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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Then I put that on YOU to delivery for the rest of the month leading up to Black Friday as well as the following cyber week and possibly through to the end of the year and up to a week trailing after New Years. All hail King Lemar. Do not, let us down Lemar.
  2. Low prices like these are especially where people get sucked into buy something that they already have way better versions of.. like I got Blue Street Brass and Hollywood Brass just to name a couple so I'm gonna spend this money on dinner at McDonald's.
  3. Simeon, remember way back when I asked you--pressed you--for what your favorite piano vst was/is? You wouldn't budge. I even said what if someone had a gun to your head to choose a favorite and you.. well you responded with this emoticon ? lol. But since you're here figured I'd try you again. What's that favorite piano vst over there bud? I know one popped up in your mind when you read this?
  4. I'd say you're not getting worse
  5. Chances are really good that you bought it at least once out of those three times. Whether or not that purchase was before or after the free(?) acquisition(s)..
  6. I saw a bearded guy w/ glasses on YouTube saying you shouldn't be messing with anything less than 4tb drives these days, so I'm following that advice, whoever he was.
  7. Guess I scored Eventide Shimmer, Eventide Rotary, Boz Wall, Melda Align, and it looks like a free UVI piano for $58. I had to check my stash o plugs first to make sure I wasn't buying something I already had, as I thought I already had Eventide Shimmer and the Wall. Not bad for 58 bucks I guess and I didn't even mean to buy anything from that or any other deal but that's what I get for coming here today.
  8. Well dang, now I know it ain't worth it. We just don't pay that kinda dollar for that kinda thing round here
  9. Last time I paid this much for an fx plugin was.
  10. Try Taco Time. Much better food, much higher prices and so should be easier to reign in. If this is the only thing you're dropping dollars on all the time there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're buying smart, ie good stuff that's well vetted, and using it. I'm a lifelong musician in life and craft and I don't consider myself a hobbyist in that, but I *have* recently given in to an expensive side hobby--woodworking--which I've always tinkered with here and there, but recently I've gone all in on it and so has my wallet chain. In just the last few months I've bought jigsaws and circular saws, expensive portable shop table, squares, and just a bunch of other tools. And just when I think I have all the tools I need, there's more tools I need. Then there's wood, and how neither Lowe's nor Home Depot can truly come through in that regard for quality hardwood, so I have to go to lumber yards. All I wanted was to build a dang footstool real quick and now here I am building a pop-up wood shop in my bathroom. And now there's this 8dio string library that I'm about to buy after I'm done riding this since the $35 sale is still on. And I'll get the $8 deal from them too afterward. I'm just saying, if this music thing is all you're really dropping money on I think you're in good shape.. unless you're into cars or something too. Yeah I'm also gonna be buying up to four 4tb ssds too. You realize that's like $1600~ just for those?!
  11. The guy to the immediate left of the guy in the middle in the green windbreaker.. I'm gonna blame him when XLN goes out of business. I mean look at this guy.. he won't even look at the camera.. he's over it already, I can tell. Yeah, I'm gonna blame him whoever he is.
  12. Yeah the pianos and synth are $19 on Plugin Boutique too, but this is a better deal if you want both. If you got some cash credit at Plugin Boutique you can get one cheaper if you already have the other.
  13. But 'need' doesn't always have to be predicated on a professional need. Focus on the emotional benefits which can pay endless dividends in times like these, but that you'll also benefit from system stability. It should be easier to convince her of this than say getting a new guitar, because frankly guys don't need yet *another* guitar, but you do need to upgrade for stability just like a car needs maintenance. Really can't argue with that. And when she grants you this, do something super nice for her. Then rinse and repeat next year or however often you need to upgrade.
  14. What was to be your reasoning for the Komplete upgrade? This could be helpful to us.
  15. Wait I thought Studio One was about to get the shaft? Isn't that what Lar.. oop, ibtl
  16. What about Cakewalk Bandlab's strategy? What money's even being made there? Different thread/topic I know but I don't even know what their strategy is to keep this daw around
  17. Cool, so that's 1 of like 50 character pianos that was recommended to me. Plus Emisynth is cool too so I'll probably grab this, thanks
  18. I just hope Abacab's right about XLN, because I just bought that 10 pack of drums recently, and I already got f'd once by Cakewalk's "lifetime updates" grift. So if XLN pulls that s#!t I'm gonna be real, real upset ?
  19. Gat dang that horse got beat to s#!t didn't it
  20. It's a great daw for musicians. I got into Cakewalk in 92' when I had those Metal Method guitar instruction videos from Doug Marks on VHS, and he recommended Cakewalk, which was merely at 3.0 then. I didn't get a copy till 5 years later though. Dang, I'm away from my daw for a couple weeks so I can't verify if I already have this delay plugin or not, but I feel like do and that I probably got it free. I mean I haven't used it yet but I always fire a plug-in up once after I install it and that interface looks really familiar lol
  21. What kind of d NI deal did you get, like what did you pay for both?
  22. Where did you get the cowboy ahhs and the shouts, or did you just use a men's choir library for the ohs and ahs? Because I can see that working too. Cool tune. Yeah I heard the pick slide ?
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