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Frozen Plain Obelisk updated to 1.1.5

Larry Shelby

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Obelisk 1.1.5: bug-fixes

Just to let you know there is an update available for Obelisk. This minor update fixes a few bugs - making Obelisk nicer to use.

To get this new version. Please log-in to your FrozenPlain account and get the installer from the downloads section. Running the installer will safely overwrite the old version. Opening old DAW projects that contain Obelisk will not be affected.

Here are the main changes:

Obelisk now lets you use your keyboard to control your DAW, even when the Obelisk window is open. Previously Obelisk would sometimes stop the keys from getting through. This was especially irritating when trying to press the spacebar to play your track.

Logic X: Fixed an issue where preferences where not being saved between sessions. Preferences such as the GUI window size or GUI theme.

Fixed crash when trying to use Obelisk with an empty scale that had no notes in it.

Minor changes to the GUI. Namely, the 'factory presets' menu was misleading as the 2 options there were really just ways to reset the state.

Visit your FrozenPlain account to get the update

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I love it. This is something I had wanted for a long time. I can start with a regular piano chord, then with the options I can turn it into what I am looking for while still being in key. For me it works great. Again, I love it.

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  On 6/5/2020 at 2:20 AM, Grem said:

I love it. This is something I had wanted for a long time. I can start with a regular piano chord, then with the options I can turn it into what I am looking for while still being in key. For me it works great. Again, I love it.


Thanks Grem. That's enough to spur me on to using it again. I guess with so many options (Scaler 2, Instachord, Chord Potion etc) it's easy to overlook some. 

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@ZincT Zinc Obelisk has some really good features, such as the ability to change what chord will trigger when it played. (IOW a maj or min as an example, but all options exists). It can be done by selecting which key you press on the keyboard that will set it to play the predetermined chord, hit that key again and it goes back to the other chord. Here is the great thing about it: The key that you set up to trigger the change, can be mapped to a midi  note! So you can make those chages on the fly, or use this setup to change chords using the midi editor in your DAW. I use it this way in CbB.

Here is something I came up with. It shows what I did with Obelisk. The intro was EZK part modified by me, then the chords you hear after that was Obelisk with the input of A, G#, G, F#. I just put those in on a whim.Never intending to create anything. But what I was getting I liked and so I kept working on it!

After one minute the chords change to A (which is keyswitched to a different type of A)  E, and C. After that part (1:21) I still used the chords that Obelisk generated and put them into EZK, and that's what ya hear. I did make lots of edits to the EZK midi to help it work with what I was going for. 


Edited by Grem
Spelling of Course!
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  On 6/5/2020 at 7:32 PM, antler said:

I was interested in this a while ago but got put off because someone said that the plugin startup time was quite long. Is this (still?) the case?


It has to be a misunderstanding. Obelisk is a midi only plugin with simple gui. There's very liitle to load.

So, no. It starts immediately.

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  On 6/5/2020 at 6:25 PM, Grem said:

@ZincT Zinc Obelisk has some really good features, such as the ability to change what chord will trigger when it played. (IOW a maj or min as an example, but all options exists). It can be done by selecting which key you press on the keyboard that will set it to play the predetermined chord, hit that key again and it goes back to the other chord. Here is the great thing about it: The key that you set up to trigger the change, can be mapped to a midi  note! So you can make those chages on the fly, or use this setup to change chords using the midi editor in your DAW. I use it this way in CbB.

Here is something I came up with. It shows what I did with Obelisk. The intro was EZK part modified by me, then the chords you hear after that was Obelisk with the input of A, G#, G, F#. I just put those in on a whim.Never intending to create anything. But what I was getting I liked and so I kept working on it!

After one minute the chords change to A (which is keyswitched to a different type of A)  E, and C. After that part (1:21) I still used the chords that Obelisk generated and put them into EZK, and that's what ya hear. I did make lots of edits to the EZK midi to help it work with what I was going for. 



Thanks Grem. I like what you came up with there ?

I have had a play with Obelisk now and like what it does. The keyswitch to change scales is useful. 

I have recently been experimenting with using a number of these type of plugins together e.g. Scaler 2 into Chord Potion, so would be interesting to add Obelisk into the mix. 

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