..then I bent over and ripped a wet juicy one right into the can and closed the lid .

I did this while she was in the bathroom . About 10 mins later she reached for the can  of mixed nuts and she was greeted with a fresh pungent aroma when she opened up the lid ? she actually like the joke so much we tried to find out how long the can would hold the stink ....I remember with just a regular can with the plastic top 3 hours seemed to be the max time ...I have heard that an air tight container could last a real long time ...


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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3 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Well, technically titanium may not qualify as heavy metal. It's used because of its light weight. Not implying Kenny's a lightweight.

Now, had Kenny's insurance forced him to go with the cheaper wrought-iron option, he'd need a Les Paul just as a counterbalance to keep from toppling over.


I'm very lucky to have gotten the surgery the doctors  did for me . I couldn't play the guitar for almost a year unless  I only played  in one fretting zone / area of the neck . That happened  in 2009 and it was my introduction to sleeping on a Lazy Boy ...

I would love to be a light weight again as far as my actual weight go's ...I kid you not , every time I hop on my scale  I sing  these words  in my best atonal voice  

Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
(Tell me lies, tell me, tell me lies)
Remember Steven Seagal  when he was a skinny and a tough looking bad ***** ? I used to be thin and in shape like him ....Now that he is all Porked Out  and looking the way he does , I'm catching up to him there too. I may have to take the 25 pairs of jeans in assorted sizes I can no longer fit into anymore and just donate them to Good Will ..




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After dropping nearly 100 lbs I bagged up all my fat pants and gave 'em to Goodwill. A chapter closed, I thought.

Then quarantine happened. I've had to buy new pants.

Haven't tossed the now-too-small ones, though. One has to at least pretend to retain a little optimism in these trying times.

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Actually, Paulo, I did consider that option. Unfortunately, I do not live alone. Unless my daughter and grandkids first unanimously agree that pants are optional, I shall remain prudently panted.

As it is, they already suspect that grandpa is demented. Even though there is some evidence to support their suspicions, I am not prepared to confirm it just yet.

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1 hour ago, bitflipper said:

Actually, Paulo, I did consider that option. Unfortunately, I do not live alone. Unless my daughter and grandkids first unanimously agree that pants are optional, I shall remain prudently panted.

As it is, they already suspect that grandpa is demented. Even though there is some evidence to support their suspicions, I am not prepared to confirm it just yet.

You could run for President! ?

Oh, wait...  That no longer confirms this. ?

Nevermind. ?

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On 9/19/2020 at 11:47 AM, bitflipper said:

After dropping nearly 100 lbs I bagged up all my fat pants and gave 'em to Goodwill. A chapter closed, I thought.

Then quarantine happened. I've had to buy new pants.

Haven't tossed the now-too-small ones, though. One has to at least pretend to retain a little optimism in these trying times.

Yes I hate to say it but the quarantine messed me up too ...Today I went to try on what used to be my fat pair of non stretch  jeans  and I was greeted with  couple of inches  of belly . There was no way  for me to close  the waistline  and zip up the zipper  ...Oh well  it looks  like it's gonna stay sweat pants and stretch jeans  for now .

On 9/19/2020 at 1:26 PM, paulo said:

You missed a trick there......

One of the best things about quarantine is not having to wear any pants.

I hope you have and use a bidet often because butt hole cleanliness  is real important when you don't wear traditional  pants   ...more than once over the years I have caught a brown racing strip on the inside of my jeans  ...yeah that might be TMI but  I don't  plan on marking my furniture  with my but hole secretion's any time soon ...

On 9/19/2020 at 3:55 PM, bitflipper said:

Actually, Paulo, I did consider that option. Unfortunately, I do not live alone. Unless my daughter and grandkids first unanimously agree that pants are optional, I shall remain prudently panted.

As it is, they already suspect that grandpa is demented. Even though there is some evidence to support their suspicions, I am not prepared to confirm it just yet.


Amen Brother you tell em .


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