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The air quality where I live has been rated the Worst in The Planet


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Holy Smokes !  It looks like the Planet  Mars outside where I live . The sky is overcast with an  Orange Red Color to it . 

I live about 10 miles North  of Portland OR  in Vancouver WA . Thankfully  I am not directly in the actual fire burn zone ...

The air is so smoke filled and thick it is almost  impossible to to breath with out straining  . Forget about going outside ...

I have woken up a number of times out of a deep sleep literally choking and gasping for air  (  dealing w heart problems and shortness  of breath  before all this  certainly  contributes to the extreme effects of the air quality for me )

Toughing this one out has been a challenge on so many levels  . Between the isolation of  social distancing and all the riots  in Portland  OR  I am convinced these are certainly some very strange times ...Yet in all honesty after taking an inventory , I know  it could be far worse because I'm sitting here cozy w a full stomach , a roof over my head and a guitar or two to bang on if I happen to feel the need .  ( still wish I had a dog )

My heart goes out to all the people that have had to evacuate away from their homes due to  the fires . In some cases they have gone back to what they thought was  home only to find they have lost every thing .




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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It ain't much better here, a hundred miles north of you. It's like a foggy day, except the "fog" is brown and makes you gasp for air.

We're supposed to stay indoors with the windows shut. That would be a reasonable plan during the 9 months of the year when it's cold and rainy here. But in September that can make it too hot to sleep at night. Choose between not being able to sleep because it's too hot, or because you can't breathe. Either way, it's not going to be a restful night. 

On the plus side, it smells like the whole world is having one giant barbecue.

Except when the smell of melting plastic gets mixed in. That's pretty nasty, and you try not to think about the reason for that smell, as it's probably somebody's home and/or car on fire. 

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It is just as bad up there where you are according to the linked article and the news ...Our locations were tied up until Portland inched ahead by a smidge .

Dumb assed me walked around last night for almost an hour for my  exercise  , I didn't realize I was so-posed to stay indoors  under these type of harsh air quality conditions ....duh ....

Then  I went  and left my patio  and bed room windows  cracked about 6 inches all night  ...it was painful inside my apt ...I woke up a few times with my throat super dry and it felt like it had closed up on me ..

I'm somewhat Lucky  ,   my place came with  central air  . Today I shut all my windows  and I'm running the fan section of that unit .

Yeah it smells like something is smoking in here ...It ain't the barbecue ...LOL

I see the displaced people on the News and their attitudes are so unbelievable ...Some have lost everything  and the spirit they exhibit is still one of gratitude and hope .

  I'm glad to hear your OK



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There are over three dozen major fires going in Oregon and even more than in Washington and California (not to mention the states that border these!).  I think Mother Nature is punishing the West Coast (Left Coast?) for it's idiotic politics...

Check out this Government Fire Map!

Like Kenny, I can barely see across the street and the sun is just a little red circle in the sky!  There's finally a REAL reason to wear a mask if you have to be outside...

We have some clients that have already evacuated and others that are prepping (we're working to make sure they're backups are safe - I do IT consulting).  Between my business partner and I, we have several friends and relatives that have evacuated.  The statistic that blew me away (I'm not sure I agree with the "Worst Air Quality on the Planet one, I've seen parts of China on video!), is that 10% of the population of Oregon has been evacuated! (Over 500,000 people.)

There was a rumor going around that Antifa was starting the fires (they did double in number over night), but this was primarily due to a fake social media account that got created.  This rumor has been well OVER debunked with all sorts of media (including Snopes) saying it's just not true.  I believed this too until I learned a few things...  There was a 37-year old female from Selenas California that was arrested for starting fires (no known Antifa affiliation), then a 36-year old male from Puyallup Washington (who DID turn out to be an Antifa member), plus they were looking for a guy "with a black German Sheppard and a green SUV" who was seen starting a fire.  Now, that still didn't convince me until I heard from an ex-business partner in Willamina Oregon who witnessed some youths get arrested with "incendiary devices" on them, a client who was listening to a police scanner in Molalla Oregon about police chasing four to five cars of kids throwing Molotov cocktails, and a guy who used to be on my dart team posted a video (since removed by the censorship of Facebook) showing the arrest of one of occupants in one of those cars...  Now I'm not convinced there isn't a connection...  Even without any organized affiliation, people that are starting fires should have all the punishment possible!  There are at least four towns in Oregon  (Detroit, Pace, Talent and Phoenix) that simply no longer exist!  I have no idea what the death count is up to by now (more than 20), but MILLIONS of acres of land have burned (to give an idea of the scope, it's more than the entire size of Wales' 8,002 square miles!).

