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No Longer Blind- Scandalous Grace- New Version


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Hi Gang, its been a while.  Seems like after we put out our last batch of songs, we were some what burned out as a group.   We currently have a half dozen songs we are working towards finishing. 

No Longer Blind:


Here is the latest.  This is a song I wrote and I have done the mixing and mastering.  Let us know what you think; all comments are welcome.

Words and Music Written by Michael Hanson

Scandalous Grace
Michael Hanson: Lead Vocals, Bass, Electric Rhythm, Intro Solo, Drum Programming, Mixing and Mastering.
Reece Bain (Beagle): Keyboards and Back Ground Vocals
Sean Peifer: Main Solo




Edited by michaelhanson
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Hey David,

Thanks for listening and commenting.  

Reece,  Sean and myself all love the secular music that we grew up with.  We all still listen, play and go to concerts to see many of the bands we grew up listening too.  Our hope is that our love for rock, pop and blues carries over to the music we are writing to reach an audience that loves the same type of music.    

I am really happy that you find the songs compelling, hopefully that is a sign that we are doing something right.  

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Second today for me in the "worship" genre. Well crafted song I stay; but I'll be honest, a lot of the time I just tune out.
This is a well crafted tune so I "hung" around.

One crit, (hope you don't mind) the kick is dominating the tune here on my Bose cans.
Tonally its great (the kick), its just the loudest element in the mix.
If its "right" on your monitors, leave it alone; but I'd check the "translation" on a few systems.
Overall ?, dropped a like there at SoundCloud, didn't subscribe; 'cause as I said "worship" is not my genre.
But I do "get", and applaud, your efforts...


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re @DeeringAmps kick comment. The kick is fine on my Sennheiser HD600s.

Mix is spot on IMO  Michael.

Song structure is about as good as it gets.

Performances are superb. Especially the rhythm guitars. Sean's solo is top drawer. One of your better vocals Michael.

Ending needs a lead guitar or something over it. Just a little plain at that point.

Edited by Bapu
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58 minutes ago, Bapu said:


Ending needs a lead guitar or something over it. Just a little plain at that point.

Excellent suggestion Ed!  I may see if Sean wants to add some thing tasteful to the ending of the song.  

I much appreciate you checking the kick in your cans.  I was really liking the punch that I had going in this mix and the kick was sounding good on my systems, but I was now worried that it may not be on others.


I much appreciate the listen an comments!


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Thanks everyone for the great comments!  Like Mike said, we've been kinda slow lately ever since our last CD came out.  this song, IIRC has been "in work" since November of 2019!

we have some more "in the pipe" as well, stay tuned and thanks again for the great comments and suggestions!

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17 hours ago, Bapu said:

The kick is fine on my Sennheiser HD600's

I listened again using the Babyface & Beyerdynamic 990's. The low end of the kick is no longer overwhelming (vs the soundchip & Bose cans; duh!).
I'm a big fan of using the beater click to define the kick. But, would I mix it just a bit different? I think so, just me. Does it matter? Nope!

16 hours ago, michaelhanson said:

was now worried that it may not be on others

No need to worry! Your tune, your production; its just fine...


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Michael, your production has steadily gotten beefier over the years, which complements your style of writing.  I don't know about the kick (sounds good here), but I agree that the ending could use some love.  All in all, a good, solid rock song regardless of genre.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have uploaded a new version of No Longer Blind in which the ending now has a guitar solo.  Thanks to everyone that made this suggestion, I think it adds a very nice touch to the ending of the song.

If you get a chance, please listen again and make any additional comments.  

Thanks, Mike

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