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PSP 20 for $20 Sale

Larry Shelby

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Yep, they are very kind. I had also great experience when after trial E27 EQ had doubts and wanted to have a word with them.

And they plugins are still great sounding... But... on the other side, we have now 2020, they could be less shy about extending possibilities of their plugins and upgrading them.

I really like Overloud GEM approach (but still sometimes Overloud is also too shy ;)

Manufactures are sometimes too shy about expanding their plugins beyond any limits (plugins are not hardware and can do in fact any processing possible).

My dream is to have in each emu plugin kind of an option to switch to kind of modern GUI where workflow is extremely tuned with all modern tools like graphs, analyzers etc... Maybe FabFilter-like interface option? ;)

Something little similar to Melda approach or DMG...

Why 1176 cannot have option to switch to modern GUI with graph, all possible options and tools for compressors still keeping its sound?

But for all people who learned workflow with real hardware still keeping option to switch to GUI which mimics original hardware behavior...

I get it completely how important is ( I am not snake oil guy ;) to keep GUI just like hardware with all knobs and behavior...  Learning curve for people who used to use hardware is absolutely minimal...

But for people working all the time only in box... well... It is often strange, too complicated (like opposite direction for knob in 1176 ;) and not needed...

If I had plugin company I would go for it... Just one switch and compressor still sounds the same but instead of hw GUI has very modern and efficient matching power of computers and 2020 ;)

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On 3/5/2020 at 9:13 AM, Piotr said:

My dream is to have in each emu plugin kind of an option to switch to kind of modern GUI where workflow is extremely tuned with all modern tools like graphs, analyzers etc... Maybe FabFilter-like interface option? ;)

That's a really good idea. 

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10 minutes ago, Starise said:

Simon, Thanks for the FYI! 

Done deal. 18.00 US.  Not sure why I got a 2.00 discount.

you used a code - even if you didn't know it - it kinda sticks to your account.

There are 2 JRR codes - FORUM and GROUP  - worth trying both - you might have saved a few more cents.....

Larry has patiently explained the difference between the various codes .......I still don't understand them :)


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