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The Muse tapped me on the shoulder Friday Morning...


Just a note of warning: may contain what some might consider Leftanista sentiments.
If you are easily offended, maybe take a pass.
This was "quick and dirty", but all crits are welcomed and much appreciated.


Edited by DeeringAmps
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Yeah, just sorta leftanista.  Don't sugarcoat it, tell us how you really feel.  ?
I like the clever lyrics: "embleachment"   "hydroxy pox infusion"
Vocal character fits the song well. IDK to me the voc could use some treatment, a little reverb or something. Maybe double tracking here and there?

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This is a well made tune. The lyrics are creative to say the least. I already said too much on another "politically leaning" post not long ago that I probably should have left unsaid. I guess in hindsight music is a good way to release frustration of the "powers that be" . Who needs soap operas? Just watch a news channel. 

I am primarily a policy directed person and personalities or people a few fries short of a happy meal really don't influence my thinking on laws or policies so long as we are at least headed in the right direction. I see a merge of everything political because the platforms voted on seldom produce the results intended. I have thick skin. I do get tired of the constant pounding a certain fake red head takes. Yes he asks for it a lot of the time. His doody really does stink too.It's a circus....it really it is.  People on my FB account just won't give it a rest though.......like how do you want it today T sitting down or bending over? I seldom let it occupy my thoughts. This was a fun look at the whole C-virus political thing done in a very creative way. Kudos for that. One day I hope we can all look back on it like a small bump in the road ;)

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this is great - I love the lyrics and personally I think they sound totally sane to me not leftist at all..........and at the moment I am stuck in Cape Town (well actually I'm stranded, can’t get back home to Barbados until goodness knows when)  Unfortunately what goes on here sometimes (I did say sometimes!!)    makes The Donald almost seem normal!!

We have had for the past 5 weeks an army enforced total lock down - you are only allowed outside to buy food.  Which is OK for me as I have a house and some money but for many millions in South Africa  the reality is no food and being kept in your squatters shack 24/7   - we have already killed through starvation, other illness,  hunger or the Police / Army more people than have died through this Covid virus............and in two months we have only had 86 covid related deaths


So is Covid a jolly good excuse for a silent coup d’état - we do so love a good   coup  d'état here in Africa!!!!

Many of our songs have a political message so good on you I say!!

Great job






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On 4/27/2020 at 10:54 AM, Hidden Symmetry said:

Enjoyed hearing your guitar tracks

Thanks Hidden, means a lot.

On 4/28/2020 at 7:33 AM, Wookiee said:

I am wiping the tears from my eyes

You made my day Wooks!

On 4/28/2020 at 10:02 AM, Rooooooo said:

that was great

You are too kind Rooooooo

On 4/28/2020 at 10:24 AM, bjornpdx said:

just sorta leftanista

I consider myself a "principled conservative"!

On 4/28/2020 at 3:35 PM, emeraldsoul said:

did I just hear impeachment rhymed with imbleachment? yes I did.

It turns out I did NOT coin the term ?

On 4/28/2020 at 5:53 PM, David Sprouse said:

so clever.  Done good.

Thank you David

On 4/28/2020 at 11:58 PM, Bajan Blue said:

Many of our songs have a political message so good on you I say!

That's what music is for, self expression. Sad to hear of your situation; stay strong, stay safe!

On 4/29/2020 at 2:56 AM, daryl1968 said:

Did you have anyone in mind when you wrote this?

No way!

On 4/29/2020 at 4:00 AM, Douglas Kirby said:

a cool blues/rock number

means a lot Doug, thanks

On 4/29/2020 at 6:07 AM, mark skinner said:

Sounds like you've been pretty busy.

Just finished the video, now I can take a breather. Thanks for the kind words Mark.

23 hours ago, Lynn said:

Your production is very apropo and I have to listen again

Then a BIG double thanks to ya Lynn!!

On 4/28/2020 at 7:29 PM, Starise said:

This is a well made tune. The lyrics are creative to say the least.

Your comments mean a lot Starise, thank you. Yes sometimes we all get a little too riled up. Best to take a deep breath and a step back.
We far more in common than we have differences...

Thanks one and all for being so generous with your time and ears.
Actually Tuesday was the 68th anniversary of my birth (I hate "birthday")
Your kind comments and support made it one I will never forget.

Please all stay safe, drop your hands one time and any good heavyweight will put you on the canvas.
We are all fighting "way above" our weight...

Luv ya all,


but that don't mean I want to take long hot showers with ya!

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Absoflippinlutely brilliant.  The lyrics are creative, clever, and humourous.  The music is well done and sets up an emotional stage for the lyrics.  The video is perfect!  Comedic satire is a great way to introduce thought in a clever way.  My grandma (in her tactful way) used to say that tact is the art of giving others your way.  Sometimes tact must be abandoned to make a point.  The point is well made in this piece.  The pandemic is a threat to human life and the economic situation will not improve until this threat is removed.

We most definitely are all in this together.



"Ignorance is unfortunate --- Willful ignorance is unforgivable"

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Hi Tom

The video  is great and adds to the song - whenever I think that Africa has the monopoly on lunatic / corrupt Political leaders, there's always something about The Donald that reminds me we ALL suffer from Political schisters in one way or another - or they are  just plain stupid crooks - that's more our line down here!!!!! 

Cool job




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