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Psychobabble Blues


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Been teaching myself guitar for a few months now. I can solo the easier pieces but it's really hard to play along with a backing track. I don't know why, just feel rushed or something. But I pushed myself to record something decent enough to post on the forum so here it is (there are a few timing issues I know). Also I don't use a pick - just can't get the hang of them. And I really appreciate now what it takes to play guitar like so many of you can do so well!

Fairly simple 12 bar blues in good old E7-A7-B7.  I changed the usual blues lyric subjects to stuff I found online from a current fix-your-relationship type book. So I call it Psychobabble Blues. I'm going to regret posting this I know.  ?

Lyrics can be found at Sound Cloud.


Edited by bjornpdx
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Bjorn,  this really make me chuckle, love the lyrics and the subtle sense of humour here. I think I would like to perform this piece in front of a few old girlfriends. Really think you’re guitar playing has a future with lyrics and songs like this :)  . . . Monday night, nothin’ on TV, so glad I tuned in here !

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Bjorn - don't  beat yourself up over timing, try practising alongside a metronome. Don't try to play anything specific, just noodle about with chord progressions you know but try to keep in time - it'll  come. I like the blues progression on this and it works well with the lyrical story, now a bit of Hammond organ in the background and you have yourself a winner. ?

Edited by AndyB01
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I'm very glad you liked the lyrics! Wasn't sure how they'd come across - either clever or maybe kind of stupid.

Hey Doug
Thank you!

Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement.  And actually there is an organ in there. Guessing it needs to be brought up some more.


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I'd turn the vocal up a tad, my old ears are straining to catch the lyrics.

16 hours ago, AndyB01 said:

try practicing alongside a metronome

Personally, I hate a "click". So I play along to a track.
Slow, fast, straight four, shuffle; change it up. But that's just me...
Andy is right though, play along to something that forces you to keep in time.
Aimless noodling, and I've done lots of it, does Not improve your (my) timing.


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Welcome to the Blues buddy!  Sounds like you have found the real meaning of the Blues circa late 1940's to late 1950's (maybe with a little beatnik feel thrown in).  Believe it or not Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac captured that sound in the late 1960's (love the track long grey mare).  By the 1970's the Blues changed (IMHO) and became more "slick" with a lot more emphasis on lead guitar skills.  Until that time (IMHO) the Blues was more about a story and "feeling" the message.  You do not need to be apologetic about what you have done here. I think that you have captured the rhythm and feel of the Blues of the era mentioned above.  You did a great job on talking the Blues but I agree ---- the volume could come up a bit. 

Good Job my friend and remember when you play the Blues --- hang loose!

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Thanks everyone for the comments. Didn't realize the voc was too low so will check that out.
Daryl, I appreciate you mentioning the vocal effect. Wasn't sure how that would come across.
Freddy, lately I've been listening to a lot of blues guitar from way back - 1920s to 1950s. I have nothing in common with those guys except I love the music.

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