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My last  post was June 4. Not long after that date my blood sugar increased and created a serious infection that required multiple surgeries and almost ended my life.   Now I'm in rehab and this is the first time  I've been on the web in a while.   Life has become surreal since such things as walking and controlling bathroom use are now a challenge.

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Sorry to hear, I had noticed your absence, and checked every now and then by hovering over your name, and the Last Visited date never changed. At least you came through it and are on the road out. If I may ask, have they given you a good  prognosis? and did you have any knowledge that something like this was possible or did it happen just out of nowhere?

All the best to you, and may you make a full recovery.


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13 hours ago, ensconced said:

Sorry to hear, I had noticed your absence, and checked every now and then by hovering over your name, and the Last Visited date never changed. At least you came through it and are on the road out. If I may ask, have they given you a good  prognosis? and did you have any knowledge that something like this was possible or did it happen just out of nowhere?

All the best to you, and may you make a full recovery.


  Yes,  I'm able to walk around now.

  The cause was diabetes.  Never had it before,  My blood sugar was over 600 when I went to the hospital.  Swollen testicles put  everything in motion,  (except me

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Diabetes, yeah, that can be a bitch. I am personally tossing up whether or not to go on this diet the doctor has given me to go on, low carb, it's not just a diet, it's a life long thing (which wont be that long). She recons she can keep me away from actually having diabetes, supposedly I'm on the edge, an average reading over so many months says I'm ok, a single reading says I'm not. I have high insulin levels, dangerously high according to her, but the diet . . . , just imagine 2 slices of plain white bread with nothing on it, and that's it, if I was to eat that I couldn't have anything else that day. I have worked out having certain foods where it is better than that sounds, but still, I' like my food. I have been doing it for a week, and then I cracked this weekend.

Due to other issues (I got quite a few, lol) I'm not supposed to see the new year, so I say to myself what's the point?, I could eat what I like and be happy until the end, or basically starve myself and be miserable and not gain anything. I guess the high insulin issue could get me before then but I doubt it, I'll ask her that when I see her this week, if she says no, or that it's unlikely, then I am going to enjoy as much life while I can and what will be will be, I love my food, I couldn't imagine not eating another potato in it's various forms. I've been a Vegetarian for 35+ years.

Getting old sucks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm finally back home.   The worst thing is I have to give myself insulin.  It's much different when a nurse gives it to you. Some make it painless.  Plus I have so much software to update. I also bought a few things in deals while cooped up.

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My sister was 13 when she was diagnosed with diabetes. She knew that if she wanted to stay alive, she'd have to give herself a shot every day.  Nowadays she wears an insulin pump.

Congratulations on your survival and recovery.

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I used to be on insulin. It struck me as weird that the treatment for high blood sugar was more insulin, when the underlying problem was excessive insulin to begin with (due to insulin resistance).

The biggest annoyance with the insulin wasn't the 4-times-a-day shots, but the hassle of having to do it before every meal, even on an airplane or in a restaurant. And making sure any hotel I stayed at had a fridge for my insulin.

When they took me in, the paramedics in the ambulance said my blood sugar was something in the neighborhood of 500-600, and my blood pressure was pegging the meter. This was all happening during a heart attack, so it was a memorable day.

That was 14 years ago. I am no longer diabetic and take no medication for it. The solution was weight loss and sugar avoidance (sugar, not carbs; I eat all the rice and potatoes I want).

I relate this to you as a way to say the future need not be as bleak as it might seem at the moment.

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My highest in home blood test revealed 210 (when I was sick with a flu about 18 years ago).

When I avoid sugar I can consistently see ~100 or less in the morning before eating. Of course I am on a small cocktail of diabetes tablets twice a day.

If only I could drop 30lbs (again like I did in 2003 and maintained that until deep into 2006). 

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On 7/22/2020 at 5:16 PM, bitflipper said:

I used to be on insulin. It struck me as weird that the treatment for high blood sugar was more insulin, when the underlying problem was excessive insulin to begin with (due to insulin resistance).

The biggest annoyance with the insulin wasn't the 4-times-a-day shots, but the hassle of having to do it before every meal, even on an airplane or in a restaurant. And making sure any hotel I stayed at had a fridge for my insulin.

When they took me in, the paramedics in the ambulance said my blood sugar was something in the neighborhood of 500-600, and my blood pressure was pegging the meter. This was all happening during a heart attack, so it was a memorable day.

That was 14 years ago. I am no longer diabetic and take no medication for it. The solution was weight loss and sugar avoidance (sugar, not carbs; I eat all the rice and potatoes I want).

I relate this to you as a way to say the future need not be as bleak as it might seem at the moment.

Wow! In 2010 I weighed 280 and now I'm 194.  I don't know how that happened.  I take insulin once before bed. This is probably the easiest thing I do. I don't have a desire for sugar products now.  When I'm in the store I see some donuts or cakes and I just say that is death staring at me.

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53 minutes ago, Starise said:

Sorry to hear of this Paul. I'm glad to see that you're out of the hospital on on the mend. Post surgery can be a very trying thing. 

 In thoughts and prayers.


It's amazing what is does to one's mental state.  I'm more worried about that.  I burst into tears when someone mentions a certain deity's grace and mercy. I almost died and avoided some certain disabilities.

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BTW thank you for all of your responses.

At the beginning of the month I used my Image Line discount to buy their everything bundle.   I told them I wasn't able to play with it yet due to my situation.  They gave some free Flex packs for their synth.

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