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M-Slate Theme (Updated for 2021.12)

Matthew White

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M-Slate is based around some of the design of my M-Blue Slate Theme but is still a whole different Theme and much easier on the eyes than Blue Slate.

Free Download Here... M-Slate Cakewalk Theme

A combined total of around 150 hours, sometimes much more, goes in to creating each Theme I make, then there's more time spent to update them whenever BandLab makes changes or additions to the Cakewalk GUI to ensure any changed or new items display correctly and match the Theme, I also don't make all these Themes for myself, it's more of a hobby and to share the end results with the Cakewalk Community for their use and enjoyment at no charge, Any Tips/Donations via the following link for my time and efforts in creating and updating these are greatly appreciated, however small. Thank You! ❤️ https://www.paypal.me/MatthewJohnWhite





Edited by Matthew White
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I really like this theme! I love how this theme has no gradients on the buttons on the control bar and that it is mostly one solid color. Will you ever consider making a light grey version of this theme? Kind of like Ableton's light theme. That would be really cool!

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5 hours ago, Caleb Kim said:

I really like this theme! I love how this theme has no gradients on the buttons on the control bar and that it is mostly one solid color. Will you ever consider making a light grey version of this theme? Kind of like Ableton's light theme. That would be really cool!

Thanks Caleb. I'll consider making a light grey version of this in future but I'm not sure if it will work out until I try and lighter themes are not my strong point or my favorite to use so I find it a bit harder to make them and also like them enough to stay motivated, having said that I have made one light Theme (M-Titanium) and have just started on trying to make another. Always good to have a few ideas ready for future Themes so thanks for your input. :)

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I love this too with 2 exceptions:

- The PRV (and you're not alone with this - most PRVs seem to be dark) is unusable in my opinion - too many lines, too many colours!!!!  Do a pale/white PRV background and it'd be great.


- The colours for the mouseover and disabled settings on FX bins are too saturated given the text colour making the text hard to read:


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3 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

The colours for the mouseover and disabled settings on FX bins are too saturated given the text colour making the text hard to read

Looks fine on my screen but I will see if I can make it clearer in a future update, might be worth checking your saturation levels on your monitor.

3 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

The PRV (and you're not alone with this - most PRVs seem to be dark) is unusable in my opinion - too many lines, too many colours!!!!  Do a pale/white PRV background and it'd be great.

I'll consider making the background a bit lighter in a future update but I can't do anything about the amount of lines on it, that's a Cakewalk thing. I also don't know why you have colored lines on yours as they all show the same color on mine. Thanks for the feedback. :)

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I did wonder if they were non-theme but didn't have time to check.  On a white background, they look good, on a dark one, not so much.  Very annoying that some things aren't themed (the track colours being the most annoying!).

What I've done for the FX widgets is to export your images as png's and drop their transparency to about 60%.  The green then looks marvelous, the red doesn't, so I need to look at that.  When I've got some that work, I'll pop them on this thread so you can take a look and see what you think.

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And attached are my 3 updated FX images.

To "fix" the red issue I see, all I did was change the "Bypassed FX Name" coluur value to be the same as the "FX Name" colour you'd already chosen (C7CDDC).  Looks perfect to me now.

FX Rack.Bypass Plug-in.png

FX Rack.Open Plug-in UI.png

FX Rack.Show Rack Menu Drop-down.png

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Any chance you can export those items from the Theme Editor and send them to me in their original format .png via something like Google Drive or DropBox please? Or tell me what the settings were that you used to change them if you can remember or can match it again, I'd try to match from your images above but they look lighter on the white background and when I click them to view each they look far darker so I don't know which one if any are accurate to what you're seeing in Cakewalk.

Also could you let me know the color codes of the items you changed for the PRV in the editor please?

With those I will check them out and will possibly update, I need to update quite soon anyway as the shades of the light lines on the PRV for major rules and beat rules are almost identical, something I missed somehow. I see blue on yours (also in the shot with the dark background) and I suspect the colors for these items are being overridden by the ones set in Cakewalk Preferences (unless you've changed them in Theme) as they're supposed to be white/grey as set in the Theme though it works for you now anyway with the light background. Cheers!

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They should be (I attached the exported png) but I'll pop them on my dropbox anyway for you later.  I'll look in Preferences\Colors and see what I've set...it was a long time ago and it may take me some time ?

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Updated to make the text of the fx rack modules clearer when individually bypassed and when hovering the cursor over them, there was also a problem with the major rule and beat rule lines showing clearly on the Piano Roll View, I've also decided to switch to a lighter background for the PRV.

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Now updated for the 'Insert', Delete' and 'Properties' buttons in the 'Meter/Key View'  introduced in build 175, These were updated as the default buttons don't show very clearly with dark Themes, if you don't use this view (or not bothered about them being faint) you need not update.

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