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Hidden Symmetry

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Today I tried the latest version of CbB using an older symphonic/ jazz project. Deleted all the plugins & remixed from scratch. An older collab made with mp3s , 16b files so its lo-fi.  CbB worked great overall, but did have a few crashes, not sure why. Maybe cause the project is older.

Be safe + Go Well...


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Well this comment probably won't be useful. Just an observation on my part.
I usually turn the dial when I hear anything jazzy because I just can't get into it. But when I take the time to listen to it I'm surprised at how intricate it is and I'm impressed with the musicianship. Which is what I felt when listening to your song. You guys know what you're doing. Nice job!

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This feels cinematic.  I never know with these kinds of recordings, whats improvised and what's planned.  The horn parts would have to be planned, but the solos, I never know.  Do you just push record and get the best take?  Or is it all planned.  It's a mystery.

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8 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Well this comment probably won't be useful. Just an observation on my part.
I usually turn the dial when I hear anything jazzy because I just can't get into it. But when I take the time to listen to it I'm surprised at how intricate it is and I'm impressed with the musicianship. Which is what I felt when listening to your song. You guys know what you're doing. Nice job!

Thanks Bjorn.
My music isn't for everyone, this track in particular so I appreciate your comment.

4 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

This feels cinematic.  I never know with these kinds of recordings, whats improvised and what's planned.  The horn parts would have to be planned, but the solos, I never know.  Do you just push record and get the best take?  Or is it all planned.  It's a mystery.

Thanks David.

It depends on the track, on this one the orchestra was written first. I sent the drummer a text file with the form & meter changes. Made a melody/ chord chart for the sax player & told him to play as inspired in any open sections. Other guitar & synth solos were ad-libbed except that unison line. This was made during the dial up days, took forever to exchange files!


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3 hours ago, Bapu said:

Well done.

And I mean that *not* sarcastically. 

My son was in Jazz Band all through High School so this stuff is not unfamiliar to me even if I don't own one album of this genre.

Thanks Bapu, appreciate it.

6 hours ago, Wookiee said:

This is cool music, nicely done @Hidden Symmetry.  Probably the age of the original file may have been the cause of the crashes, but you got there in the end. 

(PS Followed you on Bandlab too)

Thanks Wookiee,

Found you on BL as well.

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I liked this a lot. Very nicely put together. The soundscape is huge and all-encompassing -- which I like -- and despite the large number of instruments and the complexity of the arrangement, I thought I could hear all the details. I particularly liked the guitar sound that entered at 4:45 - really nice.


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As always first class, but that's what we've learned to expect!

For some reason it made me think Hot Rats, don't know why, haven't listened in many a year (only Zappa that I have the vinyl, but not the CD).

Anyway, big thumbs here from me!


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