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I Am preparing for 75+ winds plus high tornado threat after midnight. I moved everything that can blow away in and covered what needed covering. Weather guy seems think think this one is going to be very bad.  He suggests mobile home owners stay somewhere else tonight. It's expected to hit between 1-3 am.  I put all my guitars in their cases and Becan in the freezer

Edited by bayoubill
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I for one live on the rim, which was an okay idea 20 years ago while things were falling apart below the radar of our perception. Ocean front dwelling, and being pounded to crap and back currently... Everything record breaking and out of sync. Wish I could spread some of the atmospheric bliss more evenly.

Bad signs here over the last five years, though what are five years in eternity or even statistic meaning. Can only report what I see to be changing, and it is not good.

Really weird patterns of birds, vegetation, insects, mushrooms, mosses, molds. Ain't know meteoroligy guy but don't take much more than my few brain cells left to realize something not right. And the discrepancy is progressing quickly.

Here's my limited understanding on a couple of items that may only affect our grand children and generations forward, so we are safe for a few more years before we turn over an imbalanced hell to them. This although our US government tells you I am an idiot. Maybe I am an idiot. I can only pray that they are right.

CO2 emissions that reflect back radiant heat. Deforestation rips out the ancient buffer to mitigate climate extremes. Melting of ice caps that reflect back heat are diminishing and thus we absorb what we were not meant to absorb raising temperatures. Argument may be that a few degrees warming is no big deal. I guess we will see. Seems to have screwed up the migration and navigation of coastal life forms. Whales, seals fried and beached. Jellyfish dumped by the millions on the beaches here with changed currents. Your only remote blessing is that you don't have to put up with the smell.

Not to worry though. We have a lot of destruction still ahead before we hit the tipping point.


Bayoubill... Blessings to you dear brother and may you survive the winds.


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  1. Quit using your air conditioner - 45% of the power generated in the USA is for AC units --plus the AC units emit a lot of heat into the atmosphere
  2. Drive the most fuel efficient vehicle that fits your needs (not your wants) and drive it until it becomes a service problem (manufacture and transportation of new vehicles is very pollution intensive)
  3. Drive that vehicle with almost painfully slow, gradual acceleration, and when it's time to stop or slow down ahead, take your foot off the gas and slow by coasting - try to use the brakes as little as possible because it turns fuel you burned into heat. I get 100 extra miles per tankful this way plus everything about my car lasts longer.
  4. Plant trees and xeriscape landscaping, preferably with native species for your area. Mowers contribute to 10% of the CO2 emissions in the USA and with native plants you don't need to waste water and use methane producing artificial fertilzers
  5. Hang your laundry out on a line instead of the dryer except for things that can't go outdoors
  6. Wash dishes by hand instead of the dishwasher using a minimum amount of water and no electricity
  7. Use hand tools or at least non-rechargeable ones  for small jobs. Why keep a drill plugged in all year if you drill a dozen holes per year (and so on)
  8. Unplug or switch off always on appliances like your TV set when not in use
  9. Paint your roof white. A couple of different university studies determined that if everybody painted their roofs white, it would buy us 100 years by reflecting heat out of the atmosphere the way the ice caps used to
  10. Don't vote for anyone who is a climate crisis denier or who has taken campaign funds (tacit bribes) from the fossil fuel industry
  11. Consume less. Don't buy the latest fashions if your clothes aren't worn out. Don't buy blue jeans with holes in them already, it's a trick to shorten the life span of a durable fabric. Evaluate what you buy and decided whether it is want or need.
  12. Choose what you do buy wisely to include both locally sourced, and fewer disposable and/or plastic packaging
  13. Eat only 100% grass-fed beef. I know they tell you eating meat is a disaster, but that's a lie. Growing corn for the beef is the problem. Cows graze on pastureland that would take mega-amounts of water, fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides to farm, yet the cows can grow there with nothing but what mother nature provides. Besides for that Cornell University and the Environmental Defense fund did a study and decided that making artificial fertilizer emits 100 times more methane than all the cow farts and burps combined

I know this is supposed to be all music - all love. If we don't love the planet, our children and grandchildren won't be here to play any music or survival will be so difficult that music will be an unaffordable luxury.

I live in Florida, 32' above sea level (which is rare around here). Most of my gig customers live less than 5' above sea level. My own livelihood is also at stake.

Do what you can. If we all do a little, the end can mean a lot.

