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Quantica (Acustica Audio) Modula Lite to the rescue for Mac users?


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Our partners at Quantica have just released Modula Lite, an affordable solution to unleash the power of the Acqua plug-ins you already own.



With the ongoing dsp allocation bug (dsp overrun) for all Acustica audio plugins on Mac platform (Logic and Cubase confirmed), where upon reopening the session (which uses Acqua or N4 plugins on Groups and Buses), session's dsp is suddenly wrongly allocated and processing memory runs out of the available dsp making the session unplayable... does the Modula Lite comes to the rescue?

I've tested couple of months ago the Modula in this scenario and because the dsp processing for Acqua plugins is located within the Modula itself and not anymore within the Cubase session, it appears that the dsp is staying outside the DAW and it is therefore always properly allocated for the session in use, giving hope that this dsp overrun bug on Mac could finally have come to some kind of working solution.

This ''Mac dsp overrun bug'' is the reason I've stopped using the Acustica's plugins for the most part in my sessions...

Would love to hear your opinion, guys and gals, and the experience with this matter?

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Hi Carlos, yes it was just released couple of days ago. The initial full price on Modula (that included some acqua plugins) was whopping 999 $! Now it dropped to 599 $ for Modula - Bundle and the Lite version is the same technology, just without the Acqua plugins... 99$ isn't that bad, even-though I believe it should be included for free for the Mac users experiencing the problems! 

Modula is still in it's infancy and quite buggy, and the most interesting part - networking on slave computers - isn't yet implemented. I'm contemplating with the idea of 8 - 16ch of bi-directional Adat or AES EBU connection to the 2nd Mac which would run the ''Just plain'' Modula Lite with inserted Acqua plugins, but bugginess and non-availability of Modula-enabled plugins that I own are making me sit and wait... and enjoy my UAD plugins which aren't that shabby either ?

Edited by ZokZTM
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5 hours ago, ZokZTM said:

but bugginess and non-availability of Modula-enabled plugins that I own are making me sit and wait

Yeah, I am with you, I noticed I don't have Modula-enabled plugins myself either, lol (Navy, Pink, El Rey, Ruby, free ones, "free" ones).

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They really screwed early adopters on this, shameful. Told them they were getting Modula at special intro price of $699 with full price reverting to $999. Many bought even though buggy as hell and even when they already had the 3 included Aqua plugins, only for them to drop price to $599 and now this for $99! (minus any acquas plugins yes but those aquas are always on sale for around 60Euros each). I'm a fan of AA but this was low. There's a lot of anger out there towards Acustica at the moment and totally justified

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Indeed, utterly unacceptable... I was almost one of those poor takers.... but managed to stop myself of buying the Modula at the release on the basis of that I made myself a promise, no matter what, I don't spend a penny on their stuff before I got those Acqua plugins working properly on a daily basis. The above mentioned ''Mac bug'' made me stick with the  - no-buying resolution. I'm glad I did it, but feel sad for those who went for it. Isn't it enough that we are all the ''paying'' beta testers for many developers and even hardware manufacturers, so to furthermore, even be mislead about the pricing and product ''discount'' policies. Where's the moral these days...

They should refund the difference to every and each one of the early adopters and top it up with the same additional amount in vouchers for future purchases!

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