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Stuttering after loading several patches in various synths

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  On 6/10/2020 at 12:19 AM, scook said:

Have you tried lowering the buffer size? Sometimes extreme settings high or low can be a problem.



I tried this today but the same thing occurred - played a few different patches then stuttering started. As before if I changed focus away from CbB to Chrome and then went back to CbB and played the same patch again the stuttering didn't happen. Also if I turned the audio engine off and back on again, then play my controller keyboard, the stuttering stops - which will work as a temporary fix but a bit of a pain

Another strange thing is that although the current Engine Load shown in the performance module stays within sensible figures changing patches causes the max Engine Load to rise up to over 1,000 percent - even when the patch changed to still plays fine

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It seems to work OK here.

I stepped through a bunch of patchs, even with the transport running it played OK.

I am running a Win10 on an i7-4970K @ 4GHz w/ 16GB of RAM

The samples are on a regular internal HD separate from the system drive.

I did not install the included Rex Shared Library in case it messes with the one included with CbB. It doubt it matters in this case. All the Trickster programs appear to be sfz files containing wavs.

What version of CbB are you running?

What is the ThreadSchedulingModel set to in CbB Preferences > Audio > Configuration File?


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My Zampler VST and presets are on an external SSD attached over USB 3. Union with which I have the same problem is a VST3 and so on my system drive in the default VST3 location - though I need to check where the presets for that are located when I am on the PC again tonight or tomorrow in case that is the issue if the samples are stored within the preset

I have just been scrolling through presets on Voltage Modular and no problems with that - though I understand that is probably emulation based rather than sample based

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Running out of ideas.

The only common element that I see are the problem plug-ins are all sample based.

Voltage modular is not sample based but there are some dedicated sample modules.


I use external drives for backup only.

The internal sound chip was disabled when the machine was built. My DAW audio interface handles all audio.


Is the external drive also the project drive?

What virus scanner are you using?  Try disabling it and see if the problem goes away.

May want to try shutting down some of the background processes. I believe there are dropbox, Roland and Steam clients running.

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Thanks for the help so far. Projects are on the external SSD - I replaced my internal HDD which previously had VSTs and projects on for the external SSD - I didn't really want to start fiddling round inside the case and thought with USB 3 and it being an SSD performance would be as good as previously

I'm just using Windows Defender

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Good progress today - I checked over at the Soundspot page last night and there was an update to Union which included 'Global CPU Optimisation' I've run through loads of patches today without a problem ? Also the Max Engine Load has peaked at around 108% rather than the 1,280% or so it was showing on old version. So fingers crossed that is that one sorted

With Zampler I ran through the patches by clicking on the advance buttons on the GUI rather than using the scroll wheel on my APro 800 controller which is what I had been doing. No glitches and no huge Max Engine Load. Back to using the scroll wheel and the glitches reappear after around six patches - seems very weird but if that is what is causing the problem I'll stick to clicking rather than scrolling - though it is a bit of a pain! Not encountered this problem in any other synth that allows scrolling via controller.

Thanks for your help. Hopefully the issues are resolved though it might still be worth me mentioning to the Cakewalk guys about the issue with Zampler

By the way, on a totally seperate issue, one thing I find frustrating is that with some VSTi's the VSTi window is closed on loading the project even if it has been left open on saving previously - I can't see a setting to change this - is there one? 

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  On 6/11/2020 at 4:03 PM, JoeGBradford said:

By the way, on a totally seperate issue, one thing I find frustrating is that with some VSTi's the VSTi window is closed on loading the project even if it has been left open on saving previously - I can't see a setting to change this - is there one? 


Don't believe so. Then I usually close all the plug-in windows before leaving a project.


I was using a mouse and the plug-in UI to select patches.


Don't use a control surface either. There may be excessive chatter between the controller and the DAW. It may be a bug in the control surface interface or something originating in the controller. MIDI-OX will let you inspect the MIDI data stream.

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