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2020.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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First of all, thank you Bakers for the update :)  ? Appreciate all the consistent best effort you all give to our beloved DAW.
Since one of the thing this update fix is related to Control surface, I would remind you that we still have problem installing Cakewalk Control Surface Plugins, without any previous Sonar installed. Please refer to this thread in the old forum:


I guess its time for the developers to give it some touch.

Apologize if this feedback is not realy "release specific" . Thanks ! ?

Edited : I found this release fixed problem of super slow on running (opening) Cakewalk.  Before updating, with the previous release I had to wait for like 1-2 minutes before Cakewalk opened properly. Now it's almost instantly opened! Thanks!

Edited by James Argo
add some more feedback :)
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Thanks Guys!


I'm about to update. If I remember correctly, I'm guessing I will really enjoy the snap separation!


... and removing the need for Bandlab Assistant! Do we still need to keep BA installed if updates is all we use it for?


Edited by Keni
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Just installed.


Discrete snap is a bit strange.

Added command line to aud.ini


If I use my shortcut to enable disable snap they appear separate, but if I click of the grid icon in the toolbar, it affects both? Is this as intended?


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5 minutes ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Yeah, you'll still need BA for auth. Without installing the update from BandLab Assistant, you'd need to open BA to refresh the auth at least once every 6 months. 



I had a feeling it would still be needed for auth, but the 6 month thing still hanging over our necks? Maybe one day you guys will not need that anymore. It's not too bad for me but I have one student that has big problems with this due to lack of wifi and less than minimal pc savvy. 

OK I can live with it. For me that means I may as well forget the issue and continue on as I have been.


 Thanks Jonathan...

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Just now, Noel Borthwick said:

Nope. As has been explained many times there are reasons for authorization as present in every program free or not.

Thanks Noel. I have no issue with authorization, but repeated authorization still seems redundant.

But as many have stated, small price for getting such a great program for free.


Most of us don't even notice it doing constant regular updates. 


I have one student in Florida who has no internet and no pc savvy. So he doesn’t need/want most updates. It becomes an ordeal to re authorize but hopefully easier now as we've established a small degree of handling this getting someone to go to his house and use a phone/hotspot and me on another phone.


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TY for the 2020.09 update.  Looks good!!!!!!

The only snag I hit in downloading/installing/extracting/registering/finishing process (very minor snag) is that at one point early on I had to close Cakewalk for the installation to continue.  Not a problem for me because I monitor the process; I only mention this because some people seem to wait hours. 

I seem to recall several installations ago (possibly 2019?), I had a hidden dialog asking me if I wanted to close something.  I have no idea if that happens any more.  I just closed down Cakewalk when Bandlab Assistant was non-responding and the installation continued.

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5 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

TY for the 2020.09 update.  Looks good!!!!!!

The only snag I hit in downloading/installing/extracting/registering/finishing process (very minor snag) is that at one point early on I had to close Cakewalk for the installation to continue.  Not a problem for me because I monitor the process; I only mention this because some people seem to wait hours. 

I seem to recall several installations ago (possibly 2019?), I had a hidden dialog asking me if I wanted to close something.  I have no idea if that happens any more.  I just closed down Cakewalk when Bandlab Assistant was non-responding and the installation continued.

The installer just prompts that it cannot continue if the app is running, and allows you to hit "Retry" after closing the app to continue the process.

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After the 2020.08 update a curious bug has showed up. Before, when doing automation editing, I could use the SmartTool + Ctrl to raise or lower an area between two nodes. Since the update, when I try this only the left node moves, not both. I have tried to add nodes to set up a region but only the left one will work with this command, even when both nodes of an area are highlighted.  I was hoping this new update would address this but it still exhibits the same behavior. Has something changed that I am unaware of? Even when I choose the Move Tool this still persists.  Thanks, folks!

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3 hours ago, Tommy Byrnes said:

After the 2020.08 update a curious bug has showed up. Before, when doing automation editing, I could use the SmartTool + Ctrl to raise or lower an area between two nodes. Since the update, when I try this only the left node moves, not both. I have tried to add nodes to set up a region but only the left one will work with this command, even when both nodes of an area are highlighted.  I was hoping this new update would address this but it still exhibits the same behavior. Has something changed that I am unaware of? Even when I choose the Move Tool this still persists.  Thanks, folks!

This is not a bug - all versions of Cakewalk have worked this way. Please refer to the documentation for the smart tool. In particular read the section on Using the Smart tool on automation

When using the upper zone (B) it only works on SELECTED nodes or the selected region. If there is no time selection it will use the last selected node.
When clicking on a line segment (D) if you hold down CTRL it will drag just that segment.



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52 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

This is not a bug - all versions of Cakewalk have worked this way. Please refer to the documentation for the smart tool. In particular read the section on Using the Smart tool on automation

When using the upper zone (B) it only works on SELECTED nodes or the selected region. If there is no time selection it will use the last selected node.
When clicking on a line segment (D) if you hold down CTRL it will drag just that segment.



Hi Noel,

Thanks for addressing my question. I've been using Sonar/Cakewalk every day professionally for 13 years and I've always edited automation this way. It's total muscle memory. It's not working the same way since the 2020.08 update. 

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11 minutes ago, Guillermo Diaz said:

The program just freezes at the start point!!! What happened? The program never do this until this new update!!!

I have to rollback to the 2020.08

Where exactly are you getting stuck? If the app is stuck at the splash screen (the Cakewalk image that pops up when you first launch), then usually it's an audio driver that's preventing the app from being able to open. You might need to disconnect your device temporarily or change the driver mode externally for the app to launch. The update does not have any changes that should impact that.

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9 minutes ago, Tommy Byrnes said:

This is the part that isn't working any more. At least on my machine.

Can you provide a screen shot/video of what you're seeing? Ctrl+clicking the envelope should grab that segment of the envelope between the nodes. Also try just creating an envelope in a new project and see if it behaves the way you're expecting. On my end it's working per the docs. There hasn't been any changes to that part of the app recently, so it'd be very odd if the update changed that on your system. 


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19 minutes ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Where exactly are you getting stuck? If the app is stuck at the splash screen (the Cakewalk image that pops up when you first launch), then usually it's an audio driver that's preventing the app from being able to open. You might need to disconnect your device temporarily or change the driver mode externally for the app to launch. The update does not have any changes that should impact that.

But why in the other version dont need to do that? I rebbot my system 3 times and keeps freezing on the splash screen, and none of other programs, like Virtual instruments in stand alone mode dont need to do any driver change.

after i install the update, the bandlab app says that cannot open Cakewalk.exe, and i try to run as administrator as the popup says, and the app keeps freeze.

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