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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Hey that's actually pretty dope! I was totally gonna pass on that Foghorn too w/o even checking it out as I imagined just some pointless horn lol so thanks for the tip, you know what I think that might do for now..
  2. Soundiron really needs to make a blaster beam library. It's just about the only thing missing from their 'spooky' lineup at this point.
  3. Heck yeah @Simeon Amburgey coming through with the code! Thanks brother ?
  4. That sounds like a rebuke to me ibtl
  5. So where do I get a blaster beam library?
  6. Yeah I'm gonna grab that pipe organ and that theremin so I can get that that spooky sound combo going
  7. Anyone got an extra coupon code for like an extra 5% off or something? Recently someone posted such a coupon code right after I bought drinking piano on sale, then someone said "here goes a code for an extra 5% off" - but it was too late, so figured I'd ask this time
  8. Shut this f'n thread down already ibtl
  9. Thanks Reid. But there's no clear way to see your cart on their website. I'm really hating their website. I can see the audio demos but they won't play. Probably it's my phone's browser not working right, but how do you see what's in your cart
  10. I just remembered that I have East West backup singers or whatever it is, which I imagine would do what this thing does and better. But I wouldn't know as I have yet to install and fire it up
  11. Is this any good? Can't seem to locate a quick demo
  12. There's no way this clingy outfit would allow that
  13. The alpha needs to be tried now and again
  14. Actually Lar has encouraged people before to post a deal if he's missed a deal.
  15. I've beat the king a good handful of times over the years.. three or four IIRC. He almost never checks the Synth Magic sales. I suspect he will now though.
  16. Lol I think it's the lack of quotation marks in Larry's cut and paste jobs.. if one didn't know better it can look as though Larry is the one "saying" what he's posted when he posts a deal, but he's actually cut and pasted something and he does it so many times a day that he doesn't bother to put quotes around it anymore.
  17. Ok I'm all caught up now. And I agree, getting rid of Cool Edit Pro was amateur hour.
  18. What went down? Nothing wrong with saying what happened and I know I ain't the only one who's curious.
  19. You can get that better deal vicariously through me bro ❤️ I'm about to order exactly two right now
  20. Hey Simeon, just a quick OT - who designed your logo?
  21. Thanks all. Seems every time I decide I want a particular library the dev just got done having the biggest sale they've ever had.
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