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Adjusting Multiple Velocity Notes Quickly


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To my OP:


+1% does not work, if this 1% is lower than 1, so if the value is 50, 1% is 0,5, CbB doesn't ad 0,5 to the value! The value must be at least 100, so there must be another way to add 1% with values less than 100.


I think not possible to add a value of 1 with values less than 100 with a Hotkey. Maybe with a CAL script......




Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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7 hours ago, Heinz Hupfer said:

In the Event Inspector for me only "-20" works, if I want to add values I have to use the Shift Key, means "(Shift)+20" for adding velocity.

If you use Autohotkey, here is a little script for adding and subtracting values to selected notes.


1. Make a Shortcut ("A" in my script) in CbB for "Scale Velocity.

2. With Autohotkey installed just select the notes and press


Shift+(Numpad+) for adding 2% velocity

Shift+(Numpad-) for subtracting 2% velocity

Spinner controls have the +/- on the numeric keypad bound to increase/decrease value. The +/- keys in the typewriter section of the keyboard may be entered directly in the spinner edit field. That is how it is on a standard US Keyboard. I suspect the typewriter keys for +/- on other keyboards work the same way.

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24 minutes ago, Heinz Hupfer said:

+1% does not work, if this 1% is lower than 1, so if the value is 50, 1% is 0,5, CbB doesn't ad 0,5 to the value! The value must be at least 100, so there must be another way to add 1% with values less than 100.

Rarely does multiplying a percent with an integer result in an integer value and velocity must be expressed as an  integer. It appears the devs decided to use a common rounding function to arrive at the final value. Truncating or always rounding up may be valid approaches too. No method is perfect in this case.


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I've attached 4 CAL scripts for adding +1, +2 and subtracting -1,-2 to the values of the selected notes.


Just copy  the files into ...\Cakewalk Content\CakewalkCore\CAL Scripts and Keybind them, I have bound them to Ctrl + "Numpad+" and Ctrl + "Numpad-".

Thanks very much for this idea, I love it to change the velocities per Keyboard!

Additional Link to download:




P.S. There's an error if 1 value reaches 127 or zero, so I added 4 more cals without error in the download Link, but if you reach 127  and go further you are changing the relative velocities if selected more than one note!

By the way thanks scook for the explanations!! 

Velocity -2.cal Velocity +1.cal Velocity +2.cal Velocity -1.cal

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On 1/7/2020 at 8:28 AM, Johnbee58 said:

All's good fellas.  I consider the matter solved.  Thanks all who contributed.


I'm aghast that no one spoke to the easiest and most effective way to do what you want. Select the passage you want to change in PRV. Then in the velocity pane, hover over any selected velocity, till the cursor changes to the bar chart looking thing. Dragging up and down changes the velocities of selected notes uniformly as you know. HOWEVER... holding the SHIFT key down while dragging up and down changes the selected notes by percentage instead! (For whatever reason you have to drag a lot farther to get them to move.) What's more, holding CTRL down while dragging makse it easy to create crescendos by affecting the velocity percentage more the closer the note is to where you are dragging. 

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