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mark skinner

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I wanted to get an 'Indian' feel on this instrumental without using the typical midi sitar type instruments.  I ended up playing a cello an acoustic , a classical , a Tele and a dulcimer.  Any feedback will be greatly appreciated .  Thanks ...  mark                                                                https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/brahma


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Beautifully done!
I must admit I'm woefully ignorant of "Indian" music, beyond all the Harrison pieces, and Ravi Shanker at Monterey Pop.
I don't get a Raga feel at all here, not that that matters.
Correct me if I'm wrong, this is you on the Cello? Remarkable!

One of my wife's uncles is a cellist, and a quite good one as well, the other uncle was the Stud Lead Guitar;
whoops, check that, the Principal Clarinetist for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra for many years.
He lead me to believe that that is in effect, the Stud Lead Guitar Player (my words, not exactly his)
of the band or Orchestra as it were or is or; well you get my meaning.

So, as I have rambled on here aimlessly let me summarize;

Two BIG Snaps, and a backfield in motion! (google it, its hilarious)

I don't think just thumbs up was gonna be enough...

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Hi mark skinner . . . really like this piece, a most enjoyable listen ! On first listen, for myself (being a singer) I just wanted to just sing along, and waited for some vocals to appear, but as it moved along I was totally comfortable with it being an instrumental groove. Normally, I expect some chord changes, or section change ups . . . but I must say the variations and jazzy interactions of all the instruments kept my interest all the way through. I totally get the Indian vibe here, especially at the end where it became more obvious. I'm also curious where you got the inspiration to write this ? . . . do you listen to a lot of Indian music, or maybe saw a concert somewhere ?


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Thanks for all the great comments and suggestions. I guess I'm getting past the "It's too bassy" comments I usually get. I've been leaning on Izotope a little harder.  To Spak ..  have a go at some lyrics.  To Tom Deering .. Yes I'm playing the cello , I'm starting to get the feel of it. I've got probably about 40 hrs. total playing one and enjoyed every second of it.  Thanks again ..You guys are great...  mark

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I love the way that you built in a sense of urgency through the rhythm  while the rest of the song (in fact the overall feel of the song) had a general laid back feel to it.  Your cello sounded great but being a guitar guy, I really enjoyed the guitar work.

You have put together some great sounds and feelings in this song.


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Hi Mark

Very nice indeed and great job  - sounds great to me  on my KRK VXT8's + my sub - I  also ran it through my Avantones (no sub)    which have the ability to make just about anything sound crap, but this still sounded good - in fact they brought up the Cello, which was good thing!



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One of those songs that brightens up the morning and puts a smile on your face. The cello can be such an expressive instrument and I thought you played it very well. Really like how it interacts with the other instruments, though I wanted the cello brought out a bit more.

I didn't get an Indian feel except maybe at the end but that's okay. If you really want an Indian sound I'd recommend Native Instruments India - amazing stuff.

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  On 12/29/2019 at 3:14 PM, mark skinner said:

I wanted to get an 'Indian' feel on this instrumental without using the typical midi sitar type instruments.  I ended up playing a cello an acoustic , a classical , a Tele and a dulcimer.  Any feedback will be greatly appreciated .  Thanks ...  mark                                                                https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/brahma



From the first note I heard I knew it would be good .really liked it 

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