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Winter Moon


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Never put songs online till recently so here goes. Winter Moon  - on a hot day but in some ways it feels very wintery during these times. I think this was done mostly with D Pro sounds, and probably addictive drums. The picture is what the Arizona sun has done to the finish of my vehicle ha.

I recently self-released a free album called Room for the Weak on treeshadefrance.bandcamp.com. A nod there to Joy Division, Ian Curtis, as the subject matter is about health issues. I put up some lyric videos on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRzo25ctptXt5J5X64OgLVw cause the words are important to me. The album has some rock, dub-reggae influenced rock, ambient and humor too.  I hadn't tried mastering before so the album is my first try using Izotope Ozone 9, tonal balance control and insight for some guidance. 

That's it for now, supposed to get Komplete tomorrow so forward with learning that ....

thanks for listening, treesha


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thanks Wookiee, i hope to post more. Mark, sometimes somebody says something that is more impactful than it seems on the surface. Your feedback on textures really gave me an aha moment. I never consciously thought of how much i like to play with textures in my art and music, I just play around and like what I like, and had not realized my own inclinations. So special thanks for your comment!  

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Thanks David,  I think from writing "regular" songs for so long I have a tendency to write instrumentals with parts like verse chorus etc so I do wind up repeating stuff and then making up variations as they come along. I have no training musically but went to college for psychology. My brain seems to rebel against music theory etc education, but I love self-learning recording mixing mastering. I have fun playing around with music and  some of the amazing instrument sounds available invite me to play around with them so I do maybe more than I used to.  What does brav(e) o   mean ha?

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Welcome to the forum, and nice tune!  The tones you chose were potentially relaxing, but tis is not a piece to relax to. Something urgent is going on somewhere!!!


 think the greatest bang-for-the-buck improvement could be in the drums - they sound decent but the pattern is fairly static throughout the piece. More dynamic drum moments? a breakdown section? I dunno, personal taste on that one.


again, welcome to the forum, looking forward to hearing more of your work!



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Thanks Tom and Douglas ! good to be here.

Tom, I literally laughed when I read your comment about something urgent going on vs the relaxing tones. Again I learned something new about my process. ha. And I completely agree that the drums in this piece are not very creative. I know, good point. I tend to lose patience when creating drum parts and really have no drumming ability or complex understanding of how they do what they do. I will keep this in mind for the future, and try to make drum parts more creative. Usually its like, that's good enough, move on  to the fun stuff.  

Douglas, I agree it  has a soundtrack vibe.  I never know what to call instrumental pieces. Rob called his posted piece Bjarn Sails A Darkling Sea - a "hybrid-orchestral" scoring. So maybe that's a good descriptive.  

Thanks for the listens and the comments, very helpful and interesting experience for me

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I've been off my "game" a bit of late; how did I miss this one?
Well, I'm sure y'all don't have the answer; but I digress... ?

Welcome to the forum treesha, hope we hear much more.
I'll agree with Tom (emeraldsoul), a little work on the drums in the future wouldn't hurt.


the other
(small t on purpose, just so ya know)

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Welcome also to the forum. +1 to both Tom(s) on the drums (see what I did there) ? and I agree that there is a lot going on here. I'm with you on creating drum parts - I lose the will to live after about four bars. I find Toontrack's EzDrummer a relatively inexpensive go to for non-drummers and a great way to add variety to my drums, without all that effort and I don't need the complexity that Superior Drummer offers at over twice the price!

Anyway - a great start and look forward to hearing more stuff.


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Thanks tom and Andy, I feel welcome ! Maybe you missed it tom because of the eclipse? As we all know is was "a little" work on the drums ha so I can try to be more creative and actually do some bigger work on them. I just got and am working to understand Kontakt 12, drum stuff in there that might help, no idea cause this program is so big and already needed support 2x ! so spending time on this at the moment.  ugh. Thanks for the listens and comments ! 

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Hi treesha,

I enjoyed this one. Nice sounds, and a good mix - I could everything cleanly, and the balance is nice.

I'd call this a hybrid type piece for sure -- the kind of piece that could play over a montage in a movie or similar. From that perspective, the drums as currently recorded would work just fine, to my ears. 


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Hi Rob, thanks for listening and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think the drums are ok too, but I know I don't spend much time with drums and don't get creative with them, and in other styles that I write better drums would be a good move. Working on an instrumental piece now and learning komplete 12 and messing around with those drums so maybe that will be inspirational. I'm just not naturally drum inclined. I have sat at drum sets before and wondered how do drummers do what they do? thanks again 

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