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CbB install nightmares on a Win 8.1 PC help?

Robert Bone

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Hi - a friend of mine is still running Windows 8.1, and wants to install and use Cakewalk by Bandlab.

There is an issue with his doing this, as it seems to require the .NET Framework 3.5 in order to run.  Using the Windows Enable Features fails, and I have thus far only managed to further gray my hair up, trying to get the NetFX3 Windows 8.1 Feature installed and enabled.

He has a Windows 8.1 Pro Windows Installation Media ISO image, and going through the standard Mount and pulling the Features, the FeaturesList shows NetFx3 as: "Disable and Payload Removed", RATHER than the hoped for: "Disabled" status.

What the above means, is that for some reason, NetFx3 is NOT present on the Windows 8.1 installation media, and thus, cannot be enabled.

Can someone who is quite Windows internals knowledgable, provide a specific list of steps I can have my friend follow - to properly get NetFx3 installed and enabled on his Windows 8.1 image/system?

I found a dotnetfx35.ext file, and tried to run that, and it too failed, as well did any of my attempts using DISM utility commands.

It seems Microsoft had a couple of updates come along that nuked NetFx3, and then some time later, provided a fix, but I see that this fix is not supposed to be used anymore, but I do not know what to run INSTEAD of that.

Thanks for even just reading the above, and thanks in advance to anyone who can give me a solution.....

Bob Bone


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I have encountered, open the windows control panel in turn --- management tools --- services --- open windows update, enable, automatic. Then go to Microsoft's website to download and install NET Framework 3.5! !! !!

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Thank you @pwalpwal and @tutumlg - I TRULY appreciate your jumping in.

I have been through the DISM approach, and have no problems with the commands and such - the issue I face, is that the Windows 8.1 ISO installation media files do NOT contain the needed 'source' for the needed feature, known as NetFx3.

DISM can indeed enable/disable/remove Windows features, however to enable a feature, a valid 'source' for that feature MUST be used, and that source must be from the exact same version of Windows.  Since the original installation DVD or downloaded installation media from Microsoft, for Windows 8.1, has that NetFx3 feature not only disabled, but REMOVED, so there is NO source present for me to leverage, using DISM.

DISM is being attempted to be used, because Windows Update, or the Windows Update Servers, both fail to allow installation of the KB* needed for installation of the .NET Framework 3.5, and I have not yet found any path forward.

I will review the above links, in case I missed something, and will continue to look at other available info on how to proceed.

If ANYBODY has a Windows 8.1 system that has the feature NetFx3 actually Enabled, please let me know.

Bob Bone

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I literally built a Win 8.1 system with CbB a month ago with the standard Win 8.1 OS download from MS and it works just fine.  I didn't have to do anything special other than let all the available updates install afterward.

Have you tried the OS repair utility?  There are also NET Framework repair tools out there (though I've never tried them).

If those don't work, how about starting over with the MS Win 8.1 download?  Yeah, you'll have to reinstall any applications, but it should be smooth sailing from there.

Edited by JonD
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Also, none, not a one, of the offered resolutions for error: 0x800F0906 from link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2734782/net-framework-3-5-installation-error-0x800f0906-0x800f081f-0x800f0907 either work, or they are not relevant to Windows 8.1

Methods offered from the above link:

Method 1: Check your internet connection - DUH, this is not the issue.

 Method 2: Configure the Group Policy setting - This only applies if a local admin has altered where updates come from, and does not apply.

Method 3: Use Windows installation media - This was most promising, however, Windows 8.1 downloaded Installation Media or ISO installation images have the NetFx3 Windows Feature Sisabled With Payload Removed, so that didn't work either.  Maybe I did something wrong here, but I do not think so.

Method 4: Alternative steps for Windows Server 2012 and for Windows Server 2012 R2 - This is not applicable to Win 8.1



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3 minutes ago, JonD said:

I literally built a Win 8.1 system with CbB a month ago with the standard Win 8.1 OS download from MS and it works just fine.  I didn't have to do anything special other than let all the available updates install afterward.

Have you tried the OS repair utility?  There are also NET Framework repair tools out there (though I've never tried them).

If those don't work, how about starting over with the MS Win 8.1 download?  Yeah, you'll have to reinstall any applications, but it should be smooth sailing from there.

