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Track Echo Latency


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A few weeks ago I noticed an issue with latency when trying to use TH3 with my guitar. There was about 100-150 ms of latency when echoing the tracks. This issue also occurs with MIDI Instrument tracks. I've tried it with XLN Addictive Keys and the SI Suite. Any help is appreciated!

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12 hours ago, August said:

A few weeks ago I noticed an issue with latency when trying to use TH3 with my guitar. There was about 100-150 ms of latency when echoing the tracks. This issue also occurs with MIDI Instrument tracks. I've tried it with XLN Addictive Keys and the SI Suite. Any help is appreciated!

If your audio interface doesn't have good enough drivers and/or the drivers are set up incorrectly for low latency, you will have this problem.

Also, if your PC and MOBO are not up to par,  it can cause latency also. 

If you have a decent audio interface and its up to date with drivers and a fairly new PC, you can get low latency and use some effects in your DAW. If you are using ASIO driver mode, select 32, 64 or 128 buffer size. The lower the better. Your input latency should be under 5 msecs and your total round trip latency should be less than 12 msecs, if you do not want to hear a noticeable delay

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3 hours ago, CJ Jacobson said:

If your audio interface doesn't have good enough drivers and/or the drivers are set up incorrectly for low latency, you will have this problem.

Also, if your PC and MOBO are not up to par,  it can cause latency also. 

If you have a decent audio interface and its up to date with drivers and a fairly new PC, you can get low latency and use some effects in your DAW. If you are using ASIO driver mode, select 32, 64 or 128 buffer size. The lower the better. Your input latency should be under 5 msecs and your total round trip latency should be less than 12 msecs, if you do not want to hear a noticeable delay

I have a Scarlett 2i2, i5 9400f, MSI B360-A Pro.

This problem only occurs within cakewalk, though. I've tried NI Guitar Rig and Reaper, and it works just fine.

Would ASIO4ALL cause this much latency?

Edited by August
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9 minutes ago, August said:

But because the other programs work just fine, I think it's a problem within Cakewalk.

This often proves to be faulty reasoning.

Always use the manufacturer supplied ASIO driver unless there is a compelling reason to avoid it. If you have a problem with the Focusrite driver, there are plenty of users here who use their hardware and may be able to help.

Otherwise when running Win10 use WASAPI then ASIO4All as a last resort.

Generic ASIO "drivers" like ASIO4All can conflict with other ASIO drivers so it is a good idea to delete them when running a proper ASIO driver.

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19 hours ago, August said:

This problem only occurs within cakewalk, though. I've tried NI Guitar Rig and Reaper, and it works just fine.

Drivers settings can be adjusted in Cakewalks. 


I used ASIO4ALL because of the lack of Realtek Drivers.

Why are you using Realtec drivers? This is a major problem. You need to use the drivers that were written or your Focusrite, not some POS onboard 5 cent sound chip.

do not use ASIO4all and do not use Realtec drivers. Use the Focusrite drivers. 

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Thanks for the reply, I don't think you understand. I use ASIO4ALL because I have my Scarlett AND my integrated sound card. I have a few pairs of headphones that I want to use at the same time, so I have one pair plugged into my Scarlett and one pair plugged into my PC audio port. The only way I have found so far to get all of them working is ASIO4ALL. This is NOT the problem.

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9 minutes ago, August said:

Thanks for the reply, I don't think you understand. I use ASIO4ALL because I have my Scarlett AND my integrated sound card.

I understand completely.  You cannot use 2 different sound cards. you will have problems like clocking and other problems, as you are seeing first hand. Use one card and use the driver written for that one card

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25 minutes ago, August said:

Ok, but how do I get my 2 pairs of headphones and my monitors working?

Should I get a new interface?

If you need to use both headphones at the same time, you either need an audio interface with 2 headphone outs or an interface plus a headphone amp. as for your monitors, they connect to the main outs 1 and 2 of your interface and have nothing to do with your headphones connections.

If you just need to use one pair of headphones ,then you connect that to your headphone amp of your interface and your monitors connect to the main outs 1/2

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