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On close screen layout is forgotten?




I'm an old hand with Cake almost from the beginning but stopped upgrading somewhere around Sonar 7. On a new Win 10 PC I installed the BandLab version and try to figure out what went  where.

I work a lot with external samples and loop files which was pretty easy using the old loop explorer - one click on the folder icon and my sample library opened. When I closed a project it remembered which specific folder in the library was open last. On opening again the project looked exactly like before: especially the loop library has the same folder open as last so I see exactly from which folder I picked the last samples or loops.

Now when loading a work in progress the media file browser window briefly pops up how I left it - but closes again. So I'm lost and have to navigate down through media browser and file structures to where I ended last - very inconvenient and clumsy.

Is this a program error that will be fixed or am I doing something wrong?

Just to be exact: I work with 2 monitors and always put the media browser on my second screen.  When opening an existing project the media browser is docked on the first screen and shows just the default.


Edited by LoopJunkie
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3 hours ago, LoopJunkie said:

When I closed a project it remembered which specific folder in the library was open last. On opening again the project looked exactly like before: especially the loop library has the same folder open as last so I see exactly from which folder I picked the last samples or loops.

In my limited experience, when rebooting Cakewalk, Workspaces restore the visual configure as the Workshop was stored (as opposed to the last visual configuration used).

On a current project, I have started to explore saving a "CURRENT" Workspace when I shut down the project for the day.  So far, that seems to return me to a "last state before shut down" visual configuration.  Maybe that will work for you (and others).

100% Opinion Here:  If you have not worked with creating and saving Workspaces, I highly recomend reading the Reference Guide, On-line Documentation, the New Features posts, esp. where Lenses as renamed as Workspaces, and the comments people have posted--esp. from the people who know Cakewalk inside and out, but also from the people who have experienced some frustrations.

(If someone wants to reply saying, "Workspaces should be simple enough to use intuitively, without having to read up on them," trial and error also works.  Trust me--I have done enough of it, and I have also appreciated the wisdom of others here!)


Edited by User 905133
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Thanks, good advice. Now it works. Almost.

The right panel of the Media Browser restores exactly how I left it, it lists the loops from a specific folder down 4 levels of a loop library - but the left panel shows the top level Windows Explorer structure, showing Desktop, User, PC, Documents, Downloads etc., instead of showing the hierarchy above the specific open loop folder in the loop library on the right.

Not that much useable. Maybe I need to study the documentation?

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I will assume you are not using the Media Browser docked on the right or left and unless I am missing something (like a setting/parameter),** I confirmed you you found. Perhaps Cakewalk resorts to what Windows tells it?  Maybe one of the experts in the ins and outs of Cakewalk can tell us?



This probably doesn't help, but when I clicked on the + in the folder above the left panel, it took me to the folder above the level of the clips in the right panel.



**See Promidi's comment and related discussion

Edited by User 905133
(2) to fix typos and to take into account Promidi's suggestion (1) to add an update.
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If you're using a workspace, for that workspace, deselect Windows Layouts” under “Load from workspace”.  If you don't do this, and you're using a workspace, then the Window layout from the workspace will prevail - even if you're using a Screenset.

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6 hours ago, Promidi said:

If you're using a workspace, for that workspace, deselect Windows Layouts” under “Load from workspace”.  If you don't do this, and you're using a workspace, then the Window layout from the workspace will prevail - even if you're using a Screenset.

By any chance is there another setting deselected?  I get the same results as before with "Window Layouts" deselected.  Perhaps, something also needs to be done with saving a non-locked current Screen set?



AHA!!!!!  Doing something with Screen sets seems to be involved.


I also (1) selected Screen set 1, (2) made sure it was unlocked, and (3) re-saved the project since screen sets are per project.  I am not sure which change allowed the hierarchy to be retained, but it seems to involve Screen sets.



Edited by User 905133
(2) to fix typos; (1) to add an AHA!! Update
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3 minutes ago, Promidi said:

I am pretty sure that's all I de selected..... 

Thanks!! I haven't narrowed it down but I did get the Windows folder hierarchy to work properly (left pane of Media Browser) both in a floating window and the multi-dock.  Thanks also to LoopJunkie for prompting my exploration of the Media Browser in new ways.  So much for having left it docked on the right for ages!! I am already thinking of ways to tweak my workflow! Never too late for an old dog Cakewalk User to learn new tricks!!!! ?

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For easy access to the Loop explorer which is now called Browser,  just hit "B" on your keyboard and a window pane on the right side of the screen will pop open. Choose the browser folder TOP LEFT of the pane window and  locate your dedicated external sample/loop folder.

Edited by _Will_
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On 1/26/2020 at 8:34 PM, LoopJunkie said:


I'm an old hand with Cake almost from the beginning but stopped upgrading somewhere around Sonar 7. On a new Win 10 PC I installed the BandLab version and try to figure out what went  where.

I work a lot with external samples and loop files which was pretty easy using the old loop explorer - one click on the folder icon and my sample library opened. When I closed a project it remembered which specific folder in the library was open last. On opening again the project looked exactly like before: especially the loop library has the same folder open as last so I see exactly from which folder I picked the last samples or loops.

Now when loading a work in progress the media file browser window briefly pops up how I left it - but closes again. So I'm lost and have to navigate down through media browser and file structures to where I ended last - very inconvenient and clumsy.

Is this a program error that will be fixed or am I doing something wrong?

Just to be exact: I work with 2 monitors and always put the media browser on my second screen.  When opening an existing project the media browser is docked on the first screen and shows just the default.


For easy access to the Loop explorer which is now called Browser,  just hit "B" on your keyboard and a window pane on the right side of the screen will pop open. Choose the browser folder TOP LEFT of the pane window and  locate your dedicated external sample/loop folder.

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