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Channels Off By Default


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I don't know whether I posted this earlier before or not.  If I did, I forgot but it's a question I'd like answered so please forgive me if I'm repeating myself.

When I create a new channel or buss, the little on/off button is red (off) by default.  I remember in Sonar it was on by default.  Is there something in Preferences that sets this?  I'd like the default setting to ON (green) if possible.

I'll try to remember this time (if I did, in fact, post it before).


?John B.

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Please tell me what red button are you talking about?

The first picture is the default for an audio track header. The second is with automation write engaged.  The third is with the track being record enabled. 

To my understanding  those are the only red buttons on the track header. They are off be default.

Channel Header.JPG

Channel Header 2.JPG

Channel Header 3.JPG

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On John's first picture above, the ON/OFF button to the left of the FX  (the circle with the vertical slash going through) is what I mean.  I guess the particular theme I'm using has it red for off and green for on.  I've seen it on other themes as white for on and gray for off.  It's in the Pro Channel and on the busses.  They are OFF by default.  I seem to remember they were ON by default when I was using Sonar X3 Studio, mostly because I don't remember having to turn them on when I wanted to use them.  It's no big deal to turn them on but I was just wondering if there was a way to make them ON by default.


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That is the Insert on button per track. For me it is set to on as the default. There is also a Global FX Insert button on your Control Bar in the Mix Module. It is labeled FX. If you turn it on all your inserts will be off. 

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One thing that should be mentioned is I know without a manual its hard to have the nomenclature (name) of all the things in Cakewalk. However, there is Help and it will layout the terms used in Cakewalk. Also download the manual for Sonar Platinum. It is out of date but is still very useful. 

Knowing the names of things makes it so much easier to find answers.  

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10 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

On John's first picture above, the ON/OFF button to the left of the FX  (the circle with the vertical slash going through) is what I mean.

I've never really paid attention to that button, but I guess it's the button that turns all effects on or off for that specific track. If it defaults to "off," I'm sure it comes on automatically when you insert a VST on the track. @Johnbee58 are you saying that FX inserted on a track are off by default and you have to toggle that button to hear an effect?

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3 hours ago, Larry Jones said:

I've never really paid attention to that button, but I guess it's the button that turns all effects on or off for that specific track. If it defaults to "off," I'm sure it comes on automatically when you insert a VST on the track. @Johnbee58 are you saying that FX inserted on a track are off by default and you have to toggle that button to hear an effect?

That's the way it seems to work for me.  YMMV.


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13 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

That's the way it seems to work for me.  YMMV.


@Johnbee58 Maybe this will shed some light:



To globally bypass all track, bus or clip effects

1. Determine which type of effects you want to bypass (track, bus or clip), and make sure at least one corresponding effects bin is visible.

2. Right-click the effects bin and select Bypass Bins Of This Type from the pop-up menu.

All effects bins of the same type as the source effects bin are globally bypassed. To restore the bins to their original state, simply toggle the state of the Bypass Bins Of This Type option.


Possibly at some time in the past you have globally bypassed "bins of this type." Looks like you can undo that with a right click in a bin set to the right type of effect.


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