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Is all of our ownership and downloads going to be transferred over to Bandlab and what about plugins released by Bandlab. (Cakewalk refugee)

Up to now it is catering for the free market, but at some point ,what about us who got suckered in by lifetime updates with Cakewalk

will dimension pro and things like that updated ??

Just wondering what is going to happen as nothing is free in this life.


All the best


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All of your old products & downloads are still available in your old account at Cakewalk.com, and the ownership of all Cakewalk software and plugins was transferred to BandLab. BandLab owns and controls those old servers now. You can still install and activate all of your old stuff. It's not going away. Just not being developed anymore.

Meng announced that the new Cakewalk (the DAW) would always be free.

There have been no plans announced yet as far as re-releasing any Cakewalk instruments or plugins. So nobody has that information yet. They suggested we sign up at BandLab using the same email address we registered with at Cakewalk, so when/if the time comes, we may get credit for owning a previous product, and get upgrade pricing. An example that comes to mind would be if you owned the original Rapture Pro, and they released a new version of that. But no official word on anything in the plugins or addons  department yet.

To get the new version of Cakewalk, you need to register at BandLab.com, download and install the new BandLab assistant, and the Cakewalk DAW download will be available with that. https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk

A lot of the former Sonar premium add-ons have been removed from the new Cakewalk, but if you have Sonar fully installed before installing Cakewalk, you can use all of your old plugins with Cakewalk. You can install and use both products side by side.

Edited by abacab
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  • 1 year later...

I am very pleased with the new Cakewalk by Bandlab and how it works with the old plugins. I bought into the updates for life and I do not feel like I have lost anything in the new change. I am receiving updates with new features at a much more expedited pace than before and all of my old plugins work even better. I have gained a robust and active team of programmers working full time on new features on the program that I love and understand... There is nothing whatsoever to gripe about... I have many years worth of projects that I do not have to try and move to another DAW and Cakewalk is still leagues and bounds ahead of all other DAWS (as it has always been).  In hind sight, buying the updates for life was a few hundred bucks for software which I have a vested interest in supporting anyway. I will continue to support Cakewalk by buying any new plugins that they may develop, gladly and without any hesitation. No, you don't get anything for free... so shell out the bucks and support this great music making product, wherever and whenever you can. That is the future.

Edited by RexRed
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On 2/3/2019 at 7:26 AM, John Christopher Sammons said:

Is all of our ownership and downloads going to be transferred over to Bandlab and what about plugins released by Bandlab.

I am not a lawyer and I do not speak for BandLab but I have followed the forums since they purchased the Cakewalk assets. My understanding of the user licensing issues is as follows:

Software licensing agreements in existence at the time of the breakup of Cakewalk Inc. were made between the users and Cakewalk Inc. BandLab did not purchase Cakewalk Inc., it merely purchased a portion of its assets in the form of intellectual property, trademarks, and likely some odd bits of hardware that were necessary to maintaining the aforementioned (build systems, servers, etc.).

BandLab Inc. has no legal obligation to honor or service any agreement(s) made with any user(s) who bought licenses from Cakewalk Inc. They have chosen to keep some services available to maintain good will with the former customers of the now-defunct Cakewalk Inc., but they have not stated an intention to do so indefinitely. Therefore, it is a poor idea for owners of Cakewalk Inc. software to rely on BandLab to maintain the old Cakewalk Inc. download and licensing servers indefinitely. I'd call it a stupid move, even. I have a couple of bits of Cakewalk Inc. software and have figured out the process of offline installation and authorization and you and everyone else should too.

On 2/3/2019 at 7:26 AM, John Christopher Sammons said:

what about us who got suckered in by lifetime updates with Cakewalk

I'd say that at first you appeared to be very unfortunate (I was not a Sonar user, but I felt for you all when I heard about the demise), then very, very fortunate. When Gibson kicked Cakewalk Inc. to the curb, you appeared to be stuck with an orphaned product/platform. Now, under the current plan, you will be getting your free lifetime updates, under the care of a company that seems to be doing a dang sight better job of it. You still get to use all the rest of the stuff that came with the Platinum Suite while the core component continues to be updated. None but good unless you're one of those sour guys who hated it that the bailout also meant that other people would be allowed to use the core component without paying fees. In a huff that their 1st-class lifeboat was also picking up 3rd-class passengers.

On 2/3/2019 at 7:26 AM, John Christopher Sammons said:

will dimension pro and things like that updated ??

Just wondering what is going to happen as nothing is free in this life.

I think that most of the old Cakewalk Inc. intellectual property is now owned by BandLab and they may do with it what they choose. In every company, time and resources are limited, and management must decide how they will be spent and to what end. From the outside, BandLab look to be using a nimble, decentralized organization for software development.

There are always things to consider when we "armchair" it. Everything that ships with the Cakewalk by BandLab suite must be supported (CbB is supported software). We may say "plug-in x used to ship with Platty num-nums, and Cakelad is just that on spinach, so why nots my plug-in?" But CakewalkbB has been around for a couple of years now, and the staff or other developer who used to work on Dimension Pro may be working elsewhere as a veep of development and want a ton of money to go back to the code in case something in it conflicts with Melodyne or whatever.

