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Is freewill a hoax?

Jesse Screed

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2 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

yo dude!

As in all things, let me resort to the internet for my answer.  Mind you, I am not endorsing any of these definitions, as the person spouting them may be a dolt, I am just using them as a reference point.

Here are three different definitions, based on three different conceptions of free will:

"Free will is the ability to do whatever we want independently of determining factors."

"Free will is the ability to make choices based on our desires with the physical possibility of having done otherwise."

"Free will is the ability to carry out what we want without being coerced or constrained to do something different.

Alternative plot:

Although I would contend from LOTS of things I've read and proofs I've seen that everything is BOTH evolutionary AND creationist (though by whom is in question), even if things are evolutionary, it's obvious that nature tries paths that are not along the main line.  If the result is better, it gets incorporated (i.e., evolution heads in that direction), if not, it gets discarded.  Unfortunately, the entity heading off the beaten path may believe they are utilizing free will, but are they?  ?

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4 hours ago, pwalpwal said:

red twizzlers pls k thx


I expected this, it is exactly the kind of narrow minded philistine lack of understanding I expect from an uninspired piece of trash like you. Sitting on your detestable pimple ridden buttocks, not caring about anything.



edit, just in case anyone is wondering, this is sarcasm.  I stole it from Monty Python





















Thanks to Monty Python for the insult.

Thanks to Strummer for the spacing idea.

I prefer Twizzlers myself, I guess we can be friends now.?

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Check out The Case Against Free Will by David Lieberman.

Also think of the brain as a computer, with inputs and processing. The inputs are your experience. The processing is either built in or based on your experience.

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20 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

This is a serious question

which may lead to a war of words

but a war of words is better than a nucular war

I'm on the fence about freewill.

who made me do this, me?

don't be the proverbial fly on the toilet seat

I sat on the proverbial fly on the toilet seat. What does that mean. Have I started a chain reaction that will end us in nuclear war...

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31 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

I sat on the proverbial fly on the toilet seat. What does that mean. Have I started a chain reaction that will end us in nuclear war...

More likely it resulted in you proverbially launching a torpedo/depth charger...

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2 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

Thanks to Strummer for the spacing idea.




























































































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8 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

What are the alternatives Todd?

You know the alternative.  

I already shared it, but the world is so full of hatred against Him, that He and His followers are censored.   So all the most important things in life are taboo to speak about.  People are willing to be stifled and censored and enslaved.  Anything, but God!  Anything!

If I write again at length my account will be suspended, I suspect.

Edited by Toddskins
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Yes, of course we have free will.  But more accurately, we actually have limited free will.  Within certain laws and constraints I can make decisions and choices and carry out those decisions and choices in action.  There is no predetermined destiny, your destiny is in your own hands, you make or destroy your life through your choices, decisions and values.

But many think they are using their "free will", when actually they are not.  In many people free will is more potential than actualized.  For example, a person addicted to cigarettes might believe he or she is "choosing" to reach for a cigarette. But this so-called choice is so strongly influenced by habit, the addictive properties of nicotine, anxiety and other emotions, often unconscious, so that what we might think is free will is actually compulsion, a kind of inner psychological slavery.  In order to really exercise free will one also needs "free won't"--in other words discipline, self-restraint and self-control.

To develop real will takes a lot of work on the the self.  It take takes emotional clarity, ever-increasing sincerity with one's self, good habits, including diet, exercise and mental habits.  It also takes integrity, choosing not to violate your deepest values and working to overcome the all-too-human propensities toward secrecy, hypocrisy and insincerity.  Then the possibility of real will becomes available.   There is no teacher like your own life experience.  If you really humble yourself and devote yourself to learning truth through your own  experience, you will discover more of what is called free-will, and it may produce subtle, positive changes in your personality.  In other words you become a  better version of who you are as a unique person.


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6 hours ago, Toddskins said:

If I write again at length my account will be suspended, I suspect.

Fear not for the suspension of your account, or ye shall become that which ye aspire not to be.

What if his fear for his own life held him back from the path before him?

"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing"

Thrust your literary spear into the hearts of the heathen and fear not for what becomes you.


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34 minutes ago, ensconced said:

"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing"

I just used that quote in a political coup I am currently running, except I changed "Men" to People" so I don't get beat up by the women.

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1 hour ago, jsg said:

There is no predetermined destiny, your destiny is in your own hands, you make or destroy your life through your choices, decisions and values.


Until a car slams into you or your head explodes from brain stroke or you are raped or stabbed or some other life changing event occurs to you that you had no choice or control over whatsoever.

There is no free will, and you wouldn't want it even if it was possible for humans to achieve it, which it is not.

Humans are the most indoctrinated species that has ever breathed life on this planet. From the moment you are spat out of mummy's tummy, the brainwashing begins and doesn't stop until you die and I'm pretty sure you don't get any say in that either.



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