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SONAR Question

Dawn Belardino

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Hi Guys,

So we use Pro Tools mostly but after spending some time here, we wanted to learn more. Here's the catch: Our studio and Pro Tools hardware (sound cards if you will) are running on Windows 7/64 Bit. Is there a version available to us or has SONAR gone to Windows 10 only? Also, what full retail version (if any and not a player) of Kontakt may be used within SONAR?

Thank you,
Dawn Belardino
PO Box 673
Rising Sun MD

Edited by Dawn Belardino
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Officially, Windows 7 is not supported, but I recall seeing a statement from the developers some time back, indicating that nothing has been done to the code base that specifically prevents Cakewalk from running on Windows 7 (except that it is 64-bit only but that isn't an issue for you).

It's a relatively easy test for you to install it and find out. Caveat: I haven't tried installing the latest CbB on Windows 7, and it might not work, but I haven't seen any reports on this forum about it no longer being possible.

As for Kontact, although I haven't used the full retail version myself, only the Player that comes with some of my libraries. I'm sure many folks here do run the full Kontact, and I do not know of any reason why it would be a problem.

Edited by Colin Nicholls
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  On 8/30/2020 at 12:41 AM, Colin Nicholls said:

Officially, Windows 7 is not supported, but I recall seeing a statement from the developers some time back, indicating that nothing has been done to the code base that specifically prevents Cakewalk from running on Windows 7 (except that it is 64-bit only but that isn't an issue for you).

It's a relatively easy test for you to install it and find out. Caveat: I haven't tried installing the latest CbB on Windows 7, and it might not work, but I haven't seen any reports on this forum about it no longer being possible.

As for Kontact, although I haven't used the full retail version myself, only the Player that comes with some of my libraries. I'm sure many folks here do run the full Kontact, and I do not know of any reason why it would be a problem.


Thank you, Colin. I guess my only question now is where to purchase a Windows 7 version. I will look around. Would like to test - like you suggested.

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  On 8/30/2020 at 4:31 AM, Dawn Belardino said:

where to purchase a Windows 7 version


Do you mean you want to buy Microsoft Windows 7? Or are you looking for a version of Cakewalk by Bandlab that will run on Windows 7? SONAR is gone, but CbB is completely free and only comes in one version. Download Bandlab Assistant and use it to get CbB. It will probably run on Windows 7-64, but if it doesn't you have nothing to lose. (Cuz it's FREE!)

Edited by Larry Jones
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Minimum system requirements for Bandlab Cakewalk are listed as follows...

  • Windows 7 or higher (64-bit only)
  • Multi-core Intel or AMD CPU
  • 4GB RAM
  • 3GB free disk space
  • 1280x800 screen resolution
  • ASIO compatible hardware is recommended
Edited by Songroom
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  On 8/29/2020 at 9:25 PM, Dawn Belardino said:

Is there a version available to us or has SONAR gone to Windows 10 only? Also, what full retail version (if any and not a player) of Kontakt may be used within SONAR?


You will be fine Dawn running Cakewalk on win 7, as long as its 64bit and not 32bit.

Kontact will work with it also, here is a video showing how to use it with Cakewalk

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IMO Windows 10 is the worst Windows since a long time! I nearly can't see any advantages for me, but a lot of new problems! Recently the last Windows 10 2004 update shot down 2 of my PC's! It wasted many hours of my life and it was absolutely not the first time this happened! I hate this update ***** (enforcement), it makes you feel like a slave of MS! To me the MS developers are the worst terrorists on the earth, they assault millions of people all over the world!

Edited by marled
The system did not like my word choice!
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Funny how there's 1 in 10,000 who has an issue with what ever the latest OS version is. That's like when W7 came out and people stayed with Xp because W7 was terrible and causing issues. 

I Have 3 computers that run W10 and they all have the latest version of CbB. My studio has a proper audio interface the others I don't really record on but might open them to play files and they all work just fine.  It's been a long time since Cakewalk froze up on me.   

My remote recording laptop has W7 .  I just updated CbB and it warned me that W7 was not supported. But it installed just fine and I've used it for over 2 weeks now including two 4 hour sessions recording 16 tracks. Never hiccuped once.  The OS it sort of a none issue for me. But Noel did say they have tweaked CbB to be optimized on W10 so you should see better performance on heavy hitting projects. 

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  On 8/31/2020 at 4:38 AM, John Vere said:

Funny how there's 1 in 10,000 who has an issue with what ever the latest OS version is. That's like when W7 came out and people stayed with Xp because W7 was terrible and causing issues.


Agree that all Window OS prior to Windows 10 had issues. However, Windows 10 changes the dynamic in a major way.

Prior to Windows 10 you could watch the tech sites and tell if there was an issue with an update. There are always those who want to be on the cutting edge. They would find issues, report on the problems, and if available, any work-arounds. However, you could always wait until an update was stable before you installed it. That option is no longer available in Windows 10 (yes I know Enterprise edition allows that, but it is not realistic for the "average" user to pay the expensive price for the Enterprise edition). The best you can do in Windows 10 is "delay" the update.

Even when you set up a delay it doesn't always work. I have had Windows 10 (with the delay properly set) update in the middle of a church service. You can't stop it. It takes over the machine. That is different - in a big way.

I personally own one machine running 7 (its a Compaq that is about 10 years old but still does the job) and one machine running 8.1. I use the 8.1 machine for my audio work. Everything else is running Linux Mint. When CbB stops working on the 8.1 machine, I'll probably transition over to REAPER on Linux. Its not perfect, but it works. But there is no Windows 10 in my future. Keeping up the church's tech laptop is aggravating enough.

Edited by Mandolin Picker
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We stopped officially supporting Windows 7 after Microsoft themselves dropped Windows 7 support. 


Support for Windows 7 ended on January 14, 2020. If you are still using Windows 7, your PC may become more vulnerable to security risks.


That said, we do not block install for Win 7, we notify you that we're not specifically testing against Windows 7. The app should generally be okay, but we just don't make any guarantees. 

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