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My Lock Down Contribution - It Ain't No Way To Live


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Hi All - I do hope everyone is keeping well and safe - wherever in the World you are - and continuing to make lots of great music.

I can't really compete with some of the fabulous lock down tunes I have been listening to on here (I have been real busy at work so very little time for music sadly). Anyway I managed to grab an hour or two today to finish off this little guy that I have been working on for a week or two. Now when I say the mix is raw, I mean raw. However, on the upside, this is mercifully short at just on three minutes. It needs work - I know right - but your constructive crits are always welcome.

So I figure if we're talking Covid - it has to be either Blues or Country and as I'm not talented enough to play the Blues (or Country come to to think of it)... but I found this little ditty on EzKeys, gave it a  few tweaks and knocked out some lyrics - which tell a bit of a simple little story about being old, loneliness and isolation. A real feelgood tune with  a distinctly unfeelgood lyric (c'mon you know I don't do happy songs) but here for your listening pleasure (or not as the case maybe) - I give you: Ain't No Way To live:

p.s. don't mention the mic noise - I already have that on my very long fix it list... ?

Edited by AndyB01
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6 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

Nice job - I think the drums need to be turned up a bit in the mix - maybe turn up your vocal a bit more too.  I enjoyed the lyrics - good job there.

Thanks Douglas, I always mix on cans - which I know is a mistake - I'll have a listen through monitors but will probably re-cut the vocal first as I am still  not happy with it. Thanks for listening and commenting as always.

2 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

What's ezkeys?  The piano sounds amazing.  +1 drums up.   

EzKeys David is for people like me who wish they could play better piano, but can't; so they call out for a virtual session pianist. If the link works you can read all about it here. Appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment - I wish I could take credit for piano, but apart from the extended chord on the fade at the end - I really can't. Lyrics however - all my own original work and I also have to 'fess up to the vocal. ?

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On 6/19/2020 at 3:08 PM, AndyB01 said:

this is mercifully short

At 3:11? That's a perfect single; well for me.
I think the piano is dominating the mix, I'd start by pulling it down.
The snare seems to disappear from 1:23 - 2:01, I think I "feel" the kick still.
If that's intentional, so be it; your song, your production.
Its all here, so I'd zero the faders and get it balanced.

I like the tune, btw.
I'll save the thumbs and "like" for the re-mix...


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39 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:

I like the tune, btw.

I'll save the thumbs and "like" for the re-mix...


I couldn't decide between sidestick or snare so it's a bit of both - I probably need to choose one or the other.

Great crits Tom thanks - as for the remix - I'm on it but what it's really crying out for are the kind of vocals only someone like @garybrun can deliver, but I'm never going to be playing in that league sadly. ?

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1 hour ago, AndyB01 said:

I couldn't decide between sidestick or snare so it's a bit of both - I probably need to choose one or the other.

Great crits Tom thanks - as for the remix - I'm on it but what it's really crying out for are the kind of vocals only someone like @garybrun can deliver, but I'm never going to be playing in that league sadly. ?

Dont knock yourself down Andy... you did fine.

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