It may well come to starting over, or attempting repair, or moving him to Win 10, but this is also his work computer when working at home, so I cannot put that at risk.  I will look at the repair processes, for Windows, as well as for .NET


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I think what happened was that intervening updfates have jacked up the Windows Update process from being able to install NetFx3, and I did find something about that, which I am about to look into.  My friend had not kept up on his updates, so WU is trying to add older updates, and this seems to be the cause of the failures.

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From the earlier posted above link from Microsoft:

"In Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2012, the .Net Framework 3.5 is a Feature on Demand. The metadata for Features on Demand is included. However, the binaries and other files associated with the feature are not included. When you enable a feature, Windows tries to contact Windows Update to download the missing information to install the feature. The network configuration and how computers are configured to install updates in the environment can affect this process. Therefore, you may encounter errors when you first install these features."

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56 minutes ago, JonD said:

I literally built a Win 8.1 system with CbB a month ago with the standard Win 8.1 OS download from MS and it works just fine.  I didn't have to do anything special other than let all the available updates install afterward.

Have you tried the OS repair utility?  There are also NET Framework repair tools out there (though I've never tried them).

If those don't work, how about starting over with the MS Win 8.1 download?  Yeah, you'll have to reinstall any applications, but it should be smooth sailing from there.

Hi Jon, if you still have access to the 8.1 computer with NetFx3 installed, would you please consider creating an ISO image of your C:\  drive, and send it to me through Dropbox?  The other choice would be a WIM file but I think creating an ISO file would be less work.  (I can set up a shared folder for you to upload whichever type of file you can send me).  That would instantly give me the means of getting NetFx3 enabled on my friend's computer.

If considering creating a WIM file from that computer running 8.1, it does not look like the DISM Capture-Image function works on the active Windows partition, so that is why I think creating an ISO image file might be easier.

Bob Bone

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This is the reason why I, as well as many other folks, disable Windows updates and never install them unless it's absolutely necessary. My system runs trouble free since 2015, when I had to do the clean re-install due do OS cumbersome behaviour caused by automatic updates. Unfortunately, W8.1's end is nigh and we are doomed to upgrade to W10, notorious for it's intrusive behind-the-scenes activities. The very first thing to do after such upgrade is to disable as many background tasks as possible without breaking UX.

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27 minutes ago, Robert Bone said:

This is my friends computer, and he is afraid to touch the OS because he uses it when working from home.

I have nothing to add other than suggesting he back up his system drive, including a system image, to an external drive so that if there is a real problem he can just load the backup and pick up from there. Doing that would take the worry out of trying different things.

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2 minutes ago, Chappel said:

I have nothing to add other than suggesting he back up his system drive, including a system image, to an external drive so that if there is a real problem he can just load the backup and pick up from there. Doing that would take the worry out of trying different things.

Yup - I know we can do that - convincing him that is going to work is the trickier part. 

I will keep at it with him.  :)


Bob Bone

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3 minutes ago, Robert Bone said:

Yup - I know we can do that - convincing him that is going to work is the trickier part. 

I will keep at it with him.  :)


Bob Bone

Good luck. Backing up is always a great idea no matter what.

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4 hours ago, Robert Bone said:

Hi Jon, if you still have access to the 8.1 computer with NetFx3 installed, would you please consider creating an ISO image of your C:\  drive, and send it to me through Dropbox? 

Bob Bone

Hi Bob,

If you think it will help you, I'd be happy to upload the file.  I don't currently have access to the PC, but I do have system images of the C: drive done early in the build.  They are Macrium image files.  I use the free version, so you could install the same to restore it.  You'll only need to remove any applications and change the product key.  If you need it as an ISO image, I'll have to convert it.

Let me know.


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26 minutes ago, JonD said:

Hi Bob,

If you think it will help you, I'd be happy to upload the file.  I don't currently have access to the PC, but I do have system images of the ? drive done early in the build.  They are Macrium image files.  I use the free version, so you could install the same to restore it.  You'll only need to remove any applications and change the product key.  If you need it as an ISO image, I'll have to convert it.

Let me know.


I would like it as an ISO image, if possible.  I can then mount it and point to it as the source for getting the NetFx3 feature enabled.  The only thing is - it MUST have the NetFx3 Feature installed on it.  If you could check that, I would SURELY appreciate it.  If you need the DISM commands for that let me know.

I will see about the size of my Dropbox account, to make sure I have enough room for you to upload it.


Bob Bone

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