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What new updates would you like to see in 2020 to Cakewalk - CLOSED.


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I would like these things to be added 

1) The ability to undo mixer fader moves. This one is so basic but it is very important. Imagine accidentally double clicking on a set of faders and then not remembering what the volume balance was between them. A simple undo should work in such cases but it does not work on mixer faders at the moment.

2) Easy copy and pasting of automation lanes , right now we have to use the copy special command , but I'd like to have it implemented in a simpler way.

3) The random undo freeze bug , please fix that one , sometimes when you undo a soft synth which was frozen , the undo somehow deletes some of the original clips if there were multiple midi clips in that track. This one is a major bug.

4) Better support for mega orchestral  templates using VE Pro , this means having way more than 100 tracks and the result is the UI becomes sluggish and weird bugs start happening. This is true even for normal projects with high track count , the UI is the first one to take a hit , for eg  the playhead does not stop immediately after stopping play , it goes on for way too long sometimes even a minute , and then pauses. While audio plays correctly during this bug , the UI behaves randomly.

5) Ability to pitch a clip without having to turn it into a loop using the clip inspector window. Right now we have to use the transpose process and its not realtime.

6) Ability to move midi notes up and down one octave using shortcuts. Right now we have to use a script to do that.


Other than these issues/requests , I absolutely love the DAW as it stands much taller even against other Prominent DAWs in the industry. 

Thank you for continuously improving the platform.

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Maybe other Cakewalk users might relate to this... I frequently use Cakewalk in a live setting. I have many songs lined up one after another in a large project, and I always have to reach over after every song to press pause. I would love to be able to place markers in between songs that pause the project for me.

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I would like to be able to access midi automation lanes on an instrument track, instead of having to split it into audio and MIDI, and then re-merging the two tracks once I am done writing the automation. It would be so much faster than having to go into PRV and opening the MIDI automation pane, plus you get to draw smooth curves of MIDI CC that won't be baked into the track as discrete MIDI CC values, but stored as vector curves..

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As a long time user since 1998 I would like to see;

1. faster and more intuitive navigation & zooming especially in Tracky view, e.. g. like zooming in Kontakt Mapping View= Alt+LMB+Drag to zoom in, Alt+LMB+NoDrag to zoom out one step

2. freely assignable zoom & navigation & hide/unhide keys/select /etc some keys are fixed defaults which are far apart  and not close to the left hand (e.g.. Z, U etc.) 

I am sure other DAWs with shorter history have found good solutions for project navigating. Just copy the best and most intuitive ideas. ;)

Thank you 



Edited by Peter Hintze
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15 minutes ago, Lord Tim said:

Yep, I hear you - I asked for this too, and I believe this was added last year sometime. You need to insert an MCI event in the Event Viewer, which is easier than it sounds. @msmcleod - is this something you could explain properly?

@Ryan Heath - Here's the except from the 2019.09 release notes:

On 10/1/2019 at 11:39 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

Automatically stop/pause playback with MCI MIDI events

You can instruct Cakewalk to stop or pause playback at a defined moment, so you can start playback again manually. This can be very useful in a live setting.

This is done by inserting an MCI Command event in a MIDI track’s Event List view (ALT+8), and assigning the MCI Commands value to either stop or pause:

stop  - stops the transport and returns to zero
pause - pauses the transport allowing you to manually continue playback from where you left off

Press Play (SPACEBAR) manually to resume playback.


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  • 3 weeks later...

1 click all "take lanes" and volume  automation hide on all tracks.

1 click all muted tracks (and muted take lanes) hide / unhide.  Change the color of the un-hide button if material is "hidden" 

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9 hours ago, Misha said:

1 click all "take lanes" and volume  automation hide on all tracks.

1 click all muted tracks (and muted take lanes) hide / unhide.  Change the color of the un-hide button if material is "hidden" 

Ctrl+M will mute all tracks. Get your hands on a sheet to all the shortcuts.  Do some research on youtube. What phone are you using? 

For Android Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sikapps.cakewalksonar


For iPhone Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts-for-cakewalk-sonar/id681167501

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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1) Por favor Integrar um editor de partitura de excelência ao Staff como o MuseScore 3,  Sibelius ultimate ou criar um que nos possibilite a criar pautas confiáveis e  comercializáveis, porque desde que conheço a Cakewalk tem essa deficiência!   queremos continuar a produzir musicas de qualidade e colocar a Cakewalk como o melhor software de produção de música  do Mundo eu credito espero que vocês também. 

2) Ao criar pistas de instrumentos por exemplo o TTS não cria as 16 pistas que ele tem, só cria 4, 5 ou 9 dependendo do que se pede: estéreo, mono ou saidas principais! Já a pista de audio funciona perfeitamente. 

resolvam por favor!


On 1/24/2020 at 9:19 PM, Emiliano Branda said:

..uma visualização Staff / Score mais eficiente e verdadeira ...

criação de pistas mid.png

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I wish (now more than ever) that Cakewalk could use my Bandlab account for cloud collaboration, the way Pro Tools Cloud Collaboration works. I don't want to use the Bandlab DAW as an intermediary, I just want to host and sync projects in the cloud and have collaborators able to work on them from within Cakewalk. My next step is to try VST Transit, but why use a Steinberg product when Bandlab has all the technology they need to realize this and do it well?

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On 4/25/2020 at 11:50 PM, Michael Parson-McNamara said:

This may have been suggested, but it seems like either having a button to quickly switch between mixing and tracking settings (buffers) would be very handy. 

I asked the same somewhere around these parts, apparently you can't because the ASIO buffer settings are outside of Cakewalk ( and other DAWs ) control..all it does is launch your ASIO software when you change the buffer size in Preferences.

I don't even bother changing it within Cakewalk any more, I just go straight to my audio interface's asio settings in the systray and Cakewalk jseems to deal with it.

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