Also, and we need look no further than CbB itself, with each passing month, what is available for free gets better and better. Even the years since Cakewalk went freeware have seen changes. BandLab don't need to shovel bucketloads of bundled plug-ins with Cakewalk. Does a lack of bundled slickaroonies hurt REAPER's reputation? So what may seem like the most "done deal" to us (reissuing out one of the old VSTi's) might come with a whole bunch of other burdens. As a big ProChannel fiend, I'd love to see more of the old native PC modules return, but it's been a couple of years.

Nobody knows what's going to happen, ever. When I buy software licenses, I buy them with the expectation that the software may never change from the moment I plunk down my licensing fee.

What do you mean, "nothing is free in this life?" You are referring to Cakewalk by BandLab's freeware subscription license?

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CbB works like a "charm" and will continue to do so until BandLab chooses to no longer support it.
Enjoy the Ride!
I, like most, tried the many other options available; some did not come back, their choice.
I use CbB, and only CbB, some use it and 1 or even multiple other DAWS; good for them.
As far as the many VST and VSTi from Cakewalk (the company); use them, enjoy them.
Be thankful that for the time being you can log into the CCC and download, install and authorize.
I'd "freeze" any VSTi tracks to make sure I have it if something should change.

Again I would say, Enjoy the Ride!


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As to the add-ons, I don't know how many of them were either partially or wholly done in conjunction with third-party companies, who may not have gone along on the ride from Gibson to BandLab. Also if Cakewalk had to pay royalties that were covered by charging for the software, it would be difficult to justify spending that kind of money on a free product - although my understanding is that the new stretching algorithms do have a licensing fee, which makes BandLab pretty generous IMHO.

I'm still surprised there isn't any online shop so people can accessorize CbB, but I guess BandLab has bigger fish to fry, like resurrecting entire guitar and amp lines. 

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I would say if you have any concern you should probably get a large hard drive and export your stems on any mix you believe you might come back to later on. 

Keep them all in folders. This basically future proofs your work and allows you to load it into any DAW. I am a bit of a hypocrite here because I haven't done that yet. My reasons are mainly that I don't generally anticipate coming back to my old mixes. Lots here do though. There have been a few that I wish I had saved. It's been one of those things I planned to do but haven't done. Saving the stems like this won't save templates and plugins.....so in the future you would need to ascertain what you used on which tracks, maybe name the tracks with plug in names and settings or include notes. Saving into CbB, mothballing the project and thinking you can come back in 5 years to work on it might be a bit optimistic. Not that I think Cakewalk will be sold or tank...I really can't predict either way. I am optimistic there. The main issue is software versioning. Windows might have different OS by then that won't run the old 2020 CbB and CbB will have gone through multiple versions since.

Edited by Starise
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On 3/8/2020 at 6:37 AM, DeeringAmps said:

Be thankful that for the time being you can log into the CCC and download, install and authorize.

All I have are licenses for CA-2A and SONAR Home Studio, and I figured out how to download offline licensing keys and complete installers for both of them. Aren't such things available for SPlat-ters? If so, for heaven's sake people, download everything yesterday and get all your offline licensing keys ready to go.

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8 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

All I have are licenses for CA-2A and SONAR Home Studio, and I figured out how to download offline licensing keys and complete installers for both of them. Aren't such things available for SPlat-ters? If so, for heaven's sake people, download everything yesterday and get all your offline licensing keys ready to go.

How/where is this done?

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21 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

Aren't such things available for SPlat-ters?

Offline auth ended with X3; didn't it?
I know I have several versions of the VST's and VSTi's that offline auth.
But the latest versions, downloaded from the CCC, all auth online, IIRC.
I'd be more than happy  ? to be corrected!


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Yes! Up above your list of products, there's a link for Offline Activation.

It's kind of a process, I think you have to run each of them and generate a file, which you then upload to the server, which sends you a code, but do it, do it, do it.

Especially for stuff like Dimension Pro and Rapture and Linear Phase EQ that BandLab haven't released.

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On 2/3/2019 at 6:01 PM, lapasoa said:

Regarding new instruments and plug ins from CbB, I think to date that we have so many things and tips and many hidden workarounds that we have still to learn that there's no enough time to spend for handling some more plug ins.

Speak for yourself.

I think many of use would be happy to see more plugins and virtual synths, especially if they're of the sort of quality that we had from Z3TA and the Sonitus plugins etc.


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13 minutes ago, lapasoa said:

Don't tell me you have  learnt everything about Sonar? Anyway remember that CdB is free and for all that stuff you don't pay a dime.

I'm not trying to suggest that I have learnt everything, or even close. 

But to suggest that this should be a reason to not launch new plugins is ridiculous. 

And that includes stuff which is paid. I have no issue paying for good quality stuff, just as I paid for SONAR whilst it was still paid software. 

Edited by kevmsmith81
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