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Render & Audio Dropout Weirdness


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On a simple note sampling project with a synth stereo output and midi a track consisting of single notes, and a limiter in the stereo output track the following weirdness happens:

1.  On first load of the project, a bounce to tracks for a single note immediately causes the Audio Dropout (0) toast, but regardless renders the bounce. Since this can happen repeatedly, I close and reopen the project and this then no longer happens.

2. On an extended bounce to tracks for a single track occasionally a Cancellation notification pops up asking if the partial render should be saved. Here the issue is that no cancellation was initiated manually!

Incidentally this can also happen with other projects.

As for the Audio Dropout (0), this can happen when nothing is going on, except a simple gesture in the track pane such as expanding a track or a folder! These sporadic Dropout (0)s are to say the least PITA...

Any ideas, would be welcome...

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On 6/18/2020 at 8:26 PM, Tez said:

On a simple note sampling project with a synth stereo output and midi a track consisting of single notes, and a limiter in the stereo output track the following weirdness happens:

1.  On first load of the project, a bounce to tracks for a single note immediately causes the Audio Dropout (0) toast, but regardless renders the bounce. Since this can happen repeatedly, I close and reopen the project and this then no longer happens.

2. On an extended bounce to tracks for a single track occasionally a Cancellation notification pops up asking if the partial render should be saved. Here the issue is that no cancellation was initiated manually!

Incidentally this can also happen with other projects.

As for the Audio Dropout (0), this can happen when nothing is going on, except a simple gesture in the track pane such as expanding a track or a folder! These sporadic Dropout (0)s are to say the least PITA...

Any ideas, would be welcome...

Can you provide a project file where this is happening? Also what audio device are you using and the driver mode? Thanks!

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@Jonathan Sasor Thanks for the response, but it's not predictable, it happens sporadically on different projects.  The audio device is "Speakers/ Headphones(Realtek Audio)", horrible I know, using MME (32 bit), other diver options don't seem to work to well with realtek, and realtek asio sucks bilge water... The only commonality I can think of vst-wise is there tends to be an instance of Rapture pro in a project, and it maybe it happens that the unprovoked cancellation on a render will be the only issue. Rapture pro will crash a project very occasionally on an initial load with an access violation, so there may be outdated pointers hanging around. Also Audio Dropout (1), can happen when nothing is going on, except a simple gesture in the track pane... Don't know if the latter is due to constant streaming to FX vsts, if I've understood correctly , and in this case any advice would be welcome.

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You cannot expect Cakewalk to perform properly using a crappy driver from 1998. And if the other drivers are not working then your whole system must not be up to par for audio work.  Try the WASAPI mode again as that the most stable for on board audio. I can certainly use it with out issue.    You for sure will have audio issues when you do not use ASIO mode. Cakewalk and all DAWs for that matter expect the user to own a proper audio interface. 

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I have a set of powered Mackie CR 4 studio monitors that I bought just for my home office set up.  I just plug them into the little green jack on my CPU. But that is irrelevant as I could have any cheap computer speakers or headphones and that would not change anything I'm aware of.  

  We moved last summer and my studio stuff is still packed in boxes. So I can't do any recording but I like to do a little listening and midi editing, try different effects and VST's. For that you can use WASAPi and I guess I always use shared so my other computer stuff will work too. I dug out my Tascam interface a few weeks ago and  am now using that. 

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Well Mr @John Vere ...

Unlike you I don’t do guitar & banjo live recordings, I’m midi oriented. As previously mentioned, Realtek asio sucks, the only other I have available is the FL Studio asio driver, which on my standalones offers 2 stereo outs (L&R) that work & I need 6, and never got it to work in CbB, so WASAPI would the only alternative to MME. I’ve got a chunk of old projects setup for 44.1 kHz, and a single Realtek stereo out redistributes to the 5.1 setup under MME as per my Dell audio settings.

Under WASAPI I tried the shared mode, a test vst wouldn’t work without crackling, upped the sample rate to 48 kHz it seemed to work. Closed CbB without saving the project to reopen with the new audio settings no sound, reset the sample rate to 44.1 kHz still no sound, switched back to 48 no luck. Switched to exclusive mode which forced the rate to 44.1 kHz and it worked. Then switched the mode back to shared & it still worked.

So, any new project has to be in exclusive mode at 44.1 kHz or vsts crackle or just don’t sound, and then temporarily switch to shared mode if required. So, way back when running into this mess without resolving it, maybe you can see why I stuck with MME. Any idea what’s going on?

Anyhoo... Will set up the additional sends and see if WASAPI fixes these pesky audio dropouts, not mention the unprovoked render cancelations!

Oh and I guess that selecting WASAPI  exclusive mode forced the rate to 44.1 kHz, because the Dell audio  config is set to that value, but for shared mode, and CbB uses it for exclusive  regardless... ?

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Just FYI my on board sound just say's Hi definition audio codex. It's a HP off the self desktop about 11 years old. 

I cannot get my Tascam interface to run in any mode except ASIO now. I had to shut it off to run Cakewalk in WASAPI.   On W7 I for sure I used  WDM when making live recordings because I teamed it with a Yamaha mixer.  So I guess the driver was made for w7 and is hanging on by a thin thread. I will start shopping for a new interface I guess. 

I did use this computer all winter using WASAPI working with midi and editing songs and can't remember having drop outs. 

What are you system specs? Almost a dumb question these days but one thing for sure is Cakewalk likes lots of memory> I have 16 GB's. Also I'm running SSD drives with lots of space empty. 

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10 hours ago, John Vere said:

What are you system specs?

Here is some very basic info for my system:

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363

Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4008 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

BIOS Version/Date Dell Inc. 2.6.1, 5/23/2019

SMBIOS Version 2.8

Embedded Controller Version 255.255


Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB

Page File Space 4.75 GB

System Disk: SSD,  Data 1.86TB not SSD used for all CbB content & projects & most VSTs & VSTis...

Video Card:

Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

PNP Device ID PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1401&SUBSYS_113810DE&REV_A1\4&89A4674&0&0008

Adapter Type GeForce GTX 960, NVIDIA compatible

Adapter Description NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

Adapter RAM (2,147,483,648) bytes

Installed Drivers ...\nvldumdx.dll

Driver Version

So it should be OK for the stuff I do, just to keep me sane, and doubtless not quite up to your musical expertise, to say more modesty forbids ?

I hope you'll get your studio up & running soon...  I'm optimistic at this point that WASAPI will fix my glitches, so thanks for prodding me to use it! ?

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