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This Too Will Pass


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I like the tone of the Grandeur in a piece like this. Did you have a delay going on it, or play it that way? Either way, sounded nice.

You have chosen the synths that are all distinctly different, one from another, and mixed them so try all fit into a cohesive whole. Good job!



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Thanks Tom

I used uHe Colour Copy delay effect on the piano.    You just need to play one note at regular intervals and it fills in some pretty interesting extra notes,  which I guess is what delay effects do, but this one's better than others I've used.


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8 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

title doesn't mean anything,  political or otherwise.  Well, maybe it does

I love ambiguity in lyrics and titles; so good on ya there! Well done BTW.

8 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

You have chosen the synths that are all distinctly different, one from another, and mixed them so try all fit into a cohesive whole. Good job!

Tom has summed it up succinctly!  for whatever reason FireFox and/or the forum software is not allowing me to hit the enter key and leave my signature.  Or, a "sad" emoji (not about the tune, just the stupid software); oh well.... the other Tom

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Very nice to listen to.  I think the score is well down.  The instruments well chosen.  The balance great.

My only nit pick is the dynamics, particularly the cymbals swells and crashes as well as the tympani drums.   The perceived volume increase doesn't push the song forward like it should.  I can hear the volume change but I don't hear the dynamics of a volume change.

Nicely done.  You are talented.

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Thanks. I'm thinking about doing a melody track on top.

amiller, Gerson
Thank you.

Yeah, I never seem to pay much attention to the drum track. IDK I just can't hear if I'm improving things or not when adjusting volumes and such.
Appreciate the insight.

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  • 6 months later...

I missed this one, too, but I'm glad I finally caught up to it.  This may inspire me to try another instrumental because I have so many VSTs waiting to be explored.  As one said above, you're a damn good composer!  You put just the right amount of textures and layers in this to put me in a mood!  Good job.

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On 1/22/2020 at 1:28 PM, dcumpian said:

Sounds pretty good to me! I like the way everything meshes together. You've got a really nice bed laid down here, I would just like to hear a real melody to take it from ambient to another level. Really nice job on what you've got!


What Dan says - very nice but a real melody/theme would be cool. 

Nice mix of sounds as the 2 Toms said

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