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Corona Virus - Some Advice

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7 minutes ago, paulo said:

Especially if it was American beer - would save having to trouble the middleman. ?

I have a term for the typical American beer (think Coors or Budweiser - or, Sewers and Buttwiper):  I call them "***** on the beach" (aka, F***ing close to water!).

Me, I prefer:



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2 hours ago, Byron Dickens said:

Does anybody know when the looting is scheduled to start? I don't want to be late and miss out on the good stuff. 

This. ^^^

The virus doesn't make me nervous at all, but a bunch of hysterical misinformed people scares the heck out of me!

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On 3/16/2020 at 8:29 PM, Byron Dickens said:

It's a PANDEMIC, ? yet more people die in automobile accidents over a long holiday weekend than have died from coronavirus so far.

( I can't quite decide if you're just trolling or not, but I write as if you were being serious)

It's a pandemic that has roamed only about three months, and already done all this damage.  It will be much, much worse after another three months.

It has no relevance whatsoever in this how many people commit suicide or die in traffic accidents.  Total collapse of health care systems is the big threat in practically all (western) countries. If the  virus can't be slowed down, hell breaks loose. Nearly 500 dead in Italy yesterday, and they say the peak is still to come. Army trucks are called to transport the deceased. One week que for cremation.  All  over the world non-critical medical care is being cancelled.

But I think you knew all this, you must have?

Some optimists think it starts to get better in China, but I find it hard to believe. When the local restrictions are cancelled,  and people start moving again, the virus pops up again somewhere.

The economical damage is  surreal. There are many artists on this  forum, and all forms of art have already taken the first hard blows  in the forefront of the battle. All festivals and concerts cancelled, theaters, museums...all closed.  This won't be over very soon. Millions of entrepreneurs have suddenly lost all income, totally.  Let's hope we get the vaccine before next spring.

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 I will only become concerned if this goes on a long time and suddenly they begin to bring in transportation to take away the worst infected to "containment facilities" They  might not be called that but you get the jist.

I mean, they know where you are...mostly at home.It won't create as big of a ruckus. Like in 1940's Germany. " It's only a shower".

Sorry, that's just my mind thinking scary things that likely won't happen.

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Jesus H. Christ! Get a grip! 81% who get it have only mild symptoms.  5% of cases become critical.  Mortality rate for those under 20 is. 0001% .  Most people who get it are cured.


SARS and the swine flu were both way worse.

Should people take precautions? Of course.  But there's no reason to hoard toilet paper and ammo like it is the zombie apocalypse coming.


You are absolutely right. The economic damage is surreal. Get a grip, people!

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1 minute ago, Byron Dickens said:

Jesus H. Christ! Get a grip! 81% who get it have only mild symptoms.  5% of cases become critical.  Mortality rate for those under 20 is. 0001% .  Most people who get it are cured.


SARS and the swine flu were both way worse.

Should people take precautions? Of course.  But there's no reason to hoard toilet paper and ammo like it is the zombie apocalypse coming.


You are absolutely right. The economic damage is surreal. Get a grip, people!

I'm not really worried about it. Maybe I should be. I think there's more to this than meets the eye. I don't know exactly what that means.I hope I'm wrong. I really do. I'm not even worried if I get it because I think I would live through it. 

Lots of other people are worried. Reminds me of winter here, when they call for snow everyone goes out and buys bread and milk. 

 If the mortality rate is very good and if it's similar to the flu only maybe more intense, then why are all the medical system overloaded?  I have heard that it's because people need respirators. I have also heard that plenty of people who have it are sent home. There basically is no treatment. It just runs it's course.

In light of that, then the only reasons I can see for the need to go to a hospital are A. You had prior breathing issues. B. For isolation reasons. 

Point B could be handled just as well by sending people home to stay away from  others. What am I missing here? Or did I miss everything? lol.


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