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Couple of Melodyne-related questions

Gary Shore


Trying to figure out how to set up location markers like in Cakewalk where you can specify a location on the Time Ruler and create a marker instantly,wonder how to do this in Melodyne?

Read some info in the Melodyne manual about the Start Time Tool but checking it out it seemed to only work w/Note Assignment Mode and this mode doesn't allow you to edit notes;switching back to edit mode the triangle marker below the Time Ruler disappears....??

Also,a more Cakewalk-specific question-

I tried to edit a clip that had Region FX on it and saw right away that this didn't work like it does w/ a regular non-Region FX clip(tried the usual "highlight an area then delete it" technique)....                     
  Assuming you have to either render or bounce it back to a standard clip format again before this kind of thing will work.....appreciate any info about this as I was reading something online that seemed to suggest that "you can't do any editing to a clip once you've set up Region FX on it without removing it" or something...as if turning a clip into a Region FX clip automatically eliminates the possibility of any future standard clip editing... 

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from http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Region_FX.01.html


Region FX clip restrictions

The following editing functions are disabled for Region FX clips:

  • Clip automation.
  • Copy/paste for a time selection that contains a Region FX.
  • Split clip.
  • Slip-stretch clip when the Follow Host Tempo option is enabled.
  • Groove Clip looping.
  • AudioSnap.

Rendering the Region FX will restore the clip to a regular wav file.

It's all covered in the link.

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Hey Scook!

Again much thx for all your help over here...continuing to find threads where invariably your replies are  the ones I learn the most from....

Doing some fairly complicated editing w/Melodyne and am wondering about this rendering process in terms of-

-whether this is something that should be done once after all the Melodyne processes you want to do are finished as repeated rendering processes "degrade the audio quality" or if it's something that I could use as part of an editing the rendered clip process where I might do a little work in Melodyne,render the clip,edit the wav,set up Region FX again,continue some more Melodyne work on it,etc etc...

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It is not so much that it "degrades" audio quality but rendering is a destructive process. May want to work on copies and archive before rendering preserving what the clip looked like before applying changes.

I'd like to see archive added to take lanes but for now it is a track level operation.

The notes fields in the take lane and track inspector may be handy for documenting the changes.

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Appreciate your continued feedback here man-will be posting here on the same subject as I get into working with this and it would be great to be able to keep "this line of communication" open.....

BTW re-Melodyne markers focus-wonder if there's a workaround as it doesn't seem to allow for the same kind of Time Ruler markers we rely on in Cakewalk-been thinking of using the "Cycle"option(i.e.setting up loop/repeated section)which can be adjusted precisely to override whatever Time Grid settings you have and positioned to start where you might want to put a marker....

Tried using the Cakewalk Time Ruler to set up a marker to use in Melodyne but,like w/doing this kind of thing in the PRV and being able to see where you are postionwise in the PRV relative to the CbBL Time Ruler,depending on your Zoom levels it's not possible to sync the different transports visually....

As I'm doing a lot of the kind of note location editing that really depends on being able to identify and locate to a given spot re-overall syncing of elements in the mix(i.e.exactly where I want the snare or kick to hit)this is a priority so any ideas from people about this would be welcome.......

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  On 8/22/2020 at 2:54 PM, scook said:

It is not so much that it "degrades" audio quality but rendering is a destructive process. May want to work on copies and archive before rendering preserving what the clip looked like before applying changes.

I'd like to see archive added to take lanes but for now it is a track level operation.

The notes fields in the take lane and track inspector may be handy for documenting the changes.


I think "render" bounces to a new clip and leaves the original clip as it is.

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Hey Bill!!

Man I'm really glad you posted as I'd completely forgotten about our discussions re-Melodyne..been busy w/tons of projects but had I thought of this I would have gotten in touch w/you as I just started working w/Melodyne a week or so and could really use your input on things...how's everything been going?

Any ideas about the first part of this thread re-markers in Melodyne?Been using the Cycle start point to act as a kind of workaround marker but if there's something else I should know about please let me know....the Starting Point Tool in the Note Assignment mode is something I'd like to be able to use in the Note Editor if this can be done....

BTW re-

  On 8/23/2020 at 10:15 PM, Bill Phillips said:

leaves the original clip as it is.


Not sure what you mean... my understanding of things is that it creates a new clip w/the Melodyne changes "set in stone"so to speak which is then editable as usual(re-Scook and other people's replies elsewhere)....appreciate further clarification along w/any Melodyne tips you might have....

Also,there's an online Melodyne Masterclass on 8/29 if you want more info...

Edited by Gary Shore
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