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Motivation slump

Paul Bush

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I can’t even remember my last musical endeavour.  Only touch my gear for maintenance or other non musical use. However, I have broadened my horizons and reconnected with old hobbies like electronics and getting a few projects completed. It’s still a creative process and exercises my brain. I enjoy it. 
Since my heart problems last year (wow nearly a year has passed) my emotions have been far too raw to get anywhere near music. The slightest thing can trigger sadness and tears I never knew were inside me. 
The nature of the creative outlet no longer matters. Just having an outlet matters. To continue learning, expressing my creativity is plenty enough for now. 

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On 1/25/2020 at 12:18 PM, 57Gregy said:

When I retired 2 months ago, one thing I anticipated was having time to do some recording.

I have hardly touched my DAW, or a guitar since then. No inspiration, except time.

I encounter the same type of thing . . .   Don't let it get you down - it shall pass!   I think that retiring is a bigger challenge then some people think.

I was depressed for a few months after the "newness" of retirement wore off.



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Each time when I lose the working flow/drive because something special happened that stopped me (my wife has broken her arm, so I must help now in the stable; last time when I was sick for 2 weeks) then I get into a real motivation slump for some weeks. It is hard to come out again!

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On 1/29/2020 at 5:36 AM, Michael Vogel ( MUDGEL) said:

I can’t even remember my last musical endeavour.  Only touch my gear for maintenance or other non musical use. However, I have broadened my horizons and reconnected with old hobbies like electronics and getting a few projects completed. It’s still a creative process and exercises my brain. I enjoy it. 
Since my heart problems last year (wow nearly a year has passed) my emotions have been far too raw to get anywhere near music. The slightest thing can trigger sadness and tears I never knew were inside me. 
The nature of the creative outlet no longer matters. Just having an outlet matters. To continue learning, expressing my creativity is plenty enough for now. 

 Mudgel and marld

I think I mentioned my situation before.  I went though an "episode" that really threw me for a loop. I understand about getting back into some kind of a routine again. I know we aren't the only ones here. I am aware of several more who had some major life setbacks. life changes. Loss of spouses, health issues, financial setbacks, stolen gear just to name a few. 

It feels like you're trying to get back to where you were and instead you're dealing with a new normal. The "new normal" seems to take an adjustment for creative types- or anyone.  I'm not the same person I was before all of that happened, so I'm dealing with a "different me". The new me doesn't seem as spontaneous . I'm trying to loosen up. 

I think it comes back slowly though.

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My roommate "scheduled" that last two Fridays for us to work on some cover songs (trying to get me back to playing).  While it's been fun, I'm currently at a work stage where I need to get things going which will give me a LOT of free time, so I've been sitting at my computer thinking about music...  *Sigh...*

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4 hours ago, Starise said:

I'm not the same person I was before all of that happened, so I'm dealing with a "different me". The new me doesn't seem as spontaneous

Reminds me of a quote I saw the other day


No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.

 - Heraclitus


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On 1/25/2020 at 8:09 PM, Christian Jones said:

Get stoned then come back to it. 

22 hours ago, Gswitz said:

Mic the instruments first. Not critical but a suggestion.

Lol yeah I'd only recommend occasionally getting blazed before working on a song if you're just going to be writing on the instrument w/ little work being done in the daw itself other than the most basic functions. In moderation it's a cool and effective way (for some) to come at the song from a different angle for writing purposes - not "money take" recording purposes.. you don't really wanna be doing deep daw stuff this way and if something should go wrong troubleshooting in that state is just dumb @ss amateur hour (or hours) trust me.

Another tip I have is to find a song by some other artist you like that is somewhat similar to yours and observe how their song flows and get ideas from that, and this can be very helpful when you hit a road block in a song you're trying to write. I don't mean to copy their song structure verbatim (necessarily), but just check out the structure and get inspired.. kinda like that scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts was at that fancy dinner and she didn't know the proper uppity dinning etiquette or how to eat the food the right way until some nice older guy across the table picked up the food w/ his hands as he looked at her and smiled assuredly. Actually, you can do this from the get go right when you begin writing the song: find a song from some artist out there like I said but go ahead and copy the structure of that song verbatim - not the music, just the structure, like a template, and write your song within that structure. What you don't like that idea? Think it's cheating or something? You know what they say about great artists stealing and that's cool, but personally--musically speaking-- I never minded ripping people off this way and besides, I learned this tip from Doug Marks


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My wifes work has meant for 32 years I have been dragged around the world 8 times and to 55 locations. It's meant very little time to really settle and find others to work with. Being alone in my music has meant spasms of creativity. I am lucky enough to have found someone to work with again, and not planning any major international or national move anytime soon. Motivation.. oh yes.... it's a hard commodity on MANY occasions.

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I haven't set foot in the studio for a year.

I had started to suffer from lack of motivation and this happened to coincide with lots of other personal stuff going on and only now, am I beginning to miss it

But I know the first thing I've got to do (after making sure it all works) is to install all the software I need onto a separate Win 10 disc which has been ready to fo for ages

That won't take 5 minutes ? ??

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