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KUDOS to the Baker's of Cakewalk! ?


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This is my test drive mix using the new 2020.04 release of  Cakewalk by Bandlab.. ? I can't think of a better way to test drive then mix one of my favorite, not quite finished Steely Dan tunes I've been working on. FM, and there's no static at all. 

Rarely if EVER have I ever selected a plugin "preset" and thought it needs no tweaking.  I've always thought of presets as a really cool way to get me close to what I want, but I think this is the first time I think in my entire history of recording and mixing that I EVER got this close to what I want with the new ENORMOUS selection of KILLER ProChannel module presets included in CbB v2020.04.

This is also the first time in years that I used NO 3rd party plugins. This mix is 100% Cakewalk & Sonitus audio  FX plugins that are included with Cakewalk by Bandlab.


FM, and there's no static at all.



Edited by Steev
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That was a fun listen, and I liked how you had your own vocal take. You guys who take on Steely Dan covers have my respect, such great songs and arrangements.

On your vocal, you sing it your way which is cool, but a lot of your phrasing is just a hair behind the original. So it sounds like your phrasing is somehow too laid back. Again, compared to the original. I found myself wanting to click on your lead vocal track and nudge it forward just a hair!

Of course your timing is your choice and my OCD is mine.  ?


Great tune and nice job on it!



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