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I've Got To Leave Today

Douglas Kirby

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17 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

Hi Everybody,

This is a blues number off of my double album "Relics". Any comments and critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening.

Here it is:



Great song douglas.  I liked the hard panning of the two guitars.    And then the third solo down the middle, it was satisfying. Do you have a band?  It'd be fun to see you live.

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More good stuff Doug!

13 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

I liked the hard panning of the two guitars

I think its one guitar hard panned left with the delay hard panned right (until the solo); I think.
Maybe Doug will clue us in. But I do agree David, its very effective.



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On 5/30/2020 at 12:21 AM, David Sprouse said:

Great song douglas.  I liked the hard panning of the two guitars.    And then the third solo down the middle, it was satisfying. Do you have a band?  It'd be fun to see you live.

Thanks for listening David. I don't have a band at this time - I'm just writing songs and producing them in Cakewalk - I find it to be a lot of fun. I used to do open mics, but I'm an early bird now, so I don't bother anymore.

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16 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

More good stuff Doug!

I think its one guitar hard panned left with the delay hard panned right (until the solo); I think.
Maybe Doug will clue us in. But I do agree David, its very effective.



Thanks for listening Tom - I panned the lead guitar parts at 40 to the right on the prechorus and 50 to the right on the verse. At the end, I panned the lead guitar to 50 on the left. On the intro, breaks and the solo it's up the middle.

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On 6/2/2020 at 2:05 PM, steve@baselines.com said:

Love that guitar- what LUFS do you shoot for in your master?

Thanks for listening.  What I usually do is bounce down the tracks to a stereo master - making sure I'm not pushing the master fader levels too hard. I then used Ozone 9 on this one on the stereo track - which adds a bit of punch and increases the gain a bit. I go by ear, so there's no definite level I shoot for. Since I'm doing albums, I try to make sure all the songs are close regarding the volume.

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15 hours ago, freddy j said:

Great Bluesy sounds that sound as they are coming from the sophisticated side of Chicago south.  I could almost fee the concussion wave from those toms and bass pedal (cool).   Well done!

Hey Freddy - thanks for listening and for your comments. The drums on this one are Addictive Drums 2.

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On 6/6/2020 at 8:23 AM, Bajan Blue said:

Nice Guitar !!! Doug, this sounds really good - I like the tone on the Guitar - how did you record that?



Thanks for listening Nigel. The lead guitar was my Gibson Les Paul plugged directly into a Focusrite Scarlett audio interface. The guitar vst was Overloud TH-U - I think the amp was the '62 Fender Brownface Deluxe for the lead. I've been pretty happy with TH-U as an amp sim for my songs.

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