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Corel Paintshop Pro Ultimate 2020

Larry Shelby

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Used to use PSPro back when and it was very handy.  At the time there were a couple of things that it could do easier & better than Photoshop.
Is it still viable? or have newer tools surpassed it in terms of value?

Edit: @James Foxall your post popped in while I was submitting mine.  Thanks for heads up.

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I have 2 year old copy and I haven't found a way to stop the pop-ups either. Still my wife is so use to the program I don't think we will switch.  Does what we need it to do and she understands most of the basics. Plus I was a long time user of Coreldraw and I'm use to the way their software works. So if my wife can't do something on an image I usually can with Corel. But  I agree that pop-ups are stupid and annoying!

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Try to disable 'CorelUpdateHelperTask' and 'CorelUpdateHelperTaskCore' in Task Scheduler. I don’t know if this will help with PaintShop Pro (I don't have it), but I’ve had no problems with ads in Corel Pinnacle Studio after following the instructions linked in the following post.


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I think it feels and looks clunky and archaic.

Own but never ever use it.

Strongly prefer Affinity Photo for pixel based editing.  The 50% off sale ended yesterday though that put it at the same ~$25 price.

However, Affinity does still have a 90 day trial as far as I know right now...I'm guessing that would tide one over until $35 -40 sale at the very least.


As for the spam, Corel is terrible about it, maybe not magix level, but then again who is?

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I am not a fan of Paintshop Pro, I always found it to be slow and cumbersome unless things have changed. I use the latest version of the free GIMP for all my image editing now. It's a bit unintuitive to start with but I did all the training for it so now it feels like normal to me.

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9 hours ago, James Foxall said:

Corel installs a desktop notification system to show you ads, and you can't turn it off.

I just got PSP 2020 a few months ago and they actually did embed the ability to block the messages now inside the program itself. Help->Message Preferences->Uncheck the things there. That saves on all of the other roundabout ways of achieving the same results now. They also included a Help->Messages to allow you to manually check out ads if you so desire. This may be new to 2020, since I have not had a version since PSP 5 (c. 1998), and may be the result of negative user feedback. I got it to see if it is a viable alternative to my aging Photoshop 5.1, and so far have not had any issues with what I have been doing.

VideoStudio 2020 and PhotoMirage also have the same menu features.

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16 hours ago, James Foxall said:

Just a word of caution - I've never had a program installed that spammed me so much. Corel installs a desktop notification system to show you ads, and you can't turn it off.

I used to be a big fan but I won't buy another of their products at any price.

You're right.  They are a bit spammy.  However, You actually can turn these ads off. 

In Paintshop Pro, Head to Help | Message Preferences and deselect all options there.

One other thing you can do is open Windows Task Scheduler and disable tasks related to Corel.

I have Corel Paintshop Pro 2019 Ultimate and I never see any ads to update to 2020

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4 hours ago, RobertWS said:

No one uses Gimp?   It's free and there are no ads.   And I'll wager it does everything PSP does.


I tired it but once you swtich to something like Affinty, I can't image even re-opening the program.    It can do very good things, but needs refinement .

2 hours ago, StudioNSFW said:

I found this program named "Photoshop" that does a great job with raster graphics editing.  No problem with ads either. 

Adobe is obviously capable software, but shouldn't even be mentioend in the deals thread.

Affinity Photo is a far better deal for the vast majority of people.  (including some full time professionals).    No ads and can be installed on multiple machines .

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6 hours ago, Promidi said:

One other thing you can do is open Windows Task Scheduler and disable tasks related to Corel.

What the actual flick? ? It actually writes to the task scheduler?
Just remembered I have a license around from a humble bundle, guess it's not getting installed.

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24 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

Wow I think I'm going to have to take these Affinity Programs for a Spin.

Thanks for pointing these out.

Too bad you are late to the table, they have 50% off all of them for months as a response to COVID, etc.

They run 30% off with some regularity, but 50% was unheard of.

Honestly worth full retail and more.    But I also do a lot of visual work.

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