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Old 32 Bit Plugins In CbB


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I have a first generation Scarlett 6i6 interface.  I didn't update the original drivers until a few weeks ago.   After doing so I opened a project I did about a year ago and found it choppy and full of the old "lack of memory clicks".  A bit angered and disturbed by this new development, I realized that beings that I now have 16 gigs of RAM on my PC, it couldn't be because my memory was running low, so I started removing plugins.  I was always a fan of DaSample's Glaceverb free plugin.  When I removed it from the tracks it was in, the situation improved drastically.  Glaceverb is 32 bit and there is no 64 bit version available (In fact, according to KVR Audio, it's still on it's initial version that's almost 10 years old, but what do ya want for free?)  I also used to make heavy use of the "Classic" effects plugins by Kjaerhus (anybody remember those?  They came with Mixcraft).  They also produced problems because they're also only 32 bits.

So, I guess another lesson learned-You can't use 32 bit plugins in a 64 bit DAW.  I have several past projects with these plugins so I guess I'll have to replace them one by one if I ever want to remix or revise any of them.  But it must've had something to do with the Scarlett driver updates too, because they were fine until then.

Not a question.  Just an observation.


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6 hours ago, Colin Nicholls said:

>> You can't use 32 bit plugins in a 64 bit DAW

By all means adopt this as a personal tenet, but it does not happen to be true for Cakewalk, in general. I recommend reading from page 1470 in the Reference Guide and exploring the bitbridge server settings if you're having issues with 32-bit plug-ins.


Thanks so much, Colin!  I'm going to look into that.  You may have saved me some serious "retooling" in those past projects because I frequently go back and redo some aspects to try to improve them (as many others do, I'm sure).  My music is always a "work in progress".


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I think this started at some CbB version (can't remember which); prior to that the 32-bit thingies had worked quite well. The clicking mentioned makes most of 32-bit VST instruments I used to use unusable.

I'm on Scarlett, too (2i2 3rd Gen), and it might have to do with its drivers as well and not CbB at all. I think I get similarish clicking with Sonarworks Systemwide, when the Focusrite buffers are on the greater side.

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Well, I set it for Automatic. I also ticked Recycle.  Still have the issues with the old 32 bit plugs.    In fact, an audio engine drop out happened.  I also tried increasing the buffer.  No joy.

Guess I'll just have to swap out the plugins for 64.


Edited by Johnbee58
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Hey guys,

Not sure if my problem this morning could be related to this? I just this morning updated the Scarlett 2i2 drivers and suddenly all my projects fail to load saying that the SonitusFX Delay & SonitusFX Compressor can't be found. These have been in all my projects quite happily until the drivers were updated?

Going to find the version of driver 2 steps back which is the one I had been using and test this so will let you know. 


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Not sure if anyone can clarify that the Sonitus plugins are 32 bit but I've just installed the older Focusrite drivers and my projects now load again with no missing plugins. Here's a link for anyone experiencing the same thing. Seems Focusrite keep getting the drivers wrong, had a similar issue with the version before the latest one as well so rolled back.



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3 hours ago, Matt Burnside said:

Not sure if anyone can clarify that the Sonitus plugins are 32 bit but I've just installed the older Focusrite drivers and my projects now load again with no missing plugins. Here's a link for anyone experiencing the same thing. Seems Focusrite keep getting the drivers wrong, had a similar issue with the version before the latest one as well so rolled back.



The Sonitus plugins bundled with CbB are 64 bit DX plugins.

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11 hours ago, Matt Burnside said:

 Seems Focusrite keep getting the drivers wrong, had a similar issue with the version before the latest one as well so rolled back.



Wonder if that's why I got a Bad Pool Header BSOD when I went to fire up my Scarlett this morning.  Seriously, it's been nothing but a PITA since I updated that stupid driver.  Like the saying goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".


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