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One for the metal fans amongst us

Lord Tim

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Hey guys,

I've been giving CbB a hell of a work out over the last few months and came up with... well, this thing:


And yes, I did get a blister from my solo part! ?  I think my poor video editing machine fared worse though, buried in After Effects hell. But we got there. :) 

For those playing along at home, obviously the mix and master was done in CbB. About 85% of the plugins were actually Sonitus, and a liberal amount of Pro Channel stuff, like the console emulator and the tape sim module - that was magic on the drum and guitar busses.

Anyway, enjoy! :) 


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Oh, I should mention also that if anyone would like a copy of the song and previews for the rest of the album, you can get that and a pretty awesome looking shirt here:


(This post was brought to you by the "Hey idiot, do your job and sell stuff" Marketing Department. A Subsidiary of Musicians Are Really Travelling T-Shirt Salesmen, PTY LTD.)

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Thanks guys! :)

@emeraldsoul The entire clip was all greenscreen. We were all shot separately and composited into a scene made from elements from the back cover art (which is why a it does look a little "cut out" in places, rather than going full 3D CGI). Hell of  job running virtual lights and flying camera rigs in After Effects, and if I never see another shiny drum kit again that I have to manually mask out and remove all of the green reflections, it'll be too soon! ? HAHA!

I tell you what, amp sims have come a long way haven't they? This was all freeware VSTs and IRs that I've collected over the years rather than a mic'd up amp. I have access to whatever I like, but the ease of just dropping this stuff as an FX Chain into a session and then going "you know, maybe I could back the gain off a little to get more definition in the pick attack" during mix time was so refreshing!


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Hey, Tim,

Spectacular kick-butt, molten metal, as always from you and your band!?

Great writing, dynamite playing, shredding, and vocals, and a really cool video, too!

Fantastic production and mix on the music, and the video editing and production were absolutely outstanding.?

Totally pro all the way, Tim, fantastic work, brother!?

Have a good one,


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I would have to agree with everything Bob said LT. Really good video. I never knew it was a composite. Looked all good to me. Loved the song.


That was a long holler there at the end!! You did that for real? Must not ever smoked! : )

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Nope, I'm that one rock guy that never smoked or did any kind of drugs. I barely even drink these days, now I think about it. And I sit in a small room in front of a bunch of computers... wait... I'm not a rock guy, I'm a NERD! ?  *beats myself up and steals my lunch money*  Yeah, take that, nerd!

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