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Ashes of Singularity Game Download

Larry Shelby

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  On 5/7/2020 at 7:04 PM, cclarry said:

No Pete...I'm not much of a gamer...but for those who do, WHY NOT?  Free is FREE!
Don't like it?  Uninstall it!


True and with any Steam keys or Epic Games unlocks you can choose not to install them right off the bat so you can see your massive backlog without having the temptation of yet another game to play before being done with the ones in progress.  Though I have a ton of different games in progress, including replays so I don't know when I'll ever get to these.  I mainly game on PC now instead of console so I'm replaying Carmageddon Max Damage to get the completionist achievements there, and helping an IK colleague get through Borderlands 2 while leveling up yet another character of mine there because why not? :)

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@Peter - IK Multimedia

I am playing an older game on Steam that I never finished, Oblivion. I have gotten back into it so much I haven't done any music in a week or more!! 

Now I remember why I quit playing!!

I also have some othrrs that I need to finish,  Undertale, The Room, and a Sonic game. I only play on PC too. But I do have one game, the first FF on my cell that I am playing. Just wondering around and leveling up!! And more gil too!!

Edited by Grem
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  On 5/7/2020 at 7:22 PM, kitekrazy said:

This is no different than getting free plugins and never using them.


True, I've curtailed that but perhaps I should with games.  Though with regard to games I am able to share my Steam library (legally) with a family member who can spend more time playing any of the hundreds of games there.

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  On 5/8/2020 at 4:39 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

From my Steam account on https://steamdb.info/


That's over 9 years, 2399 games only played 356 of them.


Is is wrong to have Wither 3 and just decided to play it?

One of the reasons why I would never subscribe to Humble Bundle is you would get a lot of games you would never play.  I'd suspect most of them are the type of games that are available for phones and a major title is rare.

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  On 5/8/2020 at 7:53 PM, kitekrazy said:

One of the reasons why I would never subscribe to Humble Bundle is you would get a lot of games you would never play.  I'd suspect most of them are the type of games that are available for phones and a major title is rare


Yes, there are many games you'll never play, and if you tend to play the latest and greatest then the Monthly Bundles is not what you want. On the other hand, while there aren't major titles that just came out a month ago, it's not all "phone games". There's a decent mix of older major titles (e.g., Shadow of war or Overwatch showed up in the bundle slightly over 24 months after their corresponding releases) along with more recent "middle-tier", or yearly franchises from last year (e.g., F1 2019), and then yes, indie and minor titles that are more "phone-like". Given the low subscription prices often just one game makes it a good deal even if everything else is "filler"

Humble made a couple of changes this year that address the concerns about getting too many unwanted items. It used to be that you had to pay before knowing what was in the monthly bundle. Now, on the first Friday of the month you see what is in the bundle, and you have about 20 days to decide whether to keep it (if you start unlocking games or do nothing) or to suspend that month (extend your subscription one more month instead of getting the games). The other change this year is that the bundles are larger and instead of getting everything you just choose a subset (which also reduces the amount of "fillers" that you end up getting).

I don't like much the subscription models where you have nothing left when you stop paying but I do like the idea of paying a subscription and getting a random mix of permanent licenses. This is why I'm quite happy with my Monthly Humble. It could be interesting if we had a similar model for plugins and soundware. In a way the "cover disks" from Computer Music & Beat magazine, have some resemblance with this model (esp. since they started including some full licenses that aren't limited versions, like Air's Vaccum Pro or IK's White 2A and Vintage 670). Maybe the PA subscriptions with the vouchers are also getting close to this, although they still feel like getting an "extended demo" with a purchase at the end (which has the typical concerns of using demos extensively - junk on disk, choice overload, projects that may not open later) . Also, one of the key points in the Monthly Humble is the variety of producers (PA does have multiple developers but not that many).

The humble monthly model applied to plugins would look like this:

Pay a $15/month subscription and get a bundle containing some of the "best of 2017/2018" and previous but still useful versions of well established franchises (e.g. something from these lists https://www.musicradar.com/news/the-14-best-new-effects-plugins-in-the-world-right-now or https://www.musicradar.com/news/the-best-new-effect-plugins-of-2017) along with a few sample packs and more recent but lesser-known indie plugins.

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