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Paul Bush

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``Watching you´´ Here´s a new one straight off the press , this was a relativley quick song  from riff to finished recording about three weeks . Lots a fun with this one cheers PB.     STOP THAT PRESS :::: THERE´S A NEW MIX SCROLL DOWN  


Edited by Paul Bush
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Thanks Douglas, I´m allways a bit retisent to turn up the volumes up too far , I think just below 0 db is about right I tend not use too much compressor on my maybe i should on my next song , its all a bit trial and error, and hit and miss  with me  , cheers PB

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2 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Sounds OK here @Paul Bush do you have access to a loudness meter? Youlean do a nice one, there is a free version that is useful, the paid for one which is not that expensive is even more useful.

Mix stands the test here on the Adam A7x's, I can hear all the voices which is always a good thing.


Thanks wookie Ive just downloaded ``youlean ´´  and I´m looking forward to playing around with it , i didnt realisethe song  it had too little volume  your not the first to mention it chers pB

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1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

I think I'd use that B3 pad a bit more across the tune, I realize you're using it to ramp up the pre-chorus; but...

Good bit of songwriting here, well played and sung to be sure!



Thanks t  .......its funny really  that the songs i like are the ones that come the quickest and the worst (many) where I toil for hours and hours  over a hot interface and they end up being a stinker,  once one get`s beyond the point of no return its hard to quit  even though the gut feeling tells you differently  thanks for the encouraging  comments cheers PB

Edited by Paul Bush
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Kudos on the song and the vocal performance! And your choice of instruments works perfectly. I dug the guitar solo!

So here's a few ideas, worth what you paid for 'em!

The snare is compressed and has a sustainy ring-out . . . and that ring out is getting flanged by something pretty hard. It might sound better with a clean snare tail? Same issue for your cymbals, they are flangey as heck. If that's what you are goin for, you got it! But you might look at your drum bus processing if it is masssssshing a sustain tail on snares and cymbals that you don't want flanged.


At 1:40 - you've got a nice buildup right there, organ strong, and then it dumps out into kind of a low-energy part after 1:40. A little emotional letdown? What could you add after 1:40 to keep the build going? Just a thought.


sweet tune yo.





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Thanks Emeraldsoul,  I´m really pushing the boat out on this one, wookie just sent a link for a mastering tool which Ive downloaded Ive revisited the whole song and played around with it ready to master and now some good tips from your good self , so I´ll have another good look at it and see what I can do as far as the drums go I use EZDrums they have a built in mixer and thats it as far as i know I tend to turn all the ezd effects off and use only the bandlab so i´ll have to look into that cheers ES regards PB

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``watching you´´ Re-mix   Once again thanks for the tips guys Ive done a remix which is way much better using the youlean and various mixing devices and added a bit of guitar , I think I´ve improved it now...................................  I´ll let you be the judge of that..cheeers PB


Edited by Paul Bush
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Hi Paul . . . yes, I still had to turn it down a bit to enjoy it . . . and I did enjoy it . . . dual harmony electric guitar solos ! Man I miss those so much in this modern stuff. The stereo guitar recording is classic. Great lyrics, if you hadn't mentioned "tribute to the eighties" I still would have recognized the lyrics as eighties, not sure why, but I'm old enough to remember I guess. It's also very well recorded, so much retro fun !  Muchos Contributatos !

Edited by noynekker
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