Of course, as much as most of the population just wants to get the fires put out and then figure out how to start over, the idiotic people that somehow got elected to run things are, naturally, trying to politicize things...  After repeatedly saying that the Federal government should stay out of all the "Left Coast" states, the governors are now begging for help (while complaining that it's coming too late - more "Trump's fault!" B.S.) - oh, and they're also using this as proof of Global Warming!  Really???!  Facts mean nothing to these people and they should all be put in a hole if you ask me.  (Ah, I forgot to mention some of the mishandling of fire resources where some units were allowed to be lent to other places because they pay more and, therefore, became unavailable when they're OWN neighborhoods needed to be evacuated!  Wow...

I hope they get all these fires out soon with minimal more destruction and impact on people!  We just had a very welcome change in the weather that should help.

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12 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

Kenny: The air quality where I live has been rated the Worst in The Planet

Strummy's toilet after a he's recycled a chicken vindaloo: Hold my beer


 chicken vindaloo?  ...Hey Steve !  that sounds exactly like a dish I would enjoy eating and cooking .I think the garlic and ginger ingredients not only add to the taste , I think they  can also add to the subtle aroma of Kenny's errrmm I mean Strummy's toilet ?


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Hi Craigb , as a fellow Vantuckian  I'm glad to see you are still around and that you have kept yourself safe .

Well thought out post on your part overall ...thank you for sharing .

As far as the air quality goes , once again The KGW 11 O ' clock News has boldly stated during the newscast The Air Quality in The Portland area currently  is Ranked #1 as the WORST  Air on The Planet for the 3 rd day in a row ....This is all due to the fires , the Geo location , and  other factors...

Now for sure , on any given day there are many city's through out  the World  that  have  poor air quality  .The thing is  ,many of  those city's air sucks all the time ...all year round ...

I happen to like The Portland air quality when The States of Oregon & Washington aren't burning down  ...

It looks as we have another day or two of this air quality before things blow over and clear up some ...

This too shall pass .



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6 hours ago, craigb said:

But doesn't the Milky Way look good from the surface of Mars though? ?


After a Pipe-full , now I got the Munchies  .....

Oh Man , looking at those two candy bars are torture ...the only snacks around here I have   is a little bag of trail mix and one apple ..

If the air quality was better around here I would risk my life and brave the elements ....I guess  I'm just gonna have to tough it out for tonight  ..



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13 hours ago, craigb said:

acres of land have burned (to give an idea of the scope, it's more than the entire size of Wales

I laughed at that bit. Not because it's a funny situation, but it just reminded me of the way that UK media only ever seem to have two units of measurement when reporting on the size of an area. It's always x amount of football pitches or an area roughly the size of Wales. Such a bizarre way of describing it, like anyone actually knows how big Wales is.

Anyhoo, to put your mind at rest the UK media (BBC) have looked into the "false" stories and concluded that they're definitely false. HTH.


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:D Here our standard unit of measurement is Rhode Island. Connecticut if a bigger unit is needed. Texas if we're talking really big. California if it's economics rather than geography (if CA was a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world).

But if you've never been to those places, or only seen them on a map, it's really not all that helpful. You can only appreciate geographic measurements if you've walked them. So I think of the Oregon fires as being as wide as 1,000 trips to my mailbox. 

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9 hours ago, paulo said:

I laughed at that bit. Not because it's a funny situation, but it just reminded me of the way that UK media only ever seem to have two units of measurement when reporting on the size of an area. It's always x amount of football pitches or an area roughly the size of Wales. Such a bizarre way of describing it, like anyone actually knows how big Wales is.

Anyhoo, to put your mind at rest the UK media (BBC) have looked into the "false" stories and concluded that they're definitely false. HTH.


Add to those:

  • Size of a London bus
  • Weight of an African elephant/Boeing 747
  • Volume of an Olympic swimming pool
  • Annoyance of a typical CakeAlexS
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1 hour ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

Add to those:

  • Size of a London bus
  • Weight of an African elephant/Boeing 747
  • Volume of an Olympic swimming pool
  • Annoyance of a typical CakeAlexS
  • My VST collection
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