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Grouping/hiding multiple tracks in console view

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I have a track folder full of string tracks, and all those tracks route to a Strings bus. Is there a way to hide/show all of those tracks as a group in the console view? I'm typically only dealing with them as a submix, and I'd rather not hide/show them individually. 

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On 6/4/2020 at 5:24 PM, cwiggins999 said:

I have a track folder full of string tracks, and all those tracks route to a Strings bus. Is there a way to hide/show all of those tracks as a group in the console view? I'm typically only dealing with them as a submix, and I'd rather not hide/show them individually. 

Yes. You can press "H" to open the console view  track manager, scroll to and "un-tick" the strings folder and click OK to hide them all; and repeat the process to "tick" the folder to show the string tracks.

You need to be careful to make sure that the console view is selected when you press "H" if both the console view and any portion of the track view are visible. There are separate track managers for the track and console view as long as the "Keep track/console views in sync" option on the track manager is un-ticked.

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“There are separate track managers for the track and console view as long as the "Keep track/console views in sync" option on the track manager is un-ticked.”

Wow. Wait. What? I’ve fought with this Issue for a while. I hide a folder of stuff in track view and would love all that stuff to be hidden in console view to free up screen real estate. Never understood why, if I had things hidden in track view and had Keep track/console views in sync, those same elements would not be hidden in console view. Isn’t that what keeping “views in synch” means? If the views are controlled completely separately, what is the point of “Keep track/console views in sync“?

I’ll give what you suggest a shot, Bill.

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4 hours ago, Billy86 said:

I hide a folder of stuff in track view and would love all that stuff to be hidden in console view to free up screen real estate.

I don't sync track and console views. I hide everything except active audio/midi tracks and track folders in track view. I'll also show buses and aux tracks when working on bus and aux automation.

I only show anything with controls I want access to (all active tracks including aux tracks and active buses) in console view.

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  • 2 years later...
On 6/8/2020 at 9:29 PM, Bill Phillips said:

Yes. You can press "H" to open the console view  track manager, scroll to and "un-tick" the strings folder and click OK to hide them all; and repeat the process to "tick" the folder to show the string tracks.

You need to be careful to make sure that the console view is selected when you press "H" if both the console view and any portion of the track view are visible. There are separate track managers for the track and console view as long as the "Keep track/console views in sync" option on the track manager is un-ticked.

Hi - how do I make sure only the console view is selected? And what exactly do you mean when you say if any of track view is visible? 

I just clicked H and the Track View manager came up - how do i get console view manager? Many thanks

Edited by brandon
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7 hours ago, brandon said:

Hi - how do I make sure only the console view is selected? And what exactly do you mean when you say if any of track view is visible? 

I just clicked H and the Track View manager came up - how do i get console view manager? Many thanks

They're the same dialog, but act on either the Track View or the Console View depending on where it was launched from.

If the Console View has focus (as in Windows focus), the "H" key will bring up the Track Manager dialog and will apply to the console - otherwise it'll apply to the Track View.  If "Keep track/console visibility states in sync" is checked, then any changes will apply to both the console and the track view.

To avoid confusion, you can launch it from the Console View "Strips" menu for the console view, or from the "Tracks" menu in the Track View.

You can also save per-project presets in that dialog here so you can switch between different sets of hidden tracks as required.  Note that the presets only contain the tracks that are specifically hidden, so if you add any new tracks they'll be visible by default (until you update your presets of course).

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I never really used the Track Manager before, and I was missing something great.

In big projects, everything gets cluttered very fast.

Also, I learned that if you save the Track Manager presets in a Project Template, they are part of every project created from that template.

For Orchestral work it's fantastic to shift between different orchestral groups on the fly.



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On 5/31/2023 at 4:04 AM, msmcleod said:

They're the same dialog, but act on either the Track View or the Console View depending on where it was launched from.

If the Console View has focus (as in Windows focus), the "H" key will bring up the Track Manager dialog and will apply to the console - otherwise it'll apply to the Track View.  If "Keep track/console visibility states in sync" is checked, then any changes will apply to both the console and the track view. (Emphasis added)

To avoid confusion, you can launch it from the Console View "Strips" menu for the console view, or from the "Tracks" menu in the Track View.

You can also save per-project presets in that dialog here so you can switch between different sets of hidden tracks as required.  Note that the presets only contain the tracks that are specifically hidden, so if you add any new tracks they'll be visible by default (until you update your presets of course).

As I’ve stated this has not been my experience. I have that checked and the hide/show functionality does not appear the same in those views. Am I misunderstanding?

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31 minutes ago, Billy86 said:

As I’ve stated this has not been my experience. I have that checked and the hide/show functionality does not appear the same in those views. Am I misunderstanding?

In that case, "Keep track/console visibility states in sync" is unchecked - meaning your console & tracks view will have different hide states.

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19 hours ago, msmcleod said:

In that case, "Keep track/console visibility states in sync" is unchecked - meaning your console & tracks view will have different hide states.

This is an old claim: being able, in the console view, to operate in a better way in terms of usability than marking the view or not of the track.

I myself have a post addressing this request and @Herbert Zio there is also another post with the same approach.

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