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How on earth can I export a midi file ???

Paul Bush

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Hi chaps now this should be simple I checked out a YT but it still doesnt work .all I kept getting is the midi file i wish to export has other files within included  and it  will export  , Ive also  marked the keybord file and muted all the other files

 I want to send just the recorded keybord midi file to another DAW ( not bandlab) so that a freind can add to it in his own DAW not the whole project .

Edited by Paul Bush
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1 hour ago, Paul Bush said:

Hi Robert yes I`ll try that easy sollution thanks , thing is my friend who needs the midi file isnt on bandlab and he says his DAW doesnt recognise the bandlab files  ... cheers PB

Well, midi files, with *.mid are what you get if you drag a midi track's clips from Cakewalk to your desktop, so that shouldn't be a problem, for your friend. 

As for audio tracks, you can export each track, or the whole mix, and select Broadcast Wave as the output file type, and that track or those tracks, will be able to be read by your friend's DAW, as well.

Another choice for exporting audio, whether each audio track separately, or the whole mix, is the *.omf format for the output file(s), which is supposed to be an open file format that all the major DAW software should be able to import.

Here is a link from Cakewalk doc, on exporting .omg files:

Export OMF Files from Cakewalk

And a link from the doc on the different file formats:

Export dialog file formats

And, one more link for exporting midi - this is the set of links returned in a Google search, for exporting midi from Cakewalk,  with videos and pages you can review:

Google search results for "Cakewalk export midi"

Hope the above addresses your question/issue,  and if not, just post back, and I will try to better help you, though I am heading to bed now, but will keep an eye out for any additional posts from you. :) zzzzzzzzzzz

Bob Bone 

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Unfortunately the thing is not that simple!

  1. If you drag the MIDI clip to the desktop (or somewhere else on a storage location: folder, usb, ...), then it is always exported in MIDI Format 1 (as far as I know). If you want to have MIDI Format 0, then this method is unusable (for me!), because you cannot choose the format.
  2. The other method mentioned above ("save as", "save copy as") has the big disadvantage that if you want to export only 1 single MIDI clip or track, then you have first to delete anything else in the project (other MIDI tracks/clips) before you can use the "save as" or "save copy as" menu item. Like that there is the risk that you can mess with your original project!

I don't know any better method in CbB and Sonar. It is really not satisfying! ?

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hi marled , yes that was excactly my expirience  I only wanted to send the keys and it saved the while project etc ect  , Ive tried dragging and droping I´m just waiting a for a response  from my friend in the U:K. with bated breath  cheers PB

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What I really don't understand is why it is not possible to simply export MIDI like audio. It would be a logical solution: Select one or more MIDI clips, then use Export->MIDI, finally you could choose the MIDI type and file name. This is my way to understand common sense! ?

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On 7/15/2020 at 8:54 AM, Paul Bush said:

 I want to send just the recorded keybord midi file to another DAW ( not bandlab) so that a freind can add to it in his own DAW not the whole project .

This is interesting--something that sounds like it should be simple to do evidently isn't.  I have never had to do this, but someday I might; so I am trying to understand.

If I play a part and save it as a *.mid file, Cakewalk saves the part as a MIDI file.

So I guess from what people are saying, if there are other tracks in the Cakewalk Project, somehow the keyboard track needs to be isolated and saved as a midi file.  Evidently, exporting a single midi track doesn't work. (Not sure why not, but I don't do a lot of exporting.)

Could you just make a copy of the project, delete all the other tracks from it, and then save it as a *.mid file?

8 hours ago, Nigel Mackay said:

Save the project with another name. Delete everything you don't want. Export.


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Ive opened up a can of worms here ,,I wanted to send a friend who has another DAW (not bandlab) a midi Keybord track , logically I muted all the unwanted tracks and marked the keybord track that I wanted in the project ,   and it still didnt work, Ive taken the advice of copying and pasting onto the screen I´m still awaiting a reply from my freind in the U.K. to see if he can use it ,I have a sneaky feeling he`ll only be able to open it with bandlab ...watch this space ......

Edited by Paul Bush
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3 hours ago, Paul Bush said:

Ive opened up a can of worms here ,,I wanted to send a friend who has another DAW (not bandlab) . . . .

Oh!!!! Are you using Bandlab--the web-browser based, social networking oriented app? or Cakewalk?  I had assumed you were talking about Cakewalk because (1) this is the Cakewalk Forum and (2) everyone else seemed to be replying as if you were talking about Cakewalk.

However, after your most recent post, I went back to the beginning and it is totally unclear.

On 7/15/2020 at 8:54 AM, Paul Bush said:

 I want to send just the recorded keybord midi file to another DAW ( not bandlab) so that a freind can add to it in his own DAW not the whole project .

On 7/16/2020 at 12:19 AM, Paul Bush said:

. . . my friend who needs the midi file isnt on bandlab and he says his DAW doesnt recognise the bandlab files  

If you mentioned Cakewalk, I didn't see it.  Everyone else replied re: Cakewalk.  So maybe that's why their suggestions do not make any sense.  If so, its not a can of worms, just a classic case of miscommunication. 

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Oh thankyou 905133 : I asumed that it would be obvious that I´m using bandlab cakewalk ,and the person i´m sending it doesnt,  but hey I thought it was a  quick easy question with a quick easy answer  maybe i could have explained it better ...its not a big deal , thanks for your constuctive input .



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9 hours ago, Paul Bush said:

,I have a sneaky feeling he`ll only be able to open it with bandlab ...watch this space ......

A MIDI Format 0 file is a MIDI Format 0 file and a MIDI Format 1 file is a MIDI Format 1 file. I doubt he is using something that can't open both.

The whole point of your problem is:

1) When you export MID,I all the MIDI tracks get exported in the file. (When you import the file, each track gets loaded into its own track.) If you have bass and drums you can't choose to export only one of them. If you don't want to include the drum MIDI you must delete it before exporting. (Muting tracks, FX, etc is for mixing down to audio.) Deleting tracks temporarily is dicey, you might accidentally save with the track deleted, that is why I said save under another name first.

2) If there are ANY tracks that are not MIDI, Cakewalk will warn you and you will have the options
   a) cancel export
   b) export ONLY the MIDI tracks, ignoring everything else.

So what you must do is Save with a different name. Delete everything except the keyboards MIDI track. Export as MIDI.


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There is data loss when copying out clips instead of saving a project as a MIDI file. Tempo, position on the timeline and marker data are not embedding in clips.

Historically, the only "export" option was MIDI groove clip.

The "Save As" MIDI file function in the export menu is relatively new. It has always been an option from the main menu Save option.

There may come a time when "Save As" does something with archive and mute when exporting MIDI. In a regular project file these track states have meaning and are preserved when saving to a new name. They have no equivalent in the MIDI standard.

Saving a "partial" MIDI file might be a useful new feature.

MIDI files are small. Saving the whole thing and expecting the person receiving the file can figure out what to do with it is not a big ask.

Currently, if the MIDI file must be pared down to a subset of the project's MIDI data (and still contain all the MIDI "project" data) it must be done by removing the unneeded MIDI data from the project.


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By the way how I do it with the current version:

  1. Copy the clip(s) that I want to export
  2. Create a new project with the same tempo
  3. Create a new MIDI track (Ctrl+Shift+T)
  4. Paste the clip(s) into the new project
  5. Use "Save as" and select the MIDI type that I want

Like that there is no need to remove some tracks and no risk to accidentally save the original project in an unwanted state.

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