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The Squatch lives on in many Oregon towns!  A friend mints coins that are quite popular and I've created the artwork on several including some with Squatch-related themes.

The second one is of the Paxarbolis Octopus.  The legendary tree octopus and favorite food of Squatches everywhere! ?



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2 hours ago, craigb said:

The Squatch lives on in many Oregon towns!  A friend mints coins that are quite popular and I've created the artwork on several including some with Squatch-related themes.

The second one is of the Paxarbolis Octopus.  The legendary tree octopus and favorite food of Squatches everywhere! ?



Interesting hobby.

Sasquatch is quite elusive. They can find chipmunks and squirrels by they can't  locate an 8ft tall biped. Hmmmmmm.

Word has it he's inter dimensional ,has an uncanny knack for camouflage or both.  Maybe you remember the Mt St. Helen's eruption? 

Time for the popcorn :)


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On 9/14/2020 at 6:39 AM, Gswitz said:


Hey, Kenny! I found this on Craig's list. It's an ES-336 from the 90s some time.

7 9231 is the serial number. Seems in pretty good shape. It has some wear on the head stock from being hung. It was set-up badly but I fixed that in an hour.

Coolest toy I've ever had.



Gswitz ! looking at your new guitar made me track down my current 335 style guitar ...


I bought this guitar brand new in  2000 from ABC Music in Burbank when I lived  in L.A.

She is a Korean DeArmond (Guild ) Starfire IV  in natural ...the lighting in my pics do not do this guitar justice at all ...


Since I just took these pics a few mins ago ,  I might as well throw in my SG ...




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On 9/15/2020 at 9:50 AM, craigb said:

I know exactly what Kenny needs: A new best buddy (I know, I need one too, but can't really have any pets yet...?).  It should be getting close to the right time...  Duke would approve! ?


I see a really cute American Bulldog pup out with a mom and her son almost every time I go walking around LeRoy Haagen Memorial Community Park.  VERY friendly with killer markings (the entire left-side of his face is golden-brown while the entire rest of him is white).  Makes me smile twice every lap (they go in the opposite direction). ?

Look how cute that little puppy  is  . Someday ! .

Here's a pic of Duke and I during better days .


Hey Craigb ! I used to live over by where that park is . Very nice neighborhood .


all the best


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 I can't say sasquatch rub would have been my first choice for barbeque. They generally smell pretty bad from what I hear. Short story- I was given one of those ceramic grill smokers recently and have been experimenting with it.  I had a different type a few times before this but they all rusted and I threw them out. I made some ribs on it this past Sunday and used a great rub. One of the secrets to this is you put maple syrup all over the ribs to hold on the rub and give the ribs a nice sweet taste. I don't usually like ribs...but these would make you slap your momma. I can smell them now while I type this. Yum. WAY better than those pre packaged pre flavored ribs you can buy here. 

I had to laugh at those dog videos. I have two yorkies from the same litter and this is exactly what they do.  When they watch TV they look like the're scouting prey. The cable company here has a  deal where they allow you to watch sample videos for unsubscribed channels. One of those subscriptions is the pet channel. No lie. This is for those who want to have something for their dogs to watch. Cats too I guess. It's all doggies 24/7 just doing doggie stuff. ....anyways......the Yorkies are very territorial and went into attack mode sometimes jumping 2ft off the floor. That's saying a lot for a dog that's only  14" long. Full on barking. They see every dog as a threat. No doggie channel here of I would never have any peace. Needless to say taking them to a pet park wasn't a very good experience either. They think they are lions. Have no concept that some dogs poop bigger than them. I have seen them scare big dogs which is funny. Any other time they are so docile and loving you wouldn't know.

Kenny I'm not convinced you're a sasquatch. You wanna see hairy? Heck I have hair growing on my hair. I'll send some pics......second thought, I don't believe that's something you really want to see. There's a reason people clear the beach if I show up with no shirt on. If i stand really still around Christmas time people try to hang lights on me.:D

Edited by Starise
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I used to mock people who watch dog 'n cat videos, too. Get a frickin' life, I'd say.

Well, a few years ago I was stricken with excruciating back pain that lasted for 2 years before finally remedying it through surgery. It was a truly miserable period of my life. Sleep was elusive. I couldn't lie down, had to sleep in a chair. No matter how much you bundle up your feet still get cold when you're sleeping in a chair. A handful of Vicodins would grant me maybe 20 minutes of sleep at a time. I could feel sanity slowly slipping away from sleep deprivation.

Then one day around 3:00 AM I ran across a bunch of puppy and kitten videos while attempting to distract my brain from the pain. It was oddly relaxing. It soon became part of my nightly ritual. I'd mute the TV and zone out to happier thoughts. Now that I can sleep and walk again there's no longer any need for that, but I credit puppies and kittens for keeping me from going crazy during that time.

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