We may have gone too far already, the warming might be impossible to reverse. If that's the case, at least we can stall it off so our children won't have to go through extremely trying days.


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2 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:
  1. Quit using your air conditioner - 45% of the power generated in the USA is for AC units --plus the AC units emit a lot of heat into the atmosphere
  2. Drive the most fuel efficient vehicle that fits your needs (not your wants) and drive it until it becomes a service problem (manufacture and transportation of new vehicles is very pollution intensive)
  3. Drive that vehicle with almost painfully slow, gradual acceleration, and when it's time to stop or slow down ahead, take your foot off the gas and slow by coasting - try to use the brakes as little as possible because it turns fuel you burned into heat. I get 100 extra miles per tankful this way plus everything about my car lasts longer.
  4. Plant trees and xeriscape landscaping, preferably with native species for your area. Mowers contribute to 10% of the CO2 emissions in the USA and with native plants you don't need to waste water and use methane producing artificial fertilzers
  5. Hang your laundry out on a line instead of the dryer except for things that can't go outdoors
  6. Wash dishes by hand instead of the dishwasher using a minimum amount of water and no electricity
  7. Use hand tools or at least non-rechargeable ones  for small jobs. Why keep a drill plugged in all year if you drill a dozen holes per year (and so on)
  8. Unplug or switch off always on appliances like your TV set when not in use
  9. Paint your roof white. A couple of different university studies determined that if everybody painted their roofs white, it would buy us 100 years by reflecting heat out of the atmosphere the way the ice caps used to
  10. Don't vote for anyone who is a climate crisis denier or who has taken campaign funds (tacit bribes) from the fossil fuel industry
  11. Consume less. Don't buy the latest fashions if your clothes aren't worn out. Don't buy blue jeans with holes in them already, it's a trick to shorten the life span of a durable fabric. Evaluate what you buy and decided whether it is want or need.
  12. Choose what you do buy wisely to include both locally sourced, and fewer disposable and/or plastic packaging
  13. Eat only 100% grass-fed beef. I know they tell you eating meat is a disaster, but that's a lie. Growing corn for the beef is the problem. Cows graze on pastureland that would take mega-amounts of water, fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides to farm, yet the cows can grow there with nothing but what mother nature provides. Besides for that Cornell University and the Environmental Defense fund did a study and decided that making artificial fertilizer emits 100 times more methane than all the cow farts and burps combined

I know this is supposed to be all music - all love. If we don't love the planet, our children and grandchildren won't be here to play any music or survival will be so difficult that music will be an unaffordable luxury.

I live in Florida, 32' above sea level (which is rare around here). Most of my gig customers live less than 5' above sea level. My own livelihood is also at stake.

Do what you can. If we all do a little, the end can mean a lot.

We may have gone too far already, the warming might be impossible to reverse. If that's the case, at least we can stall it off so our children won't have to go through extremely trying days.


Number 2 should be: Walk you lazy buggers!


To be honest, I'm already complying with nearly all the points in the list. No AC, no car, no dryer, no dishwasher, ... you get the idea.


Edited by Wibbles
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41 minutes ago, Byron Dickens said:

The climate on this planet has been changing for +/- 4.5 billion years. 



I've been doing a lot of learning and research (for reasons I won't go into), but this included an Astronomy course, seismic studies (yes, many earthquakes ARE predictable), learning all the non-Euclidean math required, and an eye-opening amount of study around the subject of cycles (like the 26,000+ year "Grand Cycle").

The reality is that the Earth IS changing and will continue to do so regardless of what people do (key part Sparky!).  There are always around 18 volcanoes currently erupting (not just "active") and one big eruption can dwarf what humans can do.  In about 8,000-12,000 years, the area where the Sahara desert currently is, will, once again, be a tropical rain forest area (larger than the Amazon is now) with some of the largest fresh-water lakes on Earth.  These both are still there, just buried under all that sand!  Recent satellite imaging has not only discovered this, but lots of other signs of previous civilizations (which include pyramids - no, the Egyptians did not build these).  It was discovered by one of the space shuttles that there are entire forests flash-frozen under miles of ice in the Antarctic too, and most people already know that the vast majority of the Northern Hemisphere was covered in ice just a few thousand years ago.

However, those who crave power and money will ALWAYS use any situation they can, so what better way than to con people into giving up their freedoms and money than a campaign to "save the planet" for future generations?

P.S.,  IBTL! ?

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