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NAMM 2019 Update

Noel Borthwick

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Hi everyone,

We had an amazing NAMM 2019 show and it was so great to meet so many long time Cakewalk users as well as our business partners there. BandLab had a a beautifully designed space showcasing all the brands and Cakewalk had a very prominent presence at the show. Here are a few pictures. 

We had stage performances from several artists showcasing all the BandLab brands throughout the day including Heritage guitars, Harmony amps and guitars, and Tiesco pedals. We had a mobile recording rig set up and Cakewalk was used to record all the performances. Ashwin from BandLab and @Mike Balzarini did a fantastic job on the live sound and recording setup at short notice and everyone commented on how great the performances sounded. We recorded 8 channels for all the sets and I would upload the projects at the end of the day for @Jon Sasor and @Jesse Jost to mix and upload the finished tracks to BandLab using the new Export to BandLab feature that we just added in CbB. Jon did an amazing job mixing and mastering these at short notice. To listen to all the great music recorded live check out our NAMM 2018 feed. Jesse also posted some more information about the artists playing.

Thanks again to you all for your support and for all our users who took the trouble to come to NAMM and meet us. It was great listening to your feedback and meeting you face to face.

PS: I forgot to mention. This year all the demo songs played at NAMM came from Cakewalk users. It was great showing real world production projects at the show. Some of these were were full projects with all the plugin's intact. The Silverlight tune had tons of Slate plugins as well as an MP4 video clip synced to it. It played with no problems even at 256 samples on a Surface Book.

































Also some NAMM Videos that Meng shared in another thread:








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I got one of those T-Shirts. Of course I did use the TIP JAR feature to do so. I also got an "old school" coffee cup.




(Edit to add: I don't see the TipJar now so I don't know if it is still there)

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Do these performances take advantage of the ability of exhibitors to stay after hours? 'cause the cavernous reverb sounds like you used Hall C. ? I wonder if someone has an "Anaheim Convention Center Hall C" impulse I can download for REMatrix.

I just looked on the NAMM Show 2019 map, and ?!

For those less familiar with the layout, to say that BandLab's booth was in a "prime spot" is an understatement. It's the first one you would encounter as you come in the main entrance toward the Marriott end, the Marriott being the hotel closest to the Convention Center, and also the location of Yamaha's displays and a major food court.

Quite a coup to secure that spot.

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1 hour ago, InstrEd said:

I'm glad it was a good show for Cakewalk and Bandlab. I'm just hoping they do something with Rapture Pro and Z3ta2 and don't let them fade away. 

I'll second that! I was close to getting Rapture Pro as a Christmas gift to myself at the end of 2017, I also think Z3TA+ 2 would need to be on my wish list now, too.


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Great stuff, hopefully Cakewalk will support ARA2 in an coming update for Spectral Layers 6 etc!

And some easy to use video tutorials on how to use Bandlab. Also would be good to upload finished mixes as well as collaborative stuff and let people use it a a listening platform. I do like how the phone tools work for making music. Great for anyone!

Forgive me but I feel that having another Guitar and Amp line is not needed unless you have innovative products. But if you have superb quality that will compete well!

To monetize I'd suggest getting good deals on selling VST Instruments and Equipment, There are loads of Plugin developers and you can sell all their stuff. Yeah I know there are retails for those but you have to monetize sooner or later or else all is just a "hobby horse" and as much as we appreciate it

and cakewalk DAW is awesome it is okay to exist.

If you get huge deals from these developers for us and you guys make some money in the trade. 

You could say you have the perfect plugin player!


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I had a chance to swing by and speak with Noel for a few minutes and I have to say that he was as gracious and sincere in person as he presents himself in the forums. Thanks for taking the time to speak with me, Noel.

The other thing I wanted to point out was that I had a chance to spend some time with a guy from Singapore who said, I believe, that he was the product manager for the Bandlab mobile product. I asked him all kinds of stuff about the transition and the future and I was quite pleasantly surprised to see how open and honest he was. Very nice guy!

Thanks for time, guys!


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