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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. I recently purchased this and I highly recommend it. Not a lot of presets but most are really beautiful. You might get more presets from something else, but this has the stuff that would be your favorites and you would use. And the UI is simple and to my mind beautiful, very similar to LABS. It would have been nice to get it for free but I like to support small developers.
  2. I bought the Piccolo for $18 in December and the English Horn for $28 in February I got the Alto Flute at a discount - I think it was $18 And they have raised the list price on the solo instruments from $98 to $138. But they are good instruments for virtuoso out-front playing. Worth $38 for sure.
  3. I'm still waiting for them to give me a compelling reason to upgrade from Acid 7. If anybody wants stems extracted they can just buy a plugin that does that, like Regroover, which is often deeply discounted.
  4. I'm with @Sergio. I like this new breed of stripped-down synths that are designed to be easier to program, like Rob Papen's Go2, Arturia's Pigments, and this. Massive X looks awesome but I don't know if I have the time to learn it. But Super 8 will no doubt be included in Komplete 13, so I'm going to wait for it.
  5. Spitfire did a poll on Facebook about which library people wanted to have half off. And Albion One won. So if you put it on your Wish List now, it will be available for half off once the Wish List sale starts, which I believe is Monday.
  6. Yes, the presets are available to anybody who downloads Custom Shop, but they aren't very useful because you need the complete set of T-RackS for ALL of the presets to work.
  7. A few days ago I was in the APD store cursing myself that I didn't have the $$ or sense to take advantage of the deal on ISW Ventus Winds. I'm not missing out on this one. I love world instruments and ISW is such a great company.
  8. Also, the T-RackS MAX Crossgrade is $180 on the IK site. With enough JamPoints it can be as low as $126. 38 T-Racks modules, plus you can use all the free presets by Tom Lord-Alge, Richard Chycki, Dave Way, Earle Holder, and Nick Davis.
  9. I read in VI:Control that Arturia is having some issues with the upgrade pricing for their V customers. So if you feel you're being overcharged, and are interested in V7--write them.
  10. Silk Road Percussion is $4.99, but if you can handle the expense, it's the best of the SONiVOX products I've tried. It is a great world drum library. Atsia Percussion is also good, and it is $2.49.
  11. This set of 18 blocks from Unfiltered Audio also is free. They also have a paid version that has 140 blocks. Looks like people can really do a lot with Modular Sunthesis in Blocks without spending any $$$.
  12. Great news. ToyBox has 130 modules, divided into 4 sets. The first set is free and has 44 modules. Details are HERE . My question is whether this works inside Blocks, or whether it is just a separate modular setup for Reaktor, similar to Blocks.
  13. To clarify this: Blocks Base is kind of an intro to Reaktor Blocks. It comes with 24 simple blocks and 30 preset racks. You can see the blocks HERE. It is included free with Komplete Start, so people who have that will see it in Native Access. Blocks Primes ($99) adds 23 much more sophisticated blocks and 50 preset racks, divided into the categories: Kodiak, West Coast (Buchla-inspired), Boutique (synths of the past), Modern (state-of-the-art), Digilog, and NI All Stars (based on Monark and Rounds, as well as Driver). You can see these blocks HERE Both run in Reaktor Player. Both are included in all versions of Komplete or if you own full Reaktor. They both synch up with hardware through CV with the Connectivity Module. In the future, there will be new blocks and racks sold by third parties. These partner blocks can be used by anybody who has Blocks Base.
  14. They are a small developer run by very young people. They had their own site. They haven't been around very long--maybe 2017--and have produced only a handful of libraries. They go the minimal route with libraries with a single articulation. Two legato vocals and one legato horn. A staccato piano. Even though I own many more expensive vocal libraries, their Solo Legato is my favorite, and it inspired me to make this video the first day I got it. I wanted to show how it played live, with no fussing around in the DAW. It's a version of a Puccini aria that Maria Callas liked to use as an encore in her solo concerts. They released the solo horn around Christmas for 2 euros and everybody went crazy for it. Then, mysteriously, they stopped selling all their libraries. Now we know why.
  15. By the way, people talk about Pro-R, Valhalla, etc, all the time. They should really listen to the 3 T-RackS reverbs, because they are amazing. I use them all the time. They are very customizable and stack up very well against the competition. More please!
  16. Don't get mad at me as this isn't a sale. But Majestic Horn is still only 2 euros and that is one the greatest deals ever. Pick it up HERE Also, Maxime and everybody at Organic Samples with have Teldex and all the resources of Orchestral Tools going forward. I hope they keep their prices the same. ☺️
  17. You probably all got the video on the new Blocks Primes. If not you can see it HERE
  18. Thanks. Good to know. Still, it is true that IK generously rewards patient customers, or at least customers who come along late in the game. I didn't own any paid T-RackS modules until I bought T-RackS 5 MAX last year. And that was a great deal. I absolutely love the series and recommend it to everybody.
  19. According to EvilDragon (Mario Krušelj) on VI:Control, BLOCKS BASE and BLOCKS PRIME accompany the latest Reaktor 6.3 update, which introduces front panel patching to Blocks in a new mode called Racks.
  20. It is really good and absolutely worth the money, but if you wait a few months (or maybe weeks) IK will sell you all 38 T-RackS modules for $199. I had some jampoints, so I got T-RackS MAX last May for $150. T-RackS 6 will be out soon, so a patient person will be able to get around 43 modules for $199. Just saying. ☺️
  21. There is now this deal for 20% off on everything including Best Service. It's for first time purchases only. 48 hours. I'm not eligible for it. I "don't meeet the requirements." Maybe because I just bought a Best Service product?
  22. If it hadn't been for your link, I wouldn't have had a chance to get "lucky." Thank you, Larry! For this, and so many other things.
  23. Just bought Tarilonte's Celtic Era for $129.50. Aside from Best Service's BOGO deals, that's the best price I've ever seen. EDIT: In fact, I can't find it on Reverb.com any more, so maybe it was a mistake? I've been happy to get Tarilonte libraries in the $155 price range.
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