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Red Light Blues


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Red Light Blues

Traditional 12 bar blues style with a couple of modifications.
I've been learning the guitar the last few months and I worked up the nerve to record myself improvising to an Am Pentatonic Blues scale. I'm playing a Schecter Demon 6 into NI Guitar Rig 5 (Overexposure preset).

I'm not at all familiar with guitar amps and effects and such but I think the GR preset I used sounds pretty good. Still have a lot of trouble using a pick - I keep hitting the wrong string pretty often but getting better at it.  ?

I haven't tweaked anything much. Just want to get an idea how it sounds so far.

Thanks for listening.

RealGuitar strums
Kontakt Factory Library  Rock Basic Organ
Ilya Efimov  Modern Bass
Addictive Drums


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Three months in? You're doing fine! Got to start working on your "touch".
I tend to "push" the note, meaning move the string along the fret for my vibrato.
I was "instructed" on the "correct" form by a fiddle player once.
The finger is "anchored" and you "rock" the finger tip.
Yeah right, that ain't the way I seen BB, Clapton, et al. do it...
Actually I tend to play acoustic that way, and some notes I "sting" like that on electric.
You have to "find" your voice; not trying to give a "lesson" here.
That GR patch is just a bit "wet" for me, I'd pull the verb down just a tad...


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For working on the guitar for such a short time, you are sounding doggone good!  I love the humour in this song.  I like the the verb on the guitar.  The lyrics are great and your vocals express the frustration of the lyrics.  Your kind of smokey or gravelly sounding vocals in this song would really adapt to a lot of the more traditional styles of the Blues.  This sounds like the kind of story and song that Albert Collins might do.  Good one my friend!  I enjoyed it and even got a giggle from it!!!

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Glad you got into the mood  ?    of the song.  

Thanks for commenting.

Thanks for the suggestion on the GR preset. I'm pretty much a rookie with that stuff.

Thanks! I'll take the smokey/gravelly description of my voice. Much better than "dull whisper" which is my opinion.

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Cool song and guitar tone. A lot of reverb but I'm a 'verb fan so I like it. The guitar playing sounds like it is coming along just fine. Just my opinion but, if you're having trouble with a pick, try playing with your fingers. Lot's of great guitar players don't use a pick. Just my 2 cents.

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Thanks again for taking the time to comment.

Thanks. It's mainly spoken because my singing... well you know.

Thanks. I didn't notice the reverb much until mentioned here on the forum.  Gonna back off on it when I get around to re-doing the song.

Thanks. Hmmm, psychedelic?  I'm definitely backing off on the reverb!

Thanks.  My 1st reaction to your comment was...whaaat?  But then, yeah I can see your scenario. Open mic night at a coffee shop in the Village. Hipster expounding about a traffic light.

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Fun, meaningful, and throwback as all hell. Instead of bringing everything else up, you might bring the vocal down just a bit? There are some mouth noises that creep in every so often. As is, its psychadelic Cohen Kerouac Dylan Demento territory. Very fun. Your swing timing is spot on - listen to the fadeout at the end. Perfect.

Good luck with that light.




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