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Mangrove Sally in the City

freddy j

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I hope this posting finds everyone healthy adjusting to our current circumstances.

Here is a silly little song that hopefully might bring a little smile.  It is a follow up to the a song down on my SoundClick song list somewhere simply called "Mangrove Sally".  It is indeed a silly little love song in an unusual way. It is a bit raw, rough, and raunchy intentionally (I like it like that).  However, for problems that stand out annoyingly so and others that cry out to be fixed (there will probably be more that a few), I would very much appreciate your input. Thanks!!

Please be smart and stay safe.



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48 hours and narry a comment? Shame on us!
What's my excuse? the sun's been out and, well you know...
What's yours?

As always Freddy, superb storytelling! What more can I say, I'm a big fan.
And, post a link to Mangrove Sally, searching for it on my phone; pages and pages!
Actually don't, not only can you weave a tale, you do it in abundance.
Your body of work is like a Dylan song, verse after verse after verse.

You're shaming me man!
But in a good way...


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What a terrific song and a good way to start my day!  Freddy, I've been meaning to ask you what mic do you use to record your voice.  You have such a resonant voice that I'm surprised that you aren't doing voice-overs for commercials and the like.  What I really like about this song is your ability to tell a story that most of us can relate to.  I'll be listening to the rest of your songs over the next few days because they always put me in a good mood.  Hang in there, pal!!!

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Hi tom.  No shame my friend!  I am retired and doing what we are requested to do .  Staying at home -- a lot!   However, some how, I am finding time racing past me and  finding little time to do the things I would like to do.  I have also heard that the characteristic of lost time comes with old age (who me?).   Thanks very much for your kind words and encouragement.  Oh ya, I almost forgot (forgetfulness another characteristic) here is the link for Mangrove Sally


That song was done quite a while ago and needs a bit of dressing up.  I'll have to do that some day -- When time permits. ?

Hi ya Lynn.  Thanks very much for your kind words.  Songs that tell stories have always been my favourites.  Groups like the Coasters (formally the Robins) were among my most favourite.   I have a very simple mic.  It is an old Sure Prologue Dynamic.  Normally It is plugged directly into my Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 interface.  When I want reverb a a Boss Digital Delay DD-5 is used.  However, given my penchant for abusing this I am reluctant to use it.   The only other Fx that I may use is the Sonitus EQ concentrating on adjusting the levels around 200.  It is probably due to my lack of musical and mixing knowledge but I shy away from a lot of production.  I would probably end up over-producing.   It is probably best for me to follow the keep it simple paradigm.  Stay safe my friend.

Hey Bjorn.  Thanks for taking time to listening and for your comments.  The vocals are a wee bit off aren't they.  I must have slipped into my Jimmy Reed mode (noted for his unusual timing).  I have been fortunate to have met some interesting people in my life.  It is not too difficult to exaggerate some of these personalities and place them in different situations to come up with a story.  Thanks again!!

Hello Douglas.  Yup that is one of my Marine Band harmonicas in A.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I'll have to go back and give it a look (better yet a listen).  Thanks again for listening and commenting!!!

Hi Bapu.  I'm glad that you liked it.  Thanks for listening and for your comments!!!

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Hi Freddy - love this - one thing, I'm hearing  a lot of very low base in the mix - now this could well be my system - my audio interface went wrong and the only thing I could get was a behringer - not my most favorite of companies!!!!  Our Hard Lockdown has a lot to answer for...............

Is anyone else hearing this?  If not I know its me!!!!!!!

Otherwise great song my friend



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Hi Nigel.   Nope, there is nothing wrong with your ears or your system.  There indeed is a lot of bass used in this song.  This is particularly true in the guitar panned Left.  It was intentional but perhaps misguided.  This was intended to be swamp music and Mangrove Sally is a lady of the swamp.  I was trying to bring in the feeling of tromping through a mangrove forest on a dreary day -- trying to step over the prop roots and pneumatafores of the mangrove trees or perhaps walking, at night, through a forest of live oak trees with Spanish moss tickling the top of your head.  Perhaps this needs to be experienced and can't be communicated through music???  Anyway, I always appreciate your taking the time to listen and value your input!!  Stay safe and healthy my friend.  These are indeed trying times but it only takes one exposure to this nasty little virus to get knocked on your back.

Thank you David!  It is indeed that time of year where we "Children of the Storm"  (Gulf of Mexico residents) always have to keep an eye on the weather.  I can't imagine a hurricane in combo with the CoVid 19 virus.  Perhaps it might be over cautious but I'm gathering up nonperishable foods, lots of water, gasoline and of course TP.

Thank you for the kind words Wookiee.  I very much enjoyed your recent post!!!

Hey Leadfoot.  Thank you very much.  If it put you in a good mood, then that fact puts me in a good mood!  Thanks for listening and for the encouraging words.

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Cool groove for sure, and the swampyness is cool! You are either fighting a little 60hz cycle buzz or using it as an effect, I can't tell?

The drums could stand out a bit more in the mix, they are pretty far back there . . . you might make them a little louder when the vocals aren't present . . .


nice one!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Tom.  I appreciate the suggestions.  I was going for a gravelly overdrive sound on this number --- particularly with that guitar panned hard Left.  I am not schooled or competent enough to know  if or what  a 60hz cycle buzz might be.  I must rely on what it sounds like and unfortunately (as it is with reverb also) I tend to over-do.  I'll go back an see about bumping up the drums.  Thanks again!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Allan and Makke -- thanks for listening and for the kind comments.  BTW - I thought that Sally & Alley might be an easy rhyme but resisted the temptation. ?

Also, my apologies for being so late in responding.  During this period of staying home my wife has found a lot of projects and fix-up things for me to do, and some how time has quickly faded away.  Thanks again!!

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Old Joad.  Thank you for listening and for the kind words.  I kind of grew up attracted to Blues, Jump Blues, raunchy rock, etc.  To misquote John Lee Hooker --- it's in me and has gotta get out.  At least some of the time.  Thanks